The Storm God

Chapter 3856 Three birds with one stone! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Bai Xiaofei, who was in a meeting to study and discuss how to upgrade Sentinel Hunter in several directions, suddenly received a communication from Apocalypse.


Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt very strange.

He personally handed this communication device to Darkseid, which means that if there is any trouble that cannot be solved, he can ask him for help.


There is a fee.

Darkseid used it once before, but Bai Xiaofei was in retreat to understand the way of death, so he directly transferred it to Aya.

But what is it this time?

It seems that Apocalypse didn't encounter anything, right? Could it be that Darkseid was bored and wanted to chat with himself?

Not just Bai Xiaofei.

Aya next to her also felt baffled.

However, what she thought was relatively simple, don't care so much about him, since it was the other party who came to find him, she had to connect it first and have a look before talking.

Anyway, the initiative is always on your side.


Bai Xiaofei understood Aya's eyes, and it happened that he also wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Darkseid's gourd.


He got in touch.

The next moment, Darkseid's voice came out: "Bai Xiaofei, I contacted you this time to tell you something important..."


Bai Xiaofei understood what Darkseid meant.

Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps had previously cooperated to develop a very special and perverted body, but it was snatched away by the Black Lantern Corps.

And the other party is likely to use this thing to create more incarnations of the Black Death Emperor. If this is the case, the consequences will be unimaginable.

What Darkseid meant was that he hoped that Bai Xiaofei would not stand idly by and actively take action to stop the plot of the Black Lantern Corps.

at the same time……

Darkseid still generously gave Bai Xiaofei a list, which was all about the raw materials needed for the creation of the ultimate demon-like black lamp destroyer body.

"What do you think?"

After finishing the communication, Bai Xiaofei looked directly at Aya.

After all, Aya was the only person who had touched Scarface's black lamp ring at that time, and no one knew better than her what was inside.


Aya froze for a moment.

Then he said: "Dakseid did ask about the body at the time, but he didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it was nothing. How could I have imagined that it was such a terrible biological weapon..."

"If what the other party said is true, then things will be troublesome. It's just a simple incarnation of the Black Death Emperor, which is so difficult to deal with. If it is replaced by this terrifying thing that has immortality and infinite evolution... ..."

"The consequences are simply unimaginable!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He felt that this matter was probably true. After all, it involved the safety of the entire universe. No matter how careful Darkseid was, he couldn't make fun of his own safety.

The point is, he doesn't want to be used as a gun.

Even if this matter is true, how to do it specifically, and how to prevent the Black Lantern Legion from collecting relevant materials, a regulation must be drawn up.


Aya rolled her eyes and suddenly had an idea. She said with a smile, "It just so happens that we now have a batch of new sentinel hunters that have just been released. Why don't we ask them to set up a mission, which can be regarded as a practical application, how about it?"


Bai Xiaofei also had this intention, and nodded in agreement when he heard the words: "This will indeed save a lot of effort, but the distance should not be too far, and the enemy and scale should not be too large, otherwise, if there is a mistake, it will easily expose us. A lot of information..."

"How about this."

"Go and check the range of operations of the Black Lantern Corps in the area near us, as well as the materials and materials they may have..."

"I'll call Sinestro over later to discuss specific actions and stop the Black Lantern Corps."


Although Aya's mechanical army restrains the Black Lantern Army and is not afraid of being infected and contracted, it is undoubtedly the emotional power of the Lantern that is truly lethal to the Black Lantern.

After all, they originate from the Light of Creation.

The fusion of two or more emotional powers can produce a trace of creative power, which is the most beneficial and deadly weapon against Heilan.

With the escort of the Lantern Man, there is no need to worry about the safety of the least experiment.


Regarding Bai Xiaofei's order, Aya has no meaning.


She found out the result.

He also called Sinestro over, and Sinestro also agreed with the use of the new Sentinel Hunter to deal with the Black Lantern Legion.

He said: "If you fight on a small scale, there should be no problem. I will choose a few top-level lantern men to accompany me. Even if there are black-robed men in the enemy camp to escort them, there is no need to be afraid at all!"


"I'm referring to ordinary people in black robes. If it's the kind before, if I didn't say it, I'm afraid only the gentleman can deal with it."

"Aya, have you decided where to start?"


Aya smiled.

Then with a wave of jade hand, he pointed directly to a certain area in the star map, and said, "I've decided, let's start from here!"


Bai Xiaofei looked at the star map, raised his brows slightly and said, "This location is not simple, it is quite close to the sphere of influence of Apocalypse, and at the same time it is one of the important production areas for the raw materials needed by the Black Lantern Corps to plunder the Destroyer."

"Aiya, you chose this place as your goal. It seems that you are not only doing experiments, but also looking at Apocalypse's attitude towards this matter..."

"And show off your fists in front of the opponent!"


He saw through Aya's little thoughts at a glance.

Aiya laughed and said: "It is necessary to be defensive. Although Apocalypse has ceased fighting with us now, the relationship between the two parties has not completely eased. God knows what the other party's purpose is for telling this news..."

"This is just right. First, you can test the combat power of the new Sentinel Hunter, and second, you can see the attitude and reaction of Apocalypse..."

"If they act positively and cooperate very well, it means that everything is true, and the other party told us the news because of helplessness, but even so, we can't be used by the other party as a weapon, and we have to fight together... "

"On the other hand, if the other party is pretending to be stupid, then it has ulterior motives. We don't need to pay attention to it at all, and we can even follow the tricks and counter the other party's tricks..."


What Aya said made sense.

Sinestro couldn't help but praised: "Great! Kill three birds with one stone, Aya is becoming more and more like a gentleman in strategizing!"


He even gave Aiya a thumbs up.

But Aya gave him a blank look, and said: "Hehe, Sinestro, how can I compare to you, you are the best when you shoot two people at the same time with one sentence!"


Sinestro smiled silently.

Xin said, you girl, you are not happy to praise you out of my kindness, I think you are getting more and more drifting!

Bai Xiaofei just smiled and didn't care about the small fight between the two, but Aya's proposal was fully approved by him.

Bai Xiaofei immediately made a decision and said, "Okay, let's choose this place!"


Two days later.

Aya and Sinestro each led a pair of troops, passed through the space gate, and came directly to the star field agreed upon by the plan.

According to the detected news, soon, a group of Black Lantern Corps men and horses will pass by here and enter the planet Oslo to snatch the raw materials for creating the Destroyer.

The reason why Aya and the others showed up with great fanfare is to let Apocalypse find out and tell them that we are fighting the Black Lantern Legion.

It's a test.

I just want to see what attitude and reaction Apocalypse will have at that time.


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