The Storm God

Chapter 3857 Troop training! (Please subscribe!)


Sinestro crossed his arms, squinted his eyes and stared at the void in front of him, and asked, "Do you think Apocalypse will stand up this time?"

"have no idea."

Aya shook her head.

He replied with a smile: "Dakseid is very difficult to figure out, and now that there is one more Dream God Lord Morpheus by his side, it is even more difficult to figure out..."


"According to the analysis of the current situation, I guess most people will be sent to help in the battle. As for whether it is an elite force..."

"That's not known yet."



That is, Apocalypse is probably just putting on a show.

The main thing is to rely on yourself.


Sinestro agreed with this, nodded and said: "That's right, relying on others is worse than relying on ourselves. For this operation, we must prepare for the worst and ensure the safety of raw materials..."


He turned his gaze.

Beside Sinestro, more than a dozen top Lanterns were lined up and ready for battle.

Similarly, the brand-new sentinel hunters commanded by Aya also all work together to form a special battle formation.

All is ready except for the opportunity.


at the same time.

Apocalypse, about the actions of Aya and others, Darkseid also received news soon.


Regarding whether to play or not, there are two voices.

One doesn't want to fight, and sits on the mountain to watch the tigers fight. After all, they have their own things to do, and they don't have time to talk to them.

Moreover, who knows if the other party will count on him?

In short.

Be careful.

And the other side thinks.

Now we should focus on the overall situation. Aiya and others appeared there to stop the Black Lantern Legion.

Since the distance is relatively close to the sphere of influence of Apocalypse, he should show his sincerity so as not to be picked on.

This is not conducive to future cooperation.


Regarding the two opinions, Dakseid remained silent.

After a long while.

Only then did he set his eyes on Murphys, the Oneiroi, and asked lightly, "What do you think, Oneiroi?"

Although this guy is down and out now, he made Bai Xiaofei suffer a lot before, so Darkseid is very concerned about the opinion of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

after all……

The enemy who knows the enemy best is the enemy of the enemy.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, pondered for a moment.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "I should take the initiative to attack this matter. After all, that guy Bai Xiaofei will take revenge. If we let him down this time, with his personality, I'm afraid he will definitely find a chance to get revenge and come back twice..."

"What's more, the current situation is quite unfavorable to us. In the three-defense situation, only our Apocalypse is at a disadvantage..."

"To take the initiative, at least it can guarantee a good cooperation with Bai Xiaofei, even if it's just pretending, it's definitely better than doing nothing!"


He has nothing to hide.

Give your opinion very sincerely.

To this.

Darkseid didn't say much.

Just nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "You all heard it, just do what you told him, and immediately send someone to the target location..."


Everyone dare not neglect.

Quickly answered, followed by one after another began to act.


the other side.

A group of fighters from the Black Lantern Legion are rapidly traveling through the universe.

They were neatly formed, and their fighting power was not low. The leader was a black robe, one of the incarnations of the Black Death Emperor.

this time.

Their goal is the raw material of a certain planet ahead.

Because it is relatively close to the sphere of influence of Apocalypse, Appa attached great importance to this operation and sent a man in black robes as the leader and guarantee.


He obviously underestimated the abilities of Aya and others.

Just after passing through the wormhole, the team was shocked to find that someone had been waiting for them for a long time.


No nonsense.

Aya, who finally saw the enemy, immediately gave the order to attack.

The new version of Sentinel Hunter, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately launched the formation, showing their magical powers like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. At that time, the Black Lantern Army was fooled.


It's just dumbfounded.

After all, the leader of this team is Heipao, one of the incarnations of the Black Death Emperor, even if it is a poorer one, it is definitely not easy for ordinary people to defeat.

Most of the sentinel hunters' attacks were almost blocked by the black robe alone, and only a small part fell on the other members of the black lamp.

But with Heileng's powerful recovery ability, ordinary attacks are really not taken seriously, and he can recover in minutes.

But even so.

There were still a few unlucky ones, who were not very lucky, and were directly blasted to the Black Lantern Ring, and just died, completely GG.


The black robe sensed something was wrong.

With dark and deep eyes, he looked at the main attacking sentinel hunter in an instant, and said suspiciously: "These mechanical hunters seem to have different abilities from before..."

The Sentinel Hunter is a combination of the Mechanical Hunter and the Sentinel.

The attack method is relatively simple, and only in close combat will the corresponding restraint method be simulated according to the enemy's ability.

Long-range attacks will greatly restrain this ability.

This is the Black Lantern Legion's perception of Sentinel Hunters, but now, the situation seems to be a little different.

The sentinel hunters in front of them seem to be more intelligent and agile, and their abilities are also richer and stronger.

Even some sentinel hunters have extraordinary special superpowers, such as light wave attack, energy projection and so on.

To know.

This was absolutely impossible before.

Because no matter how advanced a machine is, it is still a machine, and it is impossible to have certain characteristics and abilities of a living being.

Unless it is a biochemical robot.


The sentinel hunters in front of him, the black robes are very sure that they are not of the biochemical type, because the opponents are not affected by the power of death at all, and still have a strong ability to restrain the black lamp.

That is.

They are also purely mechanical products.

So the question is, what is going on in all this?

Is it a newly developed special version?


"I remember that among the treasures snatched from the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse, there is a Kryptonian annihilator system, which can transfer consciousness and abilities to other individuals..."

"Could it be that the Annihilator system fell into Aya's hands, and then he modified it and applied it to the Sentinel Hunter?"


Heipao is not an idiot.

Almost instantly, he figured out the reason.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of anger, because he suddenly realized that he and others were actually regarded as living targets for military training by Aya.

It just doesn't make sense!


In a rage.

The black robe erupted, rolling in the power of death, turning into a giant death scythe, and directly slashed at the new version of the sentinel hunter.

This knife seems to have crossed the space.

It was clear that the blade was still far away from the sentinel hunters, but the invisible terrifying pressure instantly made many sentinel hunters' formations appear disordered, and even showed signs of collapse.

This is just the beginning, if he is really cut straight by the death scythe that is afraid of Hei, the consequences will be unimaginable!


Even in the face of such a situation.

Aya and Sinestro on the opposite side still showed indifferent expressions, as if it was just an ordinary attack.

There is no need to worry at all.

next moment.


The blade of the death scythe finally slashed off.

The void immediately shattered.

The horrific destructive power, like an invisible blade, directly extended from the other side of the starry sky to the Sentinel Hunter in an instant.

It looks like it's about to be ruthlessly torn apart...


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