The Storm God

Chapter 3859 Long overdue! (Please subscribe!)


Poor members of the Black Lantern who were illuminated by the light seemed to be splashed with sulfuric acid or hot magma.

The whole person was corroded in an instant.

The Black Lantern Legion in their hands didn't even have a little time to react and rescue, and they were melted into slag together.

Immediately completely GG.


It is the terrifying power formed by a hundred or so sentinel hunters combined with all forces concentrated and erupted.

Although there was no great threat to the black robe himself, it instantly destroyed countless death vortices and wiped out dozens of members of the black lamp.

Such power can be said to be quite awesome.

What is match elimination?

This is!


Soon, the light dissipated.

Everything returned to calm, and the atmosphere on the scene was almost audible.

The black robe stared blankly at the corpses of dozens of Black Lantern members who had turned into slag and completely cooled down, and the death vortex that collapsed and dissipated...

There are also sentinel hunters on the opposite side who are unscathed, but their energy intensity has been weakened by several levels in an instant...

this moment.

He suddenly had some doubts about life.


I was really fighting with a group of mass-produced robots just now, instead of some bosses pretending to be machines?

The face slap came so fast, no wonder he was so shocked.

Because of such a situation, few people can withstand it. Even Aya and Sinestro were prepared in their hearts, but after seeing it with their own eyes, they were severely surprised.

"I rely on it!"

"So fierce?!"


Sinestro finally broke.

The calm expression was gone, replaced by a deep shock and fear, because he thought it was difficult to parry the attack just now.

Even though it didn't have any impact on the black robe, it was entirely because the main power of the attack was wasted due to the destruction of countless death vortexes swarming in.

If all the core strength and attack targets were placed on the black robe from the beginning, even if the opponent was on guard, he would probably suffer a lot.


The attack strength of this blow has reached a certain limit, and even big men like Sinestro cannot completely ignore it.

after all.

The move just now originated from the unique skill of the Twelve Gold Saints Aries - Starlight Extinction.

This trick is not only the accumulation of energy, but also involves the deeper space, mind power, spirit, and lawful forces such as destruction.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to wipe out all the death vortexes with one move.


Only law can fight law.

Even though the black robe is only a trace of the incarnation of the Black Death Emperor, the essence of its power has not changed because of this.

If you want to fight against his power of death and darkness, you must use the power of the same level, or even higher law.

Otherwise, the mantis is acting like a cart, looking for a dead end.

The results are obvious.

The collective version of Starlight Extinction erupted by a combination of more than a hundred sentinel hunters is indeed powerful.


The side effects of this trick are also extremely huge.

After a hundred or so sentinel hunters released this move, their own energy instantly dropped to an extremely terrifying level.

Even the most basic formation maintenance can hardly hold up.

Now they, not to mention dealing with the black robe, I am afraid that even ordinary members of the black lamp can easily dismantle them into scrap iron.


"It seems that a similar move can only be used once, and it will directly affect the follow-up battle due to too much loss..."

"But even so, it is enough to surprise people."


Aya was beyond excited.

Looking at the sentinel hunters, their energy dropped as a whole, and their combat effectiveness was no longer what it used to be, and they immediately lost the will to continue the experiment.

after all……

Now they are too weak.

Continuing to experiment is just giving people away for nothing. Apart from wasting resources, there is no benefit at all.

She wouldn't do such a stupid thing.


Order now.

Get all sentinel hunters back to the team.

On the other side, the black robe who was beaten in the face and suffered heavy losses quit, and wanted to run away after pretending to be forced? How can there be such a good thing!

"Leave them all to me!"


The angry black robe shot again.

The terrifying death scythe cut across the void, and the terrifying power of death tore everything apart, as if it wanted to take away all the sentinel hunters in one wave.

And at this moment.


The power of two bright emotional spectrums, one yellow and one green, turned into a knife and a sword respectively, directly holding the black robe's death sickle.

The one who shot was Sinestro.

no way.

Apart from Aya, the only one who could deal with the black robe on the scene was Sinestro, and the rest of the top Lanternmen were still a little bit of a loser.

However, it is more than enough to deal with other members of the Black Lantern.

"What kind of skill is bullying a group of robots? Why don't we do two tricks? I will definitely accompany you to the end!"

Sinestro said with a hey smile.

The terrifying combat power that the Sentinel Hunter erupted just now also aroused his fighting spirit, and he couldn't help but want to have a good fight with the black robe in front of him.

Sinestro's intuition told himself that this black robe didn't seem very scary, and it was just suitable for sharpening himself.

Then he rushed out.


The black robe froze.

Staring at the fighting spirit of Sinestro, he glanced at Aya who was recovering the sentinel hunter...


In Sinestro's expectant eyes, he flinched.

He snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and the death scythe disappeared in an instant, while other members of the black lantern gathered around the black robe.

"I'll let you go this time, but with your strength, do you want to prevent us from collecting the raw materials of the Destroyer?"

"Simply overwhelmed!"


After saying a harsh word, the black robe led a group of Black Lantern members to open the death black hole, and teleported away.

To this.

Sinestro didn't stop it.

Because he knew that even if Heipao really wanted to leave, he couldn't stop him. The point is that there is absolutely no need for that.

The purpose of their coming here is mainly to prevent the opponent from collecting the raw materials for creating the Destroyer, and to test the actual combat ability of the new version of the Sentinel Hunter...

And look at the attitude of Apocalypse.


The first two goals have been achieved, but the last one has not yet been achieved. Whether the black robe can go or not is really meaningless.

The key point is that the Sentinel Hunter's combat power was too unexpected. How long did it take, and the matter was almost resolved, making Sinestro a little dazed and speechless.

The first two goals were completed ahead of schedule, and the enemy also ran away, but the people from Apocalypse still arrived...

What are you doing now?

Is it possible to stay here and wait for them to come over?


Sinestro looked at Aya, and Aya also looked at Sinestro, both of them had wry smiles and helplessness in their eyes.

In the end, it was Aya who spoke first, and said: "Let's continue to wait, even if there is no enemy, but as long as Apocalypse sends someone over, at least it will explain the attitude of the other party..."


If no one ever comes, it's a different story.

In view of the different performances of Apocalypse, Aiya and others will also adopt a corresponding attitude towards Apocalypse in the future.

at the same time.

They also had to guard against the possibility of the Black Lantern Legion killing them back. After all, the raw materials of the Destroyer were of great importance and could not be sloppy.

that's all.

After Aya and Sinestro waited for a long time, the "sincerity" troops sent by Apocalypse finally arrived late.


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