The Storm God

Chapter 3860 Robbery of the black lamp! (Please subscribe!)


Sinestro sneered and said, "Finally they came. Although it's a bit late, it's better than not coming. We can barely count them as qualified..."

It is some distance away from the base of Apocalypse. Although it is within the sphere of influence of Apocalypse, it is a very remote area.

Even if Apocalypse opens the sonic boom channel, it will take more than an hour at the fastest to travel the whole way.

And it was about this time since the big battle just now.

That is.

Calculating according to the time, Apocalypse should send someone to set off immediately after learning of the arrival of Aiya and others.

If it is a normal situation, after the people from Apocalypse come, they will normally be able to fight, and they won't make a trip in vain.


The new version of Sentinel Hunter is too powerful.

Far exceeding expectations, the battle ended ahead of schedule, so that after Qixing's people rushed over that day, all they saw was the lonely Aiya and the others, and then they couldn't help but look confused.

"what's the situation?"

"Is this because the enemy hasn't come yet? But it shouldn't be. According to the time calculation, the Black Lantern Legion should have arrived long ago..."

"Why can't a single enemy be seen?"


Apocalypse is not blind either.

They also calculated and analyzed the actions of the Black Lantern Corps, but for some reason, their manpower was not enough, and they could not achieve all-round control.

after all……

The universe is too vast and vast.

Even if Apocalypse has a large sphere of influence, it is impossible to strictly govern and manage all areas and locations.

This is also one of the important reasons why they informed Bai Xiaofei and others of the goal of the Black Lantern Corps, otherwise they would definitely do it themselves.

To know.

After grabbing those raw materials, they can also use them to create their own version of the ultimate demon-like destroyer.

Although without the blessing of the power of the black lamp, the combat power effect will be greatly reduced, but the materials used will also be relatively reduced.

With the reduction of cost, the difficulty of its mass production will also be greatly weakened, thus greatly increasing the number of masters of Apocalypse.

But unfortunately...

The wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

It's not that Apocalypse doesn't want to do this, but it's simply that they can't monopolize this business. For the sake of the overall situation and for themselves, they can only reluctantly give up.

As for Bai Xiaofei and others, after snatching these raw materials, will they use them to develop and manufacture their own version of the ultimate biological weapon...

Is this still a question?


You know, many of Bai Xiaofei's Lantern Warriors are clone fighters, such as the green and fat red lantern...

The strength of the Destroyer is far more terrifying than the green fat.

Darkseid did not believe that after Bai Xiaofei had such high-level materials, he would not use them to strengthen himself.

after all……

Under Bai Xiaofei's command, there are also a lot of Kryptonian technology.

Even at the level of biotechnology, Bai Xiaofei once surpassed Apocalypse, but there is such a treasure without...


Even fools don't believe it!

Closer to home.

The person sent by Apocalypse this time is led by a top fighter, and Aiya and others have never seen it much anyway.

It is estimated that he has just been promoted. Although his combat power is high, his foundation is not solid, and he is obviously a type of high-level cannon fodder.

But even so, Apocalypse has at least shown his attitude and will not stand on the sidelines.


How much effort will be put forward to cooperate, it is not certain.

Anyway, Aiya and the others didn't care much about it, so they came from Apocalypse and after some casual politeness, the two parties parted ways.

As for the raw materials used to create the Destroyer on the nearby planet, it is naturally owned by Aya and others.

after all……

In this battle, Apocalypse paddled the whole way.

It was Aya and the others who really contributed to stop the Black Lantern Legion. With such credit, the rewards naturally belonged to them.

Otherwise, how to convince the public?

To this.

Apocalypse didn't say much, just acquiesced.


at the same time.

A region in the eastern part of the universe.

Bai Xiaofei's harvest is also quite rich. In this short period of time, he used his own space transfer method to rob the Black Lantern Army.

Firstly, it was naturally to prevent the Black Lantern Legion from snatching the raw materials to create the Destroyer, so as to prevent the opponent from continuing to grow stronger.


It was also to test the strength of the black robe.

And the third purpose is to fight the autumn wind to catch people, and capture those members of the black lantern with quite good qualifications to expand their consciousness pool.

To know.

Although the Annihilator system is powerful, it is not a panacea.

There must be enough characters with excellent consciousness and ability to make it play a perfect effect.

That's all.

The more powerful consciousness and abilities Bai Xiaofei stored, the stronger his new Sentinel Hunter would be.

So here comes the problem.

Most of Bai Xiaofei's current subordinates are real people. Although there are many strong people and many qualified people, there are very few qualified people who can transfer consciousness and ability.

after all……

The extraction of consciousness and ability will affect the deity to a certain extent.

Unless it is strong to a certain extent.

And there are not many of these.


Bai Xiaofei turned his idea to the Black Lantern Corps.

well known.

The members of the Black Lantern Corps are almost all the dead. Although most of them are cannon fodder-like characters, there are also some very powerful characters.

Bai Xiaofei's target is these guys.

Change to before.

Although Bai Xiaofei can easily eliminate the members of the Black Lantern, but there is absolutely no way to strip these guys of their consciousness and abilities.

Because the members of the Black Lantern are all affected by the ability of the Black Death Emperor, once they are forcibly stripped by external forces, they will directly return to death.

But it's different now.

Bai Xiaofei has made some progress in the study of the way of death. With his powerful and terrifying cultivation base, he can suppress some Black Lantern members and rewrite their control authority before the Black Lantern ring reacts. of.

in short.

This thing is like a contest between hackers.

Bai Xiaofei didn't understand before, but now that he has certain hacking skills, if the conditions are right, he can in turn hack some of the Black Lantern members controlled by the Black Death Emperor, making them completely his own dead warriors.


Because he was a novice, Bai Xiaofei was not proficient at the operation at the beginning, so that many members of the black lantern who wanted to hang up in vain.

But after Bai Xiaofei found the trick, he became more and more proficient at operating it, and the success rate was extremely high, enough for 95%!


Unlucky for the Black Lantern Corps who were being targeted by Bai Xiaofei.

Not only did the mission fail completely, even they themselves became Bai Xiaofei's prey. Many of them were directly suppressed by Bai Xiaofei, and then forcibly rewritten the object of their allegiance, becoming Bai Xiaofei's loyal younger brother.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei's control method is different from that of Hei Sidi.

He did not forcibly control the thoughts and wills of these people, but directly gave them two choices.

One, die here, ashes return to ashes, and may be controlled by the Black Death Emperor again in the future, becoming the opponent's puppet and slaughtering living beings.

Two, follow Bai Xiaofei, gain most of the freedom, and the possibility of going one step closer in the future.

In the future, when the threat of the Black Death Emperor is eliminated, these people can continue to live in their current state if they wish, or they can enter the underworld world created by Bai Xiaofei and reincarnate.

As the saying goes.

There is no harm without comparison.

Except for a small number of these Black Lantern members who stubbornly chose ashes to ashes, most of them chose the latter very rationally.


They were not only because of Bai Xiaofei's weak conditions, but also for revenge against the culprit, the Black Death Emperor.

You know, the dead also have their anger!

Especially some strong masters.


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