The Storm God

Chapter 3861 I am too difficult! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

The most intensified body of the Black Death Emperor, who was thinking about how to evolve and improve his physical strength, suddenly opened his eyes in meditation.


"Damn Bai Xiaofei, dare to steal the power and subordinates of this deity, it is simply unreasonable!"



What happened in a certain area of ​​the universe has been perceived by him, and he is furious because of this, but there is nothing he can do.

Once he came, it was beyond his reach, and by the time he rushed over, Bai Xiaofei would have already left, and it would be useless to go.


That guy Bai Xiaofei is too cunning.

Just rushing forward without thinking like this, maybe you will fall into the trap of the other party and be ruthlessly calculated.

With that in mind.

He could only forcibly endure the bad breath.

Then he frowned, wondering: "That bastard Bai did he possess the death power of this deity?"

"Could it be that the other party has the same origin as the deity, or have some similar experiences? Otherwise, how could it be possible to have such abilities?"

"But it shouldn't be..."


He couldn't figure it out.

According to the rules of this world, any mighty power and characters that exceed the limit will be glued to the wall to maintain a certain balance.

If Bai Xiaofei really came from that kind of background, how could he be so carefree and unscrupulous?

Don't you see, Darkseid's father, the strongest protoss boss, is stuck on the wall and can't get off?

Unless this person doesn't care about everything outside the wall at all.

But how is this possible?

To know.

Evolution is the instinct of living things.

Especially the big bosses and strong ones, who doesn't want to go one step further in their cultivation and explore deeper mysteries?

With Bai Xiaofei's pissing nature, it is impossible to remain indifferent...

In the final analysis, there is only one reason, the other party either used a special method to control the way of death...

Either they have other plans, or they are well aware of the horror that reaches the wall, so they have no idea of ​​exploring at all...

But in any case, all this is too unbelievable.


Encountered such an enemy.

Even the Black Death Emperor had to take it seriously.

Since the opponent can plunder once, they can plunder the second time, or even more times. Hei Sidi doesn't want his original power to be robbed by Bai Xiaofei in the end.

We must find a way to stop him!


What should I do?

Although Bai Xiaofei's strength is not as good as Darkseid's, but it is very strange, and no one knows where his upper limit is.

Moreover, the other party also mastered many special law powers at the same time, such as time, space, and even his own way of death...

Dealing with him is much more difficult than dealing with Darkseid.

Especially the power of the opponent should not be underestimated at all. Every time I think of the endless mechanical army under Aya's command, which is even bigger and more terrifying than the Black Lantern Army, the incarnation of the Black Death Emperor feels a deep sense of powerlessness.


He doesn't give up easily.

After all, he is a boss with great goals and ideals, but as long as there is a chance, he will go forward and fight to the end.

Moreover, he is not without hope of winning.

For example, Destroyer!

Speaking of which.

The most powerful body of the Black Death Emperor, he couldn't help being speechless again.

Because it wasn't just Bai Xiaofei's side that suffered, even Apocalypse's side, and Aiya's side also suffered from varying degrees of sniping.

Not to mention that the raw materials for creating the Destroyer were not collected much, but the high-end combat members under his command lost a lot.

One thought here.

The avatar couldn't help frowning.

It's so hard for me!

No matter!

Since Apocalypse and Bai Xiaofei have already set their sights on the raw materials for creating the Destroyer, they cannot obtain them smoothly.

Then simply collect those within your sphere of influence first.

He still doesn't believe it, Tian Qixing and Bai Xiaofei can rush to the territory of the Black Lantern Corps to grab things regardless of everything?

If so, that would be great.

Instead, the incarnation must gather all the troops and fight for a wave to leave all these damned enemies behind!

But obviously, this is almost impossible.

after all……

The other party is not a fool.

If they are not completely sure, no one will easily break into the enemy's base camp and act recklessly, that is purely courting death!

What's more, the Black Lantern Legion is now almost the strongest of the three forces, and the countless Black Lantern members under its command are still expanding all the time.

In places outside the sphere of influence, the avatar can't say that he can definitely grab the raw materials to create the Destroyer, but he can guarantee that there will be absolutely no problems in his own territory.

The only fly in the ointment is that most of the planets within these ranges have been almost destroyed due to previous invasions, and have almost become completely dead stars.


The amount of raw materials that can be collected to create the Destroyer can be said to be very small, far less than those outside the sphere of influence.

But in the current situation, the avatar can only seek stability.

As long as a group of powerful Destroyers can be created first to serve as the avatar body of a stronger version of the deity, the rest of the problems can be fully resolved.

At that time.

Even if Darkseid and Bai Xiaofei experienced it personally, the avatar is not afraid.

However, seeking stability and seeking stability, the expansion of the sphere of influence should still be carried out. This does not conflict with the collection of raw materials to create the Destroyer.

at the same time……

It can also distract Tian Qixing and Bai Xiaofei's attention to a certain extent, and enhance the strength of the Black Lantern Corps.

As long as the emotional power collected by the black lamp is sufficient, more original power of the deity can be unsealed to a certain extent, thereby enhancing the combat power of the avatars to a greater extent.

The relationship between the two sides is completely proportional.

With that in mind.

The avatar immediately stopped hesitating.

Immediately, through the power of the source, the latest combat orders were issued to the leaders of the major members of the black lanterns under his command.

Shrink forces and concentrate on fighting.

Proceed with caution.

Steady and steady!


the other side.

Apocalypse, Darkseid and others also learned what happened to Aya, and they were shocked.

In particular, the appearance of the new version of Sentinel Hunter has put a lot of pressure on the generals of Apocalypse.


Darkseid is no exception.

And compared to other people, he understood the meaning of it better, secretly said: "From this point of view, Aya should have applied the Annihilator system to the sentinel hunters, but where did they get such a strong consciousness?"

He quickly got the answer to this question.

The chief scientist of Apocalypse submitted a report, and the data showed that in a certain area in the east of the universe, the collection force of the Black Lantern Legion was also attacked.

And the person who made the move was obviously Bai Xiaofei.


It is different from Aya and others.

Bai Xiaofei shot, not only stopped the Black Lantern Legion, but even directly robbed some members of the Black Lantern, turning them into his subordinates.

This is somewhat unbelievable.

after all.

The Black Death Emperor mastered the way of death and manipulated countless dead. That is a well-known fact, and no one can replace and eliminate it.

Only the real deal with it tough.

It is precisely because of this that he has become the most troublesome and difficult opponent in the entire universe, not one of them.


However, Bai Xiaofei suspected that he quietly stole some of the abilities of the Black Death Emperor, so that even the dead under his command could instigate rebellion.

Upon hearing the news, even Dakseid couldn't keep calm anymore, with an expression of disbelief on his face, he frowned and asked, "Is the news accurate?"

"It's true!"

The chief scientist under his command said categorically: "Because this information was specially sent to us by the Black Lantern Corps..."


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