The Storm God

Chapter 3862 Looking for the blue lantern! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Bai Xiaofei returned home with a full load.

Aiya and the others also returned with excitement.


The two sides meet.

Bai Xiaofei first stated what he had gained, and then asked: "Aiya, what is the effect of the new version of the Sentinel Hunter's experiment?"

"Very satisfied!"

Aya replied: "It even far exceeded expectations. If you gather a certain number and explode with all your strength, even an ordinary incarnation of the Black Death Emperor can block a block..."

She truthfully told Bai Xiaofei the results of the experiment at that time.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed when he heard the words, he laughed and said, "Not bad! Although I knew that the Annihilator system is very important, I never expected it to be so amazing. It seems that we have another trump card in our hands!"


He asked about Apocalypse's attitude.

There is actually nothing to say about this matter. After all, the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so what if he expresses his attitude?

Be cautious and be cautious.


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "The analysis is good. Darkseid is a veritable tyrant. It is almost impossible to expect him to do good deeds. Everything in front of him is just a compromise he made to protect himself!"

"That's right!"

Sinestro agrees.

Then asked Bai Xiaofei, what should they do next?

after all……

The universe is too big.

They couldn't seal off everything and stop the Black Lanterns from gathering the raw materials to create the Destroyer.

That's simply not realistic.

In other words, how could the Black Lantern Corps gather some raw materials to create the Destroyer, thereby creating a stronger incarnation of the Black Death Emperor.

And this, for them, is definitely not good news. If you can't think of a countermeasure, you will suffer a lot in the future.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei had already calculated.

He said in a deep voice: "The cancerous tumor of the Black Lantern Legion cannot be wiped out in a short period of time, unless the Black Death Emperor is completely eliminated..."

"But it's obviously not possible. One is the issue of strength, and the other is the true deity of the Black Death Emperor, who has never really come to this world. Even if we wipe out all the incarnations, he can continue to make a comeback ..."

"The only solution is to find the spirit of existence evolved from the light of creation. Only he can completely kill the Black Death Emperor."


Bai Xiaofei carefully recalled the relevant plots and clues, and vaguely remembered that the spirit of existence seemed to be on the earth.

But how to find it out is a problem.


The spirit of existence is also an out-and-out bastard.

In the comics, the Black Lantern Corps is doing all kinds of evil in the universe, slaughtering creatures, including the earth, which caused a terrible disaster...

But even if the spirit of existence knows, it still pretends not to know.

Has been huddled somewhere on the earth.

Go to the extreme.


The reason why he is like this is because too much power was consumed back then, and the evolved spirit of existence is not strong enough to fight against the current Black Death Emperor, so he can only stand up and accumulate strength.


It's just a matter of position.

The light of creation also comes from outside the wall, which is equivalent to a stranger in this universe. They are not related to this place, so why do you want to save the people here?

After all, I should not owe these people anything.

Just like you see a group of ants being crushed and slaughtered by a bug, would you easily help the ants deal with that bug?

The same reason.

From the perspective of the spirit of existence, the so-called living beings in this cosmic world are actually no different from ants. As long as the Black Death Emperor does not threaten his safety, he will not bother to take care of it.

Don't say that Bai Xiaofei can't find the spirit of existence now, even if he finds it, the other party probably won't talk to him.

Maybe even fight with Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was sure to pull him into the water.

Let the spirit of existence have to deal with the Black Lantern Legion to protect itself, otherwise it will be causing trouble and unhappiness for itself.

after all.

Even the weakened Spirit of Existence belongs to the terrifying boss outside the wall. With Bai Xiaofei's current strength, he is probably far from being his opponent.

But even so, there is still something to be found.

Who made the Spirit of Existence the only nemesis of the Black Death Emperor? Without him, ordinary methods would not be able to deal with the Black Death Emperor.

But in Bai Xiaofei's opinion, the awakening and coming of the Black Death Emperor is already a certainty, and there is no accident at all.

To know.

Prior to this, the Black Lantern Legion had collected countless emotional powers, otherwise it would have been impossible for the Black Death Emperor to create so many terrifying clones.

And with the addition of the entangled demon-like Black Lantern Destroyer, the high-end combat power of the Black Lantern Legion is bound to improve by leaps and bounds.

By the time.

Let alone Apocalypse, even on Bai Xiaofei's side, it might be difficult to parry the opponent's attack.

If he wanted to break the game, he had to strengthen himself and his subordinates.

The way Bai Xiaofei can think of at the moment is to capture the consciousness of the strong in the Black Lantern Legion as much as possible, and then transfer it to the new version of the sentinel hunter.

Even though these exist, they are not top-notch combat power, but they are superior in number and can almost be reused.

If the layout is good, it can already play a terrifying role at critical moments. Even if the Sentinel Hunter is further developed and upgraded, it may not be impossible to be promoted to become a top powerhouse.

On the other hand, there is Lantern.

As we all know, the Lantern Corps has a total of seven colors, plus black lights and white lights, it is nine colors.

As of now, there are only seven kinds of Lanterns in this world, namely, Green Lantern, Yellow Lantern, Red Lantern, Purple Lantern, Blue Lantern, Orange Lantern, and the scariest Black Lantern.

Sent the blue lamp of mercy, and the white lamp of life.

The particularity of the latter is not mentioned for the time being.

The blue lantern must be found no matter what, because only by gathering the power of seven-color lights can one touch the mystery of the light of creation.

after all……

The seven lights were originally born because of the light of creation.

Without any one of them, it is impossible to piece together the perfect light of creation, let alone persuade the spirit of existence to deal with the black death emperor together.

But alas.

The existence of the blue lantern is really too secretive and special.

Even in the comics, there is no clear explanation of where they are hiding, but at critical moments, they stand up by themselves.

The current plot has become horrible due to the intrusion of Bai Xiaofei and others, so he doesn't dare to hope that Qing Deng will jump out by himself like in the comics.

In case of any accident, such as being killed by a black lamp unfortunately, it will be a lot of fun!


The matter of looking for the blue lantern must be put on the agenda. At the same time, the earth side must also step up efforts to find the spirit of existence.

Both hands must be grasped, and both must be firm.

in addition……

The potential of the Ultimate Destroyer also seems to be very good. Combined with the countless super DNA in Bai Xiaofei's hands, it might be able to fuse with an evolutionary existence.

Anyway, the raw materials are also robbed, so it's a pity to discard them.

Rather than squandering everything, it is better to make the best use of it. If you can find out the mystery and then clone and copy it in batches, it will be of great help to Bai Xiaofei.


Although they are all Ultimate Destroyers, the versions created by different people are completely different.

Just like Apocalypse.

If there is no accident, there must be two directions of meeting demons and destroyers, after all, this is what they are best at.

As for the Black Lantern Corps, after stealing the technology of Apocalypse, the main direction of attack should be the Black Lantern and the Destroyer.

In their eyes, demon-like things are not worth mentioning at all.

The only redeeming feature is that they are extra sensitive to the smell of fear, after all, this is the only advantage of demons.

Finally, it was Bai Xiaofei's side.

And his decision is a perfect replica and copycat, whether it is the power of the black lamp, the advantages of being a demon, or the evolutionary power of the destroyer.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to let it go, and even wanted to incorporate more elements into it to make it stronger.

This task can only be performed by Bai Xiaofei himself.


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