The Storm God

Chapter 3863 Sharu the Destroyer! (Please subscribe!)


Aya was a little unconvinced: "We really can't help at all, everything can only be done by yourself?"

She wants to help.

In the end, he was rejected by Bai Xiaofei.

Although Bai Xiaofei explained it very clearly, Aiya obviously didn't believe it, thinking that Bai Xiaofei was making excuses.

after all……

With Aya's ability.

She can do almost all the procedures.

She really couldn't figure out why Bai Xiaofei didn't allow himself to participate in the research and development of the Destroyer series.


Seeing Aya's serious appearance, Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Aiya, I really didn't lie to you..."

"Because the Destroyer I want to try to create is the Lantern version, the closest to the original version..."

"This involves the power of emotion, even the power of death. I will try to add more power in the future to test its level and ability."

"Although you can do the basic work, but the key content, I still have to do it myself..."

"Instead of wasting time and resources, I might as well accept it myself, so as not to delay your work."


Bai Xiaofei's painstaking explanation finally got Aya to give up: "Okay, if that's the case, then we won't bother you sir, but if you need us, you must call us!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Don't worry, you guys don't know my temper, what I like most is being lazy, if you really need you, you won't be able to run even if you want to..."

that's all.

Finally successfully sent Aya and others away.


Bai Xiaofei started his research and creation work, came to an uninhabited planet, and prepared various experimental equipment, tools and raw materials.

Based on Krypton's Genesis Library, supplemented with special raw materials, and the power of the emotional spectrum, start to create your own Destroyer series.

The Creation Library is very buggy, and it can be described as a complete personal customization. You only need to enter the command for whatever type of brother you want.

The supply of energy power directly meets the quality of the products in the Genesis Library and the upper limit of capabilities.

That's all.

The higher the energy supplied and the more powerful it is, the more powerful the products customized by Genesis Bank, that is to say, the life forms created by biotechnology, and the upper limit will be extremely abnormal.

Cooperating with the almost infinite evolution ability of biological weapons like Doomsday, the value is even more powerful.

And the first batch of Bai Xiaofei's production was the green light version he is most familiar with, that is, the ultimate destroyer that uses the power of will as the energy source to start development and creation.

Not only that.

In order to strengthen his combat effectiveness.

Bai Xiaofei even integrated the Iron Garman system of the Radam tree into it, giving it a certain degree of protective armor and anti-matter combat capabilities.

after all……

After all, the defense of living things is not as hard as some substances.

And the strengthened Iron Garman armor is made of incomparably pure positive matter, almost indestructible.

Cooperating with the super combat power of the Ultimate Destroyer, it can be said to complement each other.

think about it.

When the enemy finally smashed the Destroyer's armor, just when they thought they could take the initiative and completely defeat the Destroyer in front of them, they were shocked to find that the Destroyer without armor seemed even more terrifying...

What would that be like?


Bai Xiaofei was looking forward to and looking forward to it.

Because the Tiejiaman system is directly written into the DNA tissue of the Destroyer creature, when it is damaged and destroyed, its evolution mechanism will also be triggered, and then it will become stronger.

That's scary.

The combat power of the Ultimate Destroyer is already very close to the top combat power. If these buffs are added, it will be too awesome.

Bai Xiaofei dare not say how other people's version is, but this version he developed and created, someone thinks it is very good.

The external defense is the Iron Garman armor, and the means of attack are the body of the deity and the anti-matter cannon.

The energy mode is the power of will.

That is.

The stronger the willpower, the more terrifying the burst of energy.

Especially after the evolution is triggered, the power of the three will increase exponentially, not to mention the enemy, even Bai Xiaofei himself feels very scary.

If he ran into such a group of perverted guys instead, he would definitely turn around and leave, or immediately admit defeat.


There is no chance of winning at all.

Even if the opponent is not as good as him at the beginning, he will definitely catch up quickly in the follow-up. The key is that this thing is too frightening to survive.

As long as you don't die, you will continue to evolve and become stronger and stronger.

Just ask if you are afraid!

And when he thought of that scene, regardless of whether he was afraid or not, Bai Xiaofei felt so annoying that he was so annoying.

Only magic can defeat magic!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was convinced.

That's why he devoted himself to developing his own series of Ultimate Destroyers, not only to increase his power, but also to deal with the ultimate demon-like Black Lantern Destroyers of the Black Lantern Legion.

after all……

What the Black Lantern Corps is best at is recovery.

If there is no effective attack method to restrain the opponent, then the opponent is almost an immortal existence.

Coupled with the infinite evolution ability of Doomsday, darling, this is simply a metamorphosis of metamorphosis.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to fight this kind of thing at all, it was too troublesome, he preferred simple and rough ones.

And at this time, the Ultimate Destroyer created by Bai Xiaofei, which belongs to his own series, can come in handy.

As the saying goes, soldier against soldier, general against general, king against king.

Sentinel hunters deal with cannon fodder-level and ordinary-level Black Lantern members, and the Lantern version of Destroyer is responsible for dealing with the Black Lantern version of Destroyer.

The high-end combat power bosses suppress each other and take control of the overall situation.

This will save you a lot of trouble.


With just one kind of Lantern power, it is impossible to defeat Heilan easily.

In the same way, the Ultimate Destroyer version with the power of a single Lantern is also very unlikely to be an opponent of the Destroyer version of the Black Lantern.

But that's okay.

Because from the very beginning, Bai Xiaofei never thought of letting them fight the enemy one-on-one, but directly group fight.

With the power of the six-color lantern men, they all surrounded and beat up the black lantern.

Bai Xiaofei firmly believes that no matter how powerful the Destroyer of the Black Lantern Legion is, it is impossible to withstand the siege of six or even more versions of the Destroyer of Lanterns.

Unless it is the existence of the incarnation level of the Black Death Emperor.

But the general kind of top masters will not easily attack ordinary fighters, otherwise if you do this, I will follow suit...

Both sides of the war have no bottom line at all, all kinds of indiscriminate killing of innocent people, bullying the small with the big, then the whole thing is messed up.

At that time, the competition will no longer be about strength and strategy, but to see who is more shameless and has no bottom line.

Closer to home.

Bai Xiaofei's abilities are truly unstoppable.


In less than three days, his goal was successfully accomplished. The first wave of Ultimate Destroyers, which combined the power of the Iron Man system and the Green Lantern, was finally successfully born with the opening of the Genesis Bank. .

I saw branch-like technological creations like octopus tentacles, and the embryos produced one after another around them, like ripe fruits, fell off one after another.

follow closely.

The membrane of the embryo ruptured, and humanoid creatures of various shapes and shapes came out of it.

Its appearance is just like the Super Boss in Dragon Ball - Cell, with green skin, spots all over the body, joints and important organs are covered with extremely hard Iron Gaman armor.

Behind the buttocks, there is also a huge syringe-like tail, which seems to have the cruel ability to devour other creatures.

Everything is very similar to Sharu.

The only difference is that their power is not Qi, but the power of will, as well as their perverted genes that can evolve infinitely.


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