The Storm God

Chapter 3864 Conquer greed! (Please subscribe!)


The Destroyer created by Bai Xiaofei is completely different from the others, but has its own independent thinking and will. Although this may cause some uncertainty, it has a higher growth potential. As for the issue of loyalty, there is no need to worry about it at all.


From the moment they were born, their genes have already been programmed to be loyal to Bai Xiaofei. No matter how they evolve and become stronger, all prerequisites are based on this, otherwise there will be paradox , a complete breakdown.

Without this limitation, Bai Xiaofei would not be arrogant enough to give these extremely abnormally capable Destroyers independent consciousness.

And, it's not the first time he's done it.

Easy to use, easy search thief!


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

For his own work, he is still very satisfied.

Except for the fake appearance, in other aspects, they completely crushed and slammed the genuine Dragon Ball Cell, and they completely put their own will as the first priority. If they let them go east, they will never go west. This is very unfortunate. Si!

The only fly in the ointment is that these Sharu the Destroyer still look like children, that is, the little Sharu made by the genuine Sharu in Dragon Ball. They are small, very Q version, and look cute Cute.

In terms of domineering, it is also lacking.


It's not that Bai Xiaofei deliberately designed it like this, but because these destroyers have just been born, as long as they are given some time, as well as supplementary nutrition and exercise, they will soon become fully domineering.

Bai Xiaofei observed these little Destroyers with the Eye of Primordial Mist, and found that their initial state and strength far exceeded expectations. According to the calculation of Dragon Ball's combat power, at least they had to be at the peak level of Super Saiyan 2.

If you go one step further, you will be able to step into Super Race 3, or even higher.

This is very powerful.

To know.

Dallol in the reincarnation space was only at the level of Super Saiyan 3 at first.

These Destroyers have such a level just after they were born, which is already quite good. As long as the evolution ability is stimulated later, they will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds and become more powerful and terrifying, just like the situation after the genuine Cell blew up, instantly overtaking the opponent , to the top.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but be full of anticipation.

The seven-color lantern rings have different abilities. If each designs a Destroyer, and then let them form a team and use the power of the seven-star array of flying dragons, can they inspire the hidden light of creation?


The current raw materials are not enough.

After creating these hundreds of Destroyers of Cell version, it is no longer possible to create other Destroyers. Moreover, the seven-color lantern ring is not yet complete, even if you want to gather the "Dragon Balls" to summon the dragon, you can't do it.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sighed slightly.

Among the seven lamps, the most difficult to find is undoubtedly the green lamp of compassion, which hides the deepest. But as long as you find it, everything will be fine. After all, the black lamp is rampant, and I don’t know how many souls have been slaughtered. With the temperament of the green lamp, It is absolutely impossible not to show mercy to all living beings.


It can be said that it is very easy to persuade the other party to join him.

However, the orange light, which represents greed, is not easy to deal with, because it is too greedy. So far, there seems to be only one orange light fighter.

Selfish and evil greed, when it reaches a certain level, is an extremely overbearing possessive desire, which leads to the orange lantern fighters often killing each other because of greed, and the only one who survives is the true owner of the orange lantern .


Orange Lantern Warrior, also known as Orange Lantern Agent.

Earlier, Bai Xiaofei had already found the current agent of Orange Lantern, Raflitz. Just like in the comics, this person was extremely greedy. He was originally a weak creature. He was killed because of his gluttony, and later gave birth to Orange Lantern. Beast, and killed all the creatures that tried to use the energy of the orange light, making them lose their entities, and became the embodiment of the energy of the orange light, and became its subordinates.

Such a ghost corps, together with him, became the Orange Lantern Corps.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention.

Because of the particularity of the orange light, it is not suitable for joining a group, so Bai Xiaofei just marked it, then gave up his plan to conquer and use him, and decided to wait for a critical moment to activate it, such as now...

after all.

Whether it is dealing with the Black Lantern Legion, or comprehending the Light of Creation among the Seven Lanterns, Bai Xiaofei cannot do without the research and comprehension of the Orange Lantern.

Fortunately, this guy Laflize is still very powerful, he has been living well so far, and the orange lights have always been in his hands, there is no problem, it saves Bai Xiaofei a lot of trouble.

After creating the Cell version of the Destroyer.

Bai Xiaofei then set his mind on Laflize's Orange Lantern. Firstly, the raw materials created in Destroyer are not so easy to collect. Secondly, his understanding of Orange Lantern is also the weakest, so it is necessary to improve its progress as soon as possible. Come up, so as not to hold you back in the future.


He entrusted Aya and Sinestro with the task of exercising and training the little Cells, and went to the hidden planet of Raflitz by himself, intending to completely conquer this orange light agent and become his little brother.



On the resplendent pyramid.

Greedily sleeping on countless gold and silver treasures and a group of orange light rings, a certain alien monster suddenly opened his eyes, and then looked viciously at a certain direction, where there was a distinguished figure walking slowly. Come.

It was Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Laflize's vigilance, he was indeed the only surviving Orange Light agent, if he didn't have a few brushes, he would not be able to kill all the other greedy competitors, there really was something.

"I'm Bai Xiaofei!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide it, and directly reported his family.

It's a pity that he, who is well-known in the universe, is just a stranger in front of Laflitz. The latter seems to have never heard of his name, so he is very dazed, vigilant and full of hostility.


Laflitz thought Bai Xiaofei was the guy who came to snatch the orange light.

Although this is true.

"never heard before!"

"Outsiders are not welcome here. Before I get angry, you'd better leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"I'm not easy to mess with..."

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Laflitz didn't bother to ask about Bai Xiaofei's origin, so he directly issued an order to chase away guests, and also summoned a group of orange-light summoned beasts to show his strength and awesomeness, trying to scare Bai Xiaofei away in this way.

But it's a pity.

Such methods are useless in front of Bai Xiaofei.

He smiled slightly, looked at Laflitz with some meaning in his eyes, and then said, "Mr. Laflize, are you showing off to me? I'm sorry! In this respect, I really haven't lost to who..."

The voice did not fall.

There was no movement of Bai Xiaofei.

There was a sudden wave and ripple behind him and in the surrounding void.

Immediately afterwards, the mountains and plains were densely packed, and countless warriors, terminators, clones, and monsters could not be seen at a glance... They completely filled the entire cave, even Laflize's side, without exception, scared him Almost didn't do it directly.


Although Raflize is greedy and evil, he is not a fool or an idiot.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so powerful, he summoned so many younger brothers in a blink of an eye, and all of them were so powerful that they would never be able to beat him, so he chose to be patient very sincerely, and said in a daze: "Okay, you won , what do you want to congratulate?"


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