The Storm God

Chapter 3865 Insatiable greed! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that Laflize subdued, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

With a wave of his hand, all the little brothers disappeared in an instant, and then said lightly: "Mr. Laflitz, don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions, and I didn't come here for your orange light. of……"


Raflitz obviously didn't believe it.

After all, besides the orange lights, there is only a mess of gold and silver treasures here. Although these things are great wealth and temptation to ordinary people, they are obviously not worth mentioning in front of a master like Bai Xiaofei.

Then you told me you didn't come for the orange light?


Do you think I believe it or not?

Bai Xiaofei didn't care what Laflitz was thinking.

He continued to explain his reason for coming: "Actually, I came here to make a deal with you..."


Raflitz's eyes lit up immediately, and he was obviously interested.

After all, he is greedy by nature, not to mention the blessing of the power of the orange light, so he is unable to control his heart, and the content involved in the transaction is nothing more than interests in the final analysis. Whenever it comes to interests, Laflitz will Can't say no.

"Tell me!"

He didn't rush to agree, or refuse.

Instead, he glanced at Bai Xiaofei with interest, and while remaining vigilant, he also slowly put away his summoned beast.

Anyway, it's just a decoration, whether you want it or not, it doesn't make any difference.

Instead of continuing to waste power, it is better to put it away. The greedy Raflitz said that waste is shameful. If it is not necessary, you must not waste even a drop of orange light power. Those are your own!

"That's it..."

Seeing Laflize's interest, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

Secretly, this is the bait?

so easy!


He began to explain the content of the transaction: "I am a scientist, and I like to study all precious and special things, which naturally includes the powerful power of the lamp ring, and so far, I have successfully analyzed several mysteries of the lamp ring... ..."

"It's like the green light of will..."


while explaining.

Bai Xiaofei didn't stay idle, he directly used his own power to simulate and materialize a green light ring, and then used his ability to show Laflize his signature mimicry ability, only seeing the latter I was taken aback for a while.


Shocked and stunned.

Laflize's eyes showed more emotion, undoubtedly greed.

Apparently trying to keep it for himself.


He's still sane.

Knowing that Bai Xiaofei is not easy to mess with, so he didn't start the fight immediately, but suppressed the excitement and desire to snatch in his heart, swallowed his saliva, looked at Bai Xiaofei with extremely expectant eyes, and waited for the next performance .

Bai Xiaofei did not disappoint Laflitz either.

After demonstrating the power of the green light and getting Laflize's approval, they simulated and displayed the yellow light of fear, the red light of anger, the purple light of love, and the blue light of hope, etc. Four color lights and other capabilities.

And after he finished his performance, Raflitz on the opposite side was completely stunned.

His eyes were wide open, and his mouth almost fell to his instep, but his greedy saliva flowed all over the floor. If it weren't for the fact that Bai Xiaofei's strength was too perverted, if it were someone else, Laflitz would have already died. I rushed up and grabbed it hard.

But even so, Laflitz's mind is all about how to get these treasures out of Bai Xiaofei's hands.

The greedy nature almost crushes everything.


He still managed to retain a sliver of sanity.

Although there were many ideas in my mind, I didn't implement them directly.

And the root cause may have a lot to do with Bai Xiaofei's display of force at the beginning.


Bai Xiaofei looked at Raflitz indifferently, and said with a smile: "These are all my research results. Mr. Raflitz, as the agent of Orange Lantern, must be able to distinguish their differences and specialties. Do you think these works of mine, Compared with the real lantern ring, which one is stronger or weaker?"

The bait has been laid, and the next step is naturally to strike.

Bai Xiaofei is trying to lure Laflitz into his trap little by little, as long as Laflize is caught, the victory over the orange light is a certainty.


Raflitz fell silent immediately upon hearing this.

It seems that he is seriously considering, or it may be that after the excitement, reason has regained the upper hand.

I saw him look at Bai Xiaofei deeply with doubts and vigilance, and then said: "I have to say, these works of yours are really good, even compared to the original lantern rings, they are not much worse, even Nothing less than…”


"What does this have to do with the transaction you want to make? If I'm not wrong, you came to me this time to study my power of orange lights, right? Although it's not impossible, but what I want The reward is very high..."

"I'm afraid you can't afford it!"


In the end.

It's like the face of a profiteer.

There is something in the eyes that I've seen through your intentions a long time ago, the eyes are full of excitement, complacency, and even the meaning that you have a chance to win, you just wait to be slaughtered.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just smiled slightly.

Then he admitted truthfully: "Indeed, I really want to study the power of orange lights, but I also know that there is no free lunch in the world, so I specially brought a lot of treasures to show my sincerity, but I don't know if I can enter it." Mr Lafleet's insight..."


He directly threw a ring to Raflitz.

Laflitz was a little wary at first, but because of his greedy personality, he finally caught the ring thrown by Bai Xiaofei very simply, and then asked in confusion: "What kind of ring is this? Why have I never seen it before? Is there anything special about it? "

He took the ring in his hand and studied it over and over for a while, but he couldn't understand anything.

Can't help but ask curiously.

Bai Xiaofei explained with a smile: "Mr. Laflitz, this item is called a storage ring. As the name suggests, it is a treasure specially used to store and store items, and the one I gave you is even more outstanding among them. It contains An independent planetary world allows you to collect and store a large number of treasures without worrying about insufficient capacity..."

Following Bai Xiaofei's explanation, Laflitz quickly learned how to use the storage ring.


Laflize tried to use it.

Immediately afterwards, the orange light rings around him, as well as the messy gold and silver treasures and other items, were all put into the storage ring by Laflitz. Such a miraculous scene immediately made Laflitz excited Unbelievable laughter.


"Good thing, with it, from now on I don't have to worry about my treasures being stolen by others. On the contrary, I can use its concealment to snatch and steal other people's treasures..."

"This ring is really suitable for me, and the space capacity is so large..."

"It's simply an artifact!"


in words.

Make no secret of your joy and thoughts.

Obviously very satisfied with Bai Xiaofei's so-called sincerity, but just like this, it seems that it is not enough, I saw that Laflitz quickly restrained his excitement and expression, then looked at Bai Xiaofei eagerly, hehe said: "That's it? Any other baby?"

Make it clear that you want more benefits.

Dare to show off the Dragon Saber with Bai Xiaofei? He is worthy of being the agent of the Orange Lantern of Greed. Among other things, his insatiable personality and courage to risk his life for the sake of profit are absolutely worthy of his status.


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