The Storm God

Chapter 3866 Fainted! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was well aware of Laflize's greed, so he was not surprised or surprised. Hearing this, he nodded with a smile and said: "I have a lot of good things here, but I don't know what you like, or You tell me first?"

He is continuing to fish.


The more Bai Xiaofei said, the more Laflitz would be hooked.

as expected.

Hearing that Bai Xiaofei was so generous, Laflitz's eyes lit up immediately, and he said happily, "Oh? There are so many good things, let me choose by myself? Are they real or not?"

All right.

In fact, in the last sentence, he wanted to say: "Children only make choices, and I want them all!"

But considering Bai Xiaofei's awesome strength, he didn't seem to be an opponent, so he turned the words that were almost on his lips into a question from the bottom of his heart.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the doubt is false and the confirmation is true.

"It's true!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "As long as I have something you like, everything is easy to talk about. Of course, the premise is that you, you have to let me study the power of the orange light ring, even if it is only for a very limited time..."

"I'm not asking too much, am I?"


Raflitz was silent for a moment.

Then he nodded truthfully and said, "If you just study for some time and don't take it away, and fully fulfill the promise you said, then such a request is really not high..."

Speaking of which.

He paused slightly, then frowned and said: "However, the power of the orange light is different from other light rings. Once affected by it, you will become extremely greedy and crazy about it. If you don't have enough heart Resist the influence of the orange light, I will not promise you..."

As for why?


Is there any need to ask, of course it is because I am afraid that after Bai Xiaofei "turns his face", he will not be able to do it himself.

When the time comes, won't he be with his wife and break the army again?


Raflitz decided.

Before the transaction, let's test Bai Xiaofei's xinxing ability, whether he can withstand and resist the influence of the power of the orange light.

If it is possible, then of course it goes without saying that for his own benefit, Laflitz will definitely make a deal with Bai Xiaofei, and try his best to get more treasures and benefits from Bai Xiaofei.

on the contrary.

It's all for nothing.

Not to mention the deal, in order to protect himself, Laflize may even run away directly, or set up various conspiracy traps to kill and frame Bai Xiaofei, so as to prevent the other party from painting his orange light ring and other treasures.

after all……

Those people in the past were messing around a lot.

And Laflitz was able to survive to this day and become the only agent of Orange Lantern, so it was not for nothing.

Even though his strength doesn't seem to be very good, but in terms of scheming and calculations, he is also a good player. The key point is that this guy is very stubborn. When he should admit cowardly, he is absolutely unambiguous. .

Even if the enemy is stronger than yourself.


The reality is not simply a competition of strength and realm, the key depends on calculations, personal luck, and choices.

And Raflitz is very confident in himself.

This is not blind.

It is the result of comprehensive analysis based on countless previous experiences.


Whether it's right or not depends on the specific situation.

Perhaps when Laflitz calculated others, there would be no mistakes at all, and no accidents would happen, but when meeting Bai Xiaofei...

Feel sorry!

He himself is the biggest variable.

The key strength, realm, calculation, and analysis abilities are not inferior to Raflitz at all, or even surpassed.

Want to get extra benefits from Bai Xiaofei?


That's almost impossible.

Closer to home.


In order to test Bai Xiaofei's character.

Raflitz unexpectedly found an orange light ring from the storage ring, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "I will use the power of the orange light ring to test you later, if you can hold it , not affected, then this ring is yours..."

"It's your reward for storing the ring, but don't get me wrong, it's not just given to you directly, but time-sensitive. You can only study it for an hour. If the time limit is exceeded, you have to return it... "

"If you want to continue your research, you will have to pay extra!"


He is asking Bai Xiaofei if he can accept such a condition. If yes, then we will start immediately. Otherwise, we can only be sorry. It is still impossible to return the storage ring. If it is in Lao Tzu's hands, take it as his own .

after all……

I have wasted so much time with you here, and I need to pay for it.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Laflize's little calculation, he smiled and nodded and said: "Just do as you say, I don't care..."


He was a happy group in his heart.

Because for Bai Xiaofei, the so-called research, whether it is active or passive, the difference is not very big. The only difference between the two is the degree of difficulty.

Relatively speaking, there is no doubt that the active one is more simple and convenient.

Come however you want.

on the contrary.

That's totally off the table.

Maybe Bai Xiaofei entered the state the moment he was subjected to the power of the orange light, comprehending some of the clues and mysteries, or he may have fought several times in a row, but there may not be any gains. The result is completely random. Is the right not on your side?


Where is this?

The contest between the two sides has just begun, and this is just an appetizer.

If you were someone else, you might find it extremely deceitful, but from Bai Xiaofei's point of view, it's quite worth it, because once you come up, you don't need to worry about anything else, and he can use Laflize's attacking effect to directly start a passive attack. This is equivalent to prostitution for nothing.

Are you happy?


The benefit of picking it up for nothing, fools don't want it.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei understood the stakes in an instant, so he readily agreed to Laflize's test request.


It can't be too obvious.

Otherwise, it is very likely that Raflitz will be scared away directly.

Fortunately, the other party has already nailed Bai Xiaofei, so even though he knew that there might be something tricky in it, but out of greed, Laflitz decided to take a gamble. motorcycle!

Anyway, he doesn't need to pay anything himself, he is afraid of a ball!

With that in mind.

Raflitz suddenly felt a little more confident.

Immediately, seeing that Bai Xiaofei was ready, Laflitz didn't hesitate at all, and immediately released the greedy power of the orange lamp, leaning heavily on Bai Xiaofei's body. The latter, on the other hand, was overjoyed secretly, and hurriedly took advantage of this opportunity to comprehend and analyze the mystery of the power of the orange lamp.

after all……

This is for nothing.

Time is very limited, he does not allow himself any waste.

Soon, Bai Xiaofei entered the state, his thoughts wandered too far, his consciousness went deep into the power of the orange light, and he began to analyze and crack it against the clock. And after some comprehension, Bai Xiaofei's understanding of Orange Lantern couldn't help but become more profound.


"The power of greed, the power to make the mind stunned, the desire to be dissatisfied, and even become extremely crazy and distorted, is this the effect and influence of the orange light on ordinary people? It is decisive and overbearing, and it is invisible. Maybe when you find out, It's too late..."

"It's a pity that passive research has too many restrictions, and the speed is also very Buddhist..."

"Looks like we have to work harder!"


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