The Storm God

Chapter 3867 Greed! (Please subscribe!)

The emotional force represented by the orange light is greed.

The holder must be greedy in the first place, and after wearing the ring, he desires to own and possess everything even more, but he cannot be satisfied anyway.

It is best to use one sentence to describe it-the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant.

But it's more serious than that.

And at this moment...

The owner of the orange light ring, and at the same time the sole agent - Raflitz, when using the power of the orange light, various conspiracy ideas flashed in his mind, such as taking the opportunity to kill Bai Xiaofei completely, making him become Orange Light Ghost...

The orange light mechanism can manifest the person killed by the holder and become an energy puppet that consumes the holder, called the orange light ghost, which represents the orange light agent possessing the identity of others...

Of course.

The orange light ghost is not a ghost in the usual sense.

It was nothing more than a counterfeit product of the orange lamp, it only had its shape and was not afraid of its god, but it contained a certain degree of greed of the murdered...

The so-called greed is actually desire.

well known.

But all living things have desires.

And when the desire is strong to a certain extent, it will turn into greed, and the latter is endless.

Just like the current Raflitz.

at first.

Although he wanted the treasure in Bai Xiaofei's body, he was also concerned about Bai Xiaofei's powerful strength, so he didn't dare to do it lightly, so he chose to compromise and prepared to make a deal with Bai Xiaofei, using the smallest price in exchange for the greatest benefit value...


When I really started to do it.

The greed in Raflize's heart began to get more and more out of control.

Especially when he saw that Bai Xiaofei, under the influence of the power of the orange light, started to comprehend without any precaution, the greed in his heart began to swell uncontrollably.

This moment.

In Laflize's heart, it was as if there was a demon constantly telling him: "Do it, he is defenseless now, this is your best opportunity, if you miss this opportunity, it will never be possible again, give it a go , Bikes become motorcycles, wealth and wealth are in danger..."

"Think about it, if you own a large number of treasures from this person, and kill him to make him your own ghost, how far will your strength be enhanced? How can you use it to abide by the troubles you set before you?" Dog skin agreement!"

"At that time, the entire universe will be in your pocket..."

"Don't hesitate any longer!"

"kill him!"



At the beginning, Laflitz could maintain some sanity and suppress those greedy and crazy thoughts, but as time passed, Bai Xiaofei became more and more easy to kill, and the greed in his heart became more and more more terrifying...

Especially thinking of the original agreement, Laflitz became more and more dissatisfied.

The base of the Orange Lantern Corps is located on Okaro, which is sparsely populated by Vega in Sector 2828. This galaxy served as the base camp of the Orange Lantern Corps long before the establishment of the Green Lantern Corps.

Long, long ago, Raflize and his friends stole a batch of Krona's treasures, and the map in it led them to the location of the orange light battery, the planet Okaro.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the guardians of the universe and the mechanical hunters followed.

turn out to be……

Among the treasures stolen by Raflitz and others, there are also parallax monsters hidden. You know, parallax monsters are the old enemy of Green Lantern. They should also be brought back to suppress them.

After reaching Okaro Star, the two forces exchanged fire quickly.


The orange light energy environment is so powerful that it instantly killed a group of universe guardians and mechanical hunters.

The remaining guardians couldn't win in their hearts, so they reached an agreement with Raflitz, who had won the cannibalism with his companions, promising that the planet would never be interfered by any external forces in the universe, but they would never allow the people inside to escape. come out.


Okaro planet has become a paradise for space criminals.

Afterwards, these people all became energy puppets of the Orange Lantern Corps, turned into Orange Lantern ghosts, and contributed a lot of greedy power to the Orange Lantern.

Over time.

Okaro Star became a forbidden area.

As time went by, it was even once forgotten by people.


The secret operations of the guardians of the universe must be indispensable in this. After all, they know better than anyone what is going on with the power of the orange light. They had no choice before, so they had to compromise and reach an agreement with Laflize.

But as the Green Lantern Corps developed and became stronger, they gradually stopped taking it seriously.

And what they did was to block the news and bury all traces.

in short.

Just make people forget about it completely.

As long as no one goes to Okaro Planet to provide energy for the orange lights, even if Raflitz finds out that something is wrong and wants to repent or something, there will be no trouble.

after all……

The Orange Lantern Corps is different from the others.

There is only one person in total, and the others are energy puppets.

Compared with the cosmic police transformed by Green Lantern's 3600 elites from all over the universe, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Of course.

Raflitz was no fool either.

Although I didn't notice something was wrong at first, as time went by, I gradually came back to it and realized that I was cheated by someone.

After all, Okaro Planet is not a special place like a labyrinth. Even if there is something about the orange light, it is all blocked and forgotten. Occasionally, some lost people will come and step into Okaro Planet, and these people , without exception, all of them became orange lantern ghosts and contributed their power of greed.

In addition, the agent of the orange light, from the beginning to the end, was only Laflize alone, and the consumption was extremely small, and Laflize was very special and powerful, and one person could give him quite pure and huge power of greed...


The orange light battery has not been exhausted these years, but has become more greedy because of long-term hunger.

It is always eager to devour more power.


Bai Xiaofei came.

It's not easy to meet such an extremely high-quality big fat sheep. Whether it's Orange Lantern or Laflize, they naturally don't want to give up easily, so they hit it off, and almost immediately set their eyes on Bai Xiaofei.

Those voices before were the greed in Laflize's heart.

at first.

Raflitz could barely restrain himself.

But later, I found that Bai Xiaofei didn't seem to have any defenses, and over the years, he had indeed had enough of this kind of hard life, and it was time to go out for a walk, occupy and plunder more treasures...


Greed still trumps reason and scruples.

Raflitz decided to take a gamble, and when Bai Xiaofei was under the test without any defenses, he launched a thunderous sneak attack and completely left him here.

Considering that Bai Xiaofei's strength is far from ordinary, he is the most powerful person Laflitz has ever seen. Ordinary attack methods and strength may not be effective in one blow, so Laflitz decided to either stay still or move Exploding all the power directly, absolutely cannot give Bai Xiaofei a chance to resist.

It was as if he had heard Laflize's request.


Bai Xiaofei was completely immersed in the perception of the power of the orange lamp, and Laflize's power was finally accumulated.

crucial moment.

The greedy power of the orange lamp also immediately gave a hint.

"It's now!"

"Do it!"


Without any hesitation.

Laflitz erupted instantly, arousing the incomparably terrifying power of the orange lights, like rivers and volcanoes erupting, all of them rushed towards the unsuspecting Bai Xiaofei, and in just a split second, the poor Bai Xiaofei was completely submerged in the greedy orange light among.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's consciousness also immediately sensed the massive power of greed.

It was like swimming in a lake that suddenly turned into an endless ocean, which made him so happy that he wanted to cheer: "Raflitz, you are so awesome! Three thousand and two hundred likes!"


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