The Storm God

Chapter 3868 Fishing! (Please subscribe!)


Raflitz was stunned.

This is my strongest attack, but the guy on the other side has nothing to do...

He even looked like he was enjoying it very much...

This shit!

What is the origin of the other party?

Such strength is too terrifying, right?

Simply inhuman!

what to do?

I actually want to kill such a perverted guy. After the other party finds out, they won't kill me directly, right?

Should I just turn around and run now?


It doesn't seem right.

Looking at him like this, it seems that he has not noticed his own thoughts, so he thought he was testing him?

If this is the case, there may be a turning point...

How about giving it a try?


Laflitz felt a battle between heaven and man.

In the end, the greed in his heart still took over the fear, making Raflitz give up his plan and run to the plan, deciding to take a gamble.


Raflitz slowly began to weaken the power of the orange light.



Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly, and let out a dissatisfied complaint: "Why did it weaken? Keep going, don't stop, I can still persist, it's better to be more aggressive, I really don't mind at all... ..."

The corners of Laflitz's mouth twitched at the words.

"I rely on it!"

"Who the hell is this guy? He actually doesn't take my all-out attack seriously, and even enjoys it like he's having a massage. Do you want to hit someone like this?"

"I have pride, too!"


The baby is suffering.

But Raflitz didn't say anything, and finally followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions, and raised his strength again.

Not because of fear, but because of a guilty conscience!

In short.

Very attentive.

Obviously, the current Laflize has been completely overwhelmed by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength.

I dare not have the slightest intention of disobedience.

that's all.

Raflitz maintained a state of full output, and let Bai Xiaofei enjoy the mysterious research of the power of orange lights. The latter felt very happy and joyful, because through research and analysis, Bai Xiaofei also understood the attributes of the power of greed. There are already some eyebrows.

And this time.

Laflize, the biggest project, was miserable.

after all……

His power is not unlimited.

Especially maintaining this state of full output, it consumes a lot of mind and strength.

Raflitz's strength was not top-notch in the first place, only the compatibility of the greedy heart and the orange light was incomparable, and this made everything what it is today. It's a pity that he happened to meet Bai Xiaofei today, so he was destined to have a hard time.

It didn't take a while.

Bai Xiaofei exhausted Laflize a bit.

What does it mean to steal a chicken without losing money?

This is!

He originally wanted to kill Bai Xiaofei and get a lot of benefits from him.

It turned out to be good now, not to mention the baby or something, but a lot of power was put into it, and it was even more than that, maybe even he himself was put into it.

Think here.

Raflitz was depressed to death.


I stayed here well, no matter who I provoked, how did I meet such an evil star!

What a disaster!

"Hoo hoo..."

The long-term full output made Laflitz look extremely haggard and embarrassed.

And just when he was about to be unable to hold on anymore, he decided to give up and have a complete showdown with Bai Xiaofei, and if he couldn't do it, he would fight to the death, Bai Xiaofei finally quit the state of contemplative study, and Laflitz was so excited that he almost shed tears .

"Damn it!"

"This guy is finally done!"

"I'm so exhausted!"


There was a fluke in my heart.

Then he directly collapsed on the ground regardless of his image, panting heavily, and at the same time looked at his orange light ring with great distress, with a painful expression like a dead parent, obviously feeling sorry for his loss.

At this time, don't worry about your own safety, but care about the loss first...

There is no one with such a personality.


Seeing Laflize so virtuous, Bai Xiaofei was immediately puzzled.

Puzzled: "Raflitz, what's wrong with you? It's just a small test, don't you need it?"


"You said it so lightly, who just said don't stop? You are comfortable, but I have lost a lot..."

"If you don't see how awesome you are, you can't beat you, do you really think I have a good temper?"

"It's unlucky to meet your father!"


Laflitz kept complaining in his heart.

But in the face of Bai Xiaofei's questioning, he absolutely dare not say that.

Hearing this, he could only smile wryly and said: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't had much activity all year round, so why did I do it this way, there is something wrong with it, and it will be fine soon..."

After explaining a few words casually, he began to change the subject: "Bai Xiaofei, right? You are very good! You actually withstood the influence of the power of the orange lamp. It seems that you still have two brushes. If so, then I will Nothing to worry about…”

"Just follow the conditions you said before, let's make a deal!"


That's all for now.

Raflitz suddenly changed the subject: "I have a condition, you must agree..."

"Huh? Oh..."

Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment.

It seems that he did not expect Laflize's attitude to change so quickly. Is it because his charm is so great that he has convinced the other party? While thinking wildly in his mind, he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, tell me, as long as it's not too much, I can satisfy you."

"The orange light battery must be in my hand!"

Laflitz didn't care about Bai Xiaofei's situation, and immediately said seriously after hearing the words: "And the orange light ring you are researching is charged per use. That is to say, when the energy of the ring is used up, if you want to replenish it, just You have to pay..."

"That's what it means to trade!"


Laflize is worthy of being the only agent of Orange Lantern. No matter what environment he is in, as long as it involves matters related to interests, he will immediately look like a different person, chicken thief, cunning, treacherous, greedy...

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care when he arrived, because he also had his own calculations.

Although according to Laflize's conditions, it seems that the other party has made a profit, but in fact Bai Xiaofei will never lose money.

Because he is putting a long line to catch big fish.


Not to mention anything else.

As long as Bai Xiaofei can successfully comprehend the mystery of the power of greed, it will be of great help to him.

That alone is definitely worth it.

not to mention.

while trading.

Bai Xiaofei can also directly bind Laflitz into his camp.

If you need thugs or something at that time, you can use tricks to fool Laflitz and take a group of orange light ghosts to fight for yourself.

not going?

Ha ha, then I'm sorry, your reward is gone.

It's not that he defaulted on the debt on purpose, or that he was cheating and repenting, but that the conditions are not allowed. Unless you help beat the enemy away, Bai Xiaofei can't take care of himself, so how could he still care about others?

Going back and forth like this is almost equivalent to Laflitz becoming Bai Xiaofei's younger brother.

Along with those orange light ghosts.


At that time, Bai Xiaofei is not allowed to express anything, maybe Laflitz himself has rushed forward to defend his own interests.

But having said that, the expression still has to be expressed.

Just like now.

Now that Laflitz proposed the terms of the transaction, Bai Xiaofei had to show his sincerity.

In other words, it will give the other party some sweetness and benefits.

Are you fishing?

How can a big fish take the bait without casting bait?

The better the bait, the higher the success rate of catching big fish, and the more stable it is!

As a veteran driver, Bai Xiaofei said, it's absolutely fine, I'm good at this, after all, so many heavens are not for nothing, Bai Xiaofei doesn't have many other things now, but there are countless rare treasures.

Take out one or two casually, they are definitely enough to deal with Laflitz.


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