The Storm God

Chapter 3869 Play hard to get! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei agreed very simply.

He even replied very Versailles: "These conditions are all right, anyway, I have a lot of babies, I'm afraid you don't need the orange light ring..."

Laflitz's depressed mouth twitched, and he remained silent.

at the same time……

deep in the eyes.

There was also a faint flash of greed.

Obviously, he became greedy for the treasures that Bai Xiaofei said were too many to use up, and he was thinking about how to get those treasures.

As for the number of orange light rings?


Is this a problem?

As the sole agent of Orange Lantern, as long as Laflitz is willing, he can have as many rings as he wants.


You say that energy cannot be unlimited?


But what does that matter?

I just need to dilute the energy in each ring a little bit, won't I be able to create more rings?

This is not a lie.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei only said he wanted the ring, but not energy.

If you want to blame, you can only blame him for not being rigorous. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. We are honest people, and we deal in a down-to-earth manner...

Raflitz thought inwardly.

As everyone knows.

How could Bai Xiaofei not know his little thoughts?

He just pretended not to know, but in fact, he had already calculated everything in his heart.

it's not...

While Laflize was still thinking about the future, Bai Xiaofei took out a contract document, and it was the highest grade one, and explained: "Mr. Laflize, in order to ensure the interests of both you and me, we still sign a Let's make a contract..."


Raflitz was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, he looked curiously at the contract document in Bai Xiaofei's hand.

Immediately afterwards, his first reaction was that there was a good baby in front of him, and he subconsciously wanted to take it as his own, but soon he came to his senses, the cooperation has not been reached yet, so it cannot be easily exposed.


He didn't refuse.

He directly took the contract document in Bai Xiaofei's hand, and curiously groped to check it.

Raflitz was surprised to find that this contract document was extremely special, especially the power inside, which could not even be explored by his own orange light power. This made him more curious and valued this contract document.


He glanced at the contents inside, and the look of surprise on his face was even worse.

Raflitz originally thought that Bai Xiaofei would tamper with the content of the contract, even if the other party didn't do it, he would find a way to trick Bai Xiaofei in order to maximize his own interests, but Bai Xiaofei directly saved him this step.

Because the clauses inside were really written according to his wishes, and the requirements for Laflize were not standardized or rigorous at all, but the promises that Bai Xiaofei should abide by were clearly and clearly written, without any loopholes at all. Drillable.

at first.

Laflitz also felt that something was wrong, and felt that Bai Xiaofei was deliberately testing himself.

But when I think about it carefully, it doesn't seem quite like it. After all, this condition was made by myself. Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei took out the contract document, explaining that it was not prepared in advance, but a treasure that was customized on the spot according to his own requirements. .

Even so, there is nothing to worry about.

after all……

According to the content of the contract.

Laflize can take advantage of loopholes, but Bai Xiaofei can't.

The initiative is entirely in your own hands.

Afraid of a ball!


Raflitz relaxed his vigilance again.

After confirming the contents of the contract document again and again, and there was no problem, he readily wrote his name on it.


The contract is thus established.

The documents disappeared immediately, one merged into the avenue, and two flew into the bodies of Bai Xiaofei and Laflitz respectively.

Anyone who has a contract will be sanctioned by the Great Dao.


Laflitz, who had succeeded in his plot, was very happy, but when he saw that such a good treasure as the contract document was gone, he felt a little uncomfortable. He looked at Bai Xiaofei and asked, "What are you doing?" Do you need an orange light ring now?"

Good guy.

This is to start trading immediately.


Bai Xiaofei chuckled.

Shaking his head slightly, he said: "The previous ones are enough for me to comprehend for a while, and I don't need the orange light ring to study for the time being. When I need it, I will notify you. Now I should leave..."

What is playing hard to get?

This is!

Give Raflitz some benefits first, and after he has tasted the sweetness, he will resolutely start to distance himself, and directly pull the initiative back into his own hands.


as expected.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei said that he didn't need the orange light ring for the time being, Laflitz was a little confused.

What's the situation?

Dude, you looked like you were dissatisfied with desire just now, why did you enter the sage mode in a blink of an eye?

You are too fast, right?


Think about it too!

How could the power of the orange light ring be so easy to bear?

Before, I kept outputting with all my strength and almost squeezed myself dry. I really thought he was not affected at all. It turned out that he had already reached his limit, but he didn't show it...

With that in mind.

Raflitz immediately felt relieved.

"That's it..."

His eyeballs were rolling around, apparently pondering some special thoughts.

At the same time, he also said: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I am tired of staying in this place. I just have a storage ring. All the treasures can be carried with me. Since we are now a cooperative relationship, what I do Stay with you for now."

"In this way, in case you need it, I can satisfy you in time, which will save you trouble."

"Why bother?"


This is clearly to rely on Bai Xiaofei.

As everyone knows, this is exactly what Bai Xiaofei hopes for. Although Laflitz is indeed very difficult to manage and can easily cause a lot of things, but if he manages it well, he can still be regarded as a surprise soldier.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei readily agreed.


"Anyway, my family is very big. One more you is not too much, and one less you is quite a lot. Since you have no place to go for the time being, it is not a problem to take a rest with me temporarily, but I have one thing to declare..."

"When you're on my territory, don't mess around!"

"Do you know what I mean?"


The last sentence.

It is already full of thick warnings and threats.

"rest assured!"

Raflitz didn't care.

Patting his chest, he promised: "I'm an honest person, and I like to help others the most. How can I mess up things? You are just worrying..."

It's completely nonsense with your eyes open.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei chuckled.

My heart was full of disbelief, and I thought to myself: "Only a fool will believe you if you are full of nonsense!"

Why didn't he know that Laflize relied on him, besides being interested in his baby, he just wanted to use the greed of other creatures to enhance his own strength, and then get more benefits from him!

I'm afraid Laflitz has done similar things.


Met Bai Xiaofei.

Laflize was doomed this time.

Because, the place where Bai Xiaofei wants to take him is the dust star in the mechanical field.

Apart from the endless machines, there are almost no other living beings there. It is obviously impossible for Laflitz to use the power of greed to confuse others and achieve his own goals.

It's like playing the harp to a cow, and lighting a lamp to a blind man-it's completely useless.

Poor Laflitz was kept in the dark and didn't know it. Seeing Bai Xiaofei agree to his request, he was still dreaming of a bright future in his heart, but he didn't know that what was waiting for him was a boundless "hell".


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