The Storm God

Chapter 3870 Blue light clues! (Please subscribe!)

"This is your territory?"

When Laflitz followed Bai Xiaofei to the dust star in the mechanical field, and saw endless mechanical warriors, but there was no living person, his face became extremely ugly in an instant, and his eyes twitched so badly !


The feeling of falling directly from heaven to hell is not good.

He almost collapsed on the spot.


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

Pretending not to see Laflize's face, he pretended to be very proud, and introduced to Laflize: "Everything here belongs to me. The number of mechanical warriors and even steel monsters that will come down is simply countless. In trillions..."

"How? Is it powerful enough?"


It's okay if he doesn't say this.

With that said, Laflitz's eyes twitched, and his movements suddenly became larger: "Trillions..."

Raflitz instantly felt that he had fallen into an endless abyss.


How can you implement your own plan without living people?

Let's not talk about doing things first, just absorbing the power of greed is completely impossible!

If this is the case, the power of greed can only go out but not in, even if your own storage is huge enough, it will be exhausted one day. The key point is that Bai Xiaofei, a pervert, still has such a big need. If he doesn't want to find a way to solve it, he will be squeezed dry sooner or later...

He was about to say something.

At this moment……

Aya suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei and Raflitz: "Sir, the Black Lantern Corps..."


It was only then that she noticed Raflize.

He couldn't help raising his brows and said, "Isn't this Raflitz from Planet Okaro? Sir, you actually brought it here..."

The tone was full of surprise and surprise.


Aya knew Raflitz.

At the same time, I also know the other party's temper and temperament, and the difficulty of fooling the other party out. In the end, Bai Xiaofei did it, not only that, but also seemed to draw Laflitz into his camp, which is incredible.


Thinking about it, it doesn't seem so strange.

After all, the person who made the move was Mr. It seems that there is nothing in this world that Mr. cannot do.

With that in mind.

Aya was instantly relieved.

Bai Xiaofei understood the change in Aya's heart in an instant, so he didn't explain the reason, but just said lightly: "Yes, because he and I are in a cooperative relationship now, and it happens that Mr. Laflize wants to go out for a walk Turn around, but there is no suitable goal and foothold, so I brought it here..."

"I see……"

Aya nodded in understanding.

Immediately, he glanced at Laflitz with a very kind gaze, and said with a smile: "Mr. Laflize, welcome to Sanddust Star in the mechanical field. Let me introduce you formally. Now I am the manager here. What do you need in the future? , if Mr. Bai Xiaofei is not here, you can come to me at any time, and I will definitely try my best to meet your needs..."


Raflitz laughed dryly twice, which was a response.

But he said in his heart: "Try to satisfy me? Hehe, it sounds good. If you really have this thought, then you send me to a place where there are more living people. What the hell is this place full of machines? What can I do? Yarn!"

He's very upset right now.


Because of Bai Xiaofei's relationship, but he couldn't show it.

This is very uncomfortable.

after all.

The road is chosen by oneself, and you have to finish walking on your knees.

No matter how bad it is, you can't just come here and just retreat, right? That would be too embarrassing!

Laflitz decided that if Bai Xiaofei, a perverted guy, is just so fucked up and unreliable in the days to come, then he should tell Bai Xiaofei clearly, otherwise how could there be so much greedy power for Bai Xiaofei to use for enlightenment and research?

I am not a perpetual motion machine or something.

As for now...


Bear with it for now!

And looking at the scale and design of Dust Star, it seems that there are many treasures hidden, maybe you can find some priceless good things from it, if this is the case, this trip is worthwhile...

that's all.

Relying on the powerful spirit of Ah Q, Raflitz overcame all the depression and unhappiness, and then stayed in Dust Star.

Immediately afterwards, he asked Bai Xiaofei to wander around this planet alone.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei did not refuse.

He directly agreed: "No problem, the visitor is a guest. In this Dust Star, you can go wherever you want, and absolutely no one will stop you. It just so happens that I have some things to deal with here, and I am not free for the time being." Treat you..."

"Since you are so interested, let's take a stroll on Sanddust Star first..."

"Need a guide?"


He is putting a long line to catch big fish.

Because only by letting Raflitz see Bai Xiaofei's power and countless good things, Raflitz can arouse more power of greed, thus supplementing and strengthening the power of the orange lamp, and completely chaining the opponent to his own camp .

As for whether Raflitz will make a bunch of things?


Just do it!

Except for machinery, there are almost no living people here, except for machinery. How much trouble can Laflitz cause if he can do things? It's nothing more than the loss of some sentinel hunters and technology parts. Bai Xiaofei has a lot of these things, so I don't feel bad at all!

Using these rubbish-like things to catch a big fish like Laflize, no matter what, it's Bai Xiaofei's money!

In short.

Raflitz may feel he has taken advantage of a lot.

But Bai Xiaofei will never lose money.


Laflitz shook his head like a rattle, and said with a dry smile, "I'm fine with myself. It's more fun, just like an adventure. If you know everything in advance, what's the point? Just do your own thing, I'll do it myself." Just turn around!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded to express his understanding: "Since that's the case, then I don't care about you, you can just look around, Aya and I are discussing something..."


Raflitz turned and left.


"what happened?"

Bai Xiaofei withdrew his gaze, looked at Aya with the same sympathetic smile on his face, shook his head, and then asked: "The Black Lantern Legion is doing something again? What is it about? The raw materials of the Destroyer, or something else? "

"the latter!"

Aya said seriously: "Just now, the detection device I was walking somewhere in the universe sent back a special piece of data information. According to careful comparison and analysis, it has been confirmed that the source of that piece of data is most likely ours. The power of the blue lantern I was looking for..."


Aiya showed Bai Xiaofei a piece of extremely complex data analysis data, and the most conspicuous among them is undoubtedly the power of green light, the power of red light, the power of purple light, the power of blue light, and the power of yellow light that he has fully mastered. Force, and a comparison data map of the slightly smaller power of orange lights.

And in these comparison pictures, there is also a very strange power of the emotional spectrum. Its existence is completely different from the other six powers of the emotional spectrum, but there are some similarities, just like a variant of a certain power. ...

It is also because of this that Aya suspects that it is the power of mercy of the blue lamp that Bai Xiaofei has been looking for.

It just so happened that Bai Xiaofei also came back.


Aya immediately looked for him, unexpectedly saw Raflitz, the sole agent of Orange Lantern, and then Aya understood that Bai Xiaofei wanted to collect the power of Seven Lanterns to study and find ways to deal with Black Death God's way.

"It is indeed very similar!"

Bai Xiaofei only glanced at Aya's data before he came to a definite conclusion.

Immediately overjoyed, he hurriedly asked, "Where is it?"

"Near Andromeda in sector 3223."

Aya replied: "As for whether it is still there now, I'm not sure, because the power fluctuation appeared for too short a time, it almost disappeared in a flash, and then I couldn't track it anymore, but I have sent a The sentinel hunters went over and deployed more detection devices around Andromeda, as long as it reappears, it will definitely be detected in the first place..."


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