The Storm God

Chapter 3871 Take it all away! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said: "This is all I can do now, I just got some insight into the power of the orange light from Laflitz, I need time to consume and analyze it, and see if I can copy and clone it ..."

"During this period of time, I will thank you for your hard work."

"As for Raflitz..."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused for a moment, then chuckled, and said: "Don't worry about it, let him do what he wants, the big fish that has already been hooked can't run away no matter how hard it jumps, you can use him at critical moments, for example, to deal with black fish. Lantern Legion or something..."


Aiya suddenly showed a clear look, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, sir, with me here, he can't make any troubles. It just so happens that the actions of the Black Lantern Corps seem to be a little frequent recently. Let Laflitz go and have a look Just kills two birds with one stone..."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

He is still very relieved when Aya is doing business: "You can figure it out, and contact me if there is any urgent matter. If there is no accident, my enlightenment this time should be over soon. After all, there are other emotions on the spectrum. power as the foundation."

"Then I wish you all the best, sir!"


The two separated.

Bai Xiaofei escaped directly into the small world, and began to formally decipher and analyze the mystery of the power of greed, attempting to copy and clone it, so as to develop his own Orange Lantern Warrior.

And Aya went to work on her own affairs.


Monitor Raflize's movements.

Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't care at all, this is Aya's jurisdiction after all, so it's impossible for Laflitz, a newcomer who just joined, to do things casually, and it's fine if it really involves some important areas. That absolutely can't let the other party mess around.

Another example is to detect the movement of the major bases of Apocalypse and Black Lantern Corps, etc.

To know.

Except for Bai Xiaofei.

Aya is almost the manager with the highest authority.

When Bai Xiaofei is not around, she has absolute power and can do anything that is beneficial to Bai Xiaofei.

The key point is that Aya's ability is also very powerful, not weaker than Bai Cass at all.

However, Cass is now mainly responsible for the operation of the Hongmeng Dark System, while Aya is in charge of all external affairs around Bai Xiaofei. The husband and wife cooperate with each other, and they can be said to be Bai Xiaofei's strongest right-hand man.


A certain planet in the mechanical field.

Laflitz went around and came here. He was extremely shocked along the way. After his eyes widened, they almost never shrunk. Obviously, he was shocked by Bai Xiaofei's territory, power, and various black technology products. .

For example, the latest version of Sentinel Hunter and Mechanical Monster.


Laflitz even had a hand-to-hand fight with him, but the result was a big defeat, which made Laflitz very embarrassed.

Of course, the key point is that Raflitz did not use all his strength, but only used a part of his strength, because in Raflitz's view, these things are some high-end toys, and they are not worthy of his full strength.

follow closely.

He was slapped in the face.

In the end, he made an exception and used a stronger force, which barely blocked the opponent's attack.

Otherwise, you will have to disfigure yourself and lose face on the spot.

But even so.

It was enough to shock Raflitz.

"Good guy!"

"The fighting power of these things is so terrifying, and the number is so terrifying. If Bai Xiaofei really wants to conquer the universe, I'm afraid nothing can stop him?"

"I don't know whether it's right or wrong to make a deal with such a guy..."

"Looks like you have to be careful!"


Laflitz secretly warned inwardly.

Immediately afterwards, the depths of his eyes lit up with endless greed, and he thought: "If so many good things belong to me...then I can use them to snatch more baby?"

Raflitz, who became more and more excited as he thought about it, couldn't help but put some of the sentinel hunters and steel monsters into his storage ring.

At first I couldn't bear it.


It was also testing whether Bai Xiaofei's words were true or not.

Results prove.

Everything is true.

Even though Laflitz took away so many sentinel hunters and steel monsters so blatantly, no one came out to stop him, which made Laflize feel very refreshed: "It seems that Bai Xiaofei still takes me very seriously. Well, if that’s the case, then I won’t be polite!”

"This, this, and this..."

"Take them all!"


Raflize began to intensify.

Along the way, almost all the good things that caught his eye were put into the storage ring by him.

at last……

He walked out of Dust Star unknowingly.

Accidentally came to a certain research base in a nearby star field, and more coincidentally, what was being researched and manufactured there happened to be Cell the Destroyer that Bai Xiaofei had just successfully created.

Of course, due to the lack of raw materials, these devices are in a state of shutdown. As long as there is output of raw materials, it can be turned on, and production and creation can be carried out again.

It can be seen from this.

This research base is still very important.

After Aya found out, she rushed over immediately, trying to stop Raflitz from doing things here.

Those before are nothing more than that, even if they are taken away by Laflitz, without the authorization and orders of Aya and Bai Xiaofei, they are no different from waste products in Laflitz’s hands, so don’t worry at all, whatever Laflitz does will be fine. Can.

But absolutely not here.


It is not only the foundation of the creation of Sharu the Destroyer, the development and research of other versions of the Destroyer are also inseparable from the equipment and data here.

in short.

The stuff here is not worth the money.

But the research materials and so on inside are priceless treasures.

It must not be leaked!


Aya rushed to Raflitz almost instantly.

"Mr. Raflitz, I'm sorry, this is our research base, which involves a lot of special and rigorous data and new product series. Even you can't just enter it now..."

She didn't bother to talk nonsense with Laflize.

What came up was a concise explanation and rejection, and the attitude was very firm: this road is not going to work, please detour!


Raflitz was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, interest came, his eyeballs rolled around, and at the same time he said: "Really? Then tell me what is going on inside? You know, I am a guest brought back by your master himself. It's honorable..."

He actually used Bai Xiaofei to suppress Aiya.


Aya sneered slightly.

Immediately, with a characteristic hypocritical smile on his face, he replied: "I'm sorry, Mr. Raflitz, this is my duty. Even if Mr. Bai Xiaofei is here, I'm afraid he will do the same thing..."

The implication is that your method doesn't work well with me.

Please take a detour!


Raflitz was immediately depressed.

I rely on!

what's the situation?

That guy Bai Xiaofei's name is actually not easy to use?

Is it because the artificial intelligence in front of me is too inflated, or that guy Bai Xiaofei has always been on guard against me?

But it's right to think about it, we are just a trading relationship now, even if I have an important bargaining chip that the other party needs in my hand, and I am taking the initiative, it is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to really confide in me...

Just like the research base in front of you.

That's all, but the only thing that doesn't let me get close to here is that the things inside are very important, and even surpassed the other party's emphasis on the power of the orange light, but the more this is the case, the more curious I am about what is inside ?

But right now, you can't force it. After all, this is someone else's territory. For the sake of the overall situation, let's find an opportunity to sneak in later. No matter what is inside, as long as you get it, you won't have to worry about being unable to hold Bai Xiaofei!

With that in mind.

Raflitz laughed immediately.


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