The Storm God

Chapter 3872 Bring it to you! (Please subscribe!)


Raffles said with a smile.

He didn't choose to be tough with Aya, but turned around and left very simply.

Such behavior immediately made Aya feel a little unbelievable. Is this still the Laflitz? No, with his personality, how could he give up so easily? Could it be that he has other plans?

Aya frowned, not relaxing.

After Raflitz left, he immediately strengthened the guard and patrol force of this base, resolutely put an end to the prying of all outsiders.

Especially this guy Raflitz!

As for the others?


Let him have his way.

Anyway, no matter how much he took, he would obediently return it in the end.

Even pay more!

To this.

Aya had no doubts.

Because Bai Xiaofei has this ability!

the other side.

After Raflitz left.

He didn't stay nearby, but chose a direction at random, and went directly to other planets in the mechanical field to continue his tour. Similarly, when he saw something he thought was good, he would never let it go. Into the storage ring.

after all……

His greed is not covered.

Especially after owning the storage ring, Raflitz's greed skyrocketed a lot.

And in this short period of time, apart from taking away countless baby technology products, Laflitz also provided Orange Lantern with pure and massive power of greed to make up for the previous consumption and losses.


As the sole agent of the Orange Lantern, Laflitz has an extremely deep understanding of the power of the Orange Lantern.

I'm afraid that the greed he showed is partly because of himself, but more of it is deliberately pretended to cooperate with the orange lamp, just like the power of love of the purple lamp, most of them are women.

Everything is to better display the drop power of the corresponding light ring.

It is worth mentioning that.

While searching for treasures, Laflitz did not forget the research base.

Almost all the time, he was thinking about how to sneak in and get the treasure inside, and finally, he came to the conclusion that almost all of these have the mechanical field monitored and mastered by Aya, and he wants to sneak into the research institute base, is almost impossible.


There are any external factors as interference.

Only in this way can he take advantage of it, otherwise he will be discovered once he gets close.

This is the conclusion drawn by Laflitz after various observations and researches along the way. While depressed, he couldn't help but be curious about Bai Xiaofei's true origin. What kind of identity is it that makes him so wealthy?

Compared with him, OA star is nothing short of a big deal!


at the same time.

In the depths of the universe, in a remote star field.

The Black Lantern Legion is expanding, madly slaughtering the creatures of nearby planets.

Almost all those who meet the requirements are infected and assimilated into members of the Black Lantern, and then continue to harm one side, making life miserable here, which is terrible.

As far as the eye can see, there are ruins after the war everywhere, as well as people fleeing in panic.

And these people.

Most of them are children.

Because the adults were either killed by members of the Black Lantern, or transformed into members of the Black Lantern.

Only these useless children were specially left behind to provide Heidan with massive emotional power. Of course, even children are different. For example, babies who are about one or two years old do not know what fear is at all, and they will not be sad or angry at all after the death of their parents and relatives.

Similar to this, there is only one approach of the Black Lantern Corps——


Moreover, in front of their relatives, they were killed with extremely cruel methods.

The purpose is naturally to plunder more emotional power.

It's even more pathetic.

This place is near the sphere of influence of the Black Lantern Legion, and it is very far away from Bai Xiaofei's power and Apocalypse, so no matter how noisy the Black Lantern Legion is here, no one will intervene and stop it.


That was before!

Just like now, a group of special people suddenly descended on this area.

And they used the special teleportation power in their hands to directly transfer most of the children in the star field away before the members of the Black Lantern could react, leaving only a lonely and confused child to the Black Lantern Corps. .


"Someone broke in suddenly and rescued almost everyone?"

"What the hell are you pigs!?"


Appa, the new black lamp guardian, was furious when he heard the news.

He just yelled and cursed at his younger brother, and then asked: "What is the origin of those people? Do they belong to Apocalypse, or Bai Xiaofei's side? Or are they members of other neutral alliance forces? Are there any characteristics?"


Brother Heileng was silent for a moment.

It seemed to be recalling the scene at that time, and after a long while, he replied: "My lord, they should not be from Apocalypse, because they all have their own independent consciousness and ideas, which obviously do not match the style of Apocalypse..."


Appa agrees.

The ruler of Apocalypse is an absolute tyrant, and it is impossible for his subordinates to have independent self-awareness, because that would definitely be a hidden disaster for his rule, with the exception of some confidant generals.



The younger brother continued: "As for whether the other party is Bai Xiaofei's person, this is still uncertain, but one thing is certain, the other party is definitely Lantern Man, because each of them holds a pipe-shaped cane in their hands, and it is precisely because of the cane With the power, they can come and go without a trace..."


Hear here.

Apa suddenly became interested, and asked curiously: "Lantern man? The ability of the ring makes them come and go without a trace? What kind of ability is this? Why have I never heard of it? Could it be the new Lantern man who just came out recently? "

Waved back his men.

Apa fell into deep thought, but unfortunately, no matter how he thought, he couldn't think of an answer. Helpless, Apa had no choice but to come to the central library of Star OA, and was going to search some ancient books to find clues.


mechanical field.

Dust Star, Aya is busy with things.


She received the alarm data from a detection device—that power fluctuation appeared again!

Aya was overjoyed!


"You have finally appeared again, this time we must find your hiding place no matter what!"

"Start space tracking and positioning technology!"


In fact, during the last test, Aya had some analysis and guesses about it, but the data was too little, she didn't dare to be 100% sure, so she didn't tell Bai Xiaofei about her analysis.

this time.

The power fluctuation reappeared, and Aya activated the special corresponding device on the new detector without hesitation, in order to verify her conjecture.

As long as the opponent's power fluctuation and anti-counterfeiting can be successfully tracked, it will prove that Aya's guess is correct.

on the contrary.

Then we have to think of another way.

Fortunately, Aya's guess was really right.


The detector that activated the space tracking and positioning technology found a power fluctuation that was extremely similar to it in a certain star field deep in the universe, and relied on the sky-defying computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System to calculate it almost instantly. The specific location coordinates of the device.

Aya, who got the coordinates, was overjoyed.


"Let's see how you run!"

"Bring it to you!"


next moment.

Aya, who opened the door of space, drove her anti-surveillance mecha, led a group of elite sentinel hunters, and went straight to the tracked coordinates.


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