The Storm God

Chapter 3873 The blue lantern is born! (Please subscribe!)

A certain star field.

Inside a tribe that looks rather backward.

Several women with special runes and decorations branded on their bodies were sitting together at the moment, discussing something. One of them seemed to be their leader, and everyone around her would almost always ask for her advice, especially when it came to matters of going out.


"We can't go on like this anymore. We can't fight against the Black Lantern Legion on our own. We have to find other Lantern Heroes to join forces to deal with the Black Lantern Legion..."

"After all, this is not just our own battle!"


Comments have been made.

And immediately got everyone's approval, because what that person said was the truth.

Although they didn't suffer any casualties in these few shots, it was entirely due to the enemy's ignorance of them. After the enemy gradually understood their strength, it might not be possible, so they had to find a way to solve it. these questions.

"I know!"

The woman who seemed to be the leader nodded.

She sighed slightly, and said: "I am also very clear about what you said, but the problem now is that I can't contact that adult at all, and OA star has now become the base camp of the Black Lantern Army. Other than an adult, I don't know anyone else I can trust!"


The great changes in OA have already been known to them.

And the betrayal of the guardian Apa also made these people question the Green Lantern Corps, which symbolizes light and justice.

Except for that adult.

But unfortunately...

The grown-up seemed to have had an accident.

The leader of this tribe has been trying to contact that adult before, but has never received a response.

It made her feel very bad.


Recently, they have been acting frequently, saving people from the Black Lantern Corps several times, the difficulty is getting more and more difficult, and the pressure is also coming. Then they had this meeting, and the content of the discussion was, who should they trust? How to unite with other people to deal with the Black Lantern Legion together...

The conclusion reached by everyone is to send a trustworthy person to the current planet Kruga.

after all.

That is now recognized as the light of a new generation of OA.

The ruler there, Sinestro, was not only one of the greatest Lanternmen of Star OA, but also the brother-in-law of that adult. Compared with other strangers, these people are more willing to trust this familiar Lanternman.

To know.

The current Sinestro is a veritable super boss.

Even though their tribe was isolated and remote, they had heard a lot about Sinestro.

This is definitely one of the greatest Lanterns to date.

It is because of him.

The remaining civilized worlds of the universe can retain a piece of pure land under the rule of Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion.

If it was not a last resort, these people would have been in contact with it long ago.


The expansion of the Black Lantern Legion is becoming more and more unscrupulous.

Most of the star fields in the entire universe are almost ruled by the Black Lantern Legion. Countless creatures are persecuted, and even after they die, they will be summoned and used. Such behavior is simply outrageous.


Only their tribe will stand up.

It's a pity that relying on their own strength alone is unable to fight against the Black Lantern Legion. To solve this cosmic catastrophe, only by uniting the power of all Lantern Heroes can there be a glimmer of hope, so they must come forward to fight against other Lantern Heroes contacted.

Even if there is still no news of that lord, for the sake of the overall situation, they have to be born to warn the world of the horror of the Black Lantern Army.

The end of the meeting.

The task of being born and contacting outsiders finally fell to the leader, Qingnv.

no way.

Who made her the strongest.

Except for Qingnv, no one else can achieve ultra-long-distance interstellar teleportation.

Of course, the main reason is that the young girl has a deep relationship with that adult, and this kind of bond cannot be replaced by others.


This decision was passed quickly.

However, in order to protect the safety of the young girl, the other elders still sent some elite soldiers to follow the young girl to prevent any accidents from happening.

that's all.

After the meeting.

The leader, Qingnv, left the tribe with a group of elite warriors and embarked on a journey to save the world.

And not long after Qingnv and the others left, a huge space door suddenly opened above the starry sky of the tribe, and then, under the dumbfounded gaze of countless people, Aya drove her anti-surveillance The mecha, leading a group of sentinel hunters, appeared in front of everyone in a mighty manner.

"Enemy attack!"

People in the tribe don't know Aya.

However, they can vaguely recognize the sentinel hunters behind the anti-surveillance mechs, because their appearance is very similar to the mechanical hunters who once wreaked havoc and destroyed the universe, which led the tribesmen to directly regard these people as Made a bad guy.


The entire tribe immediately sounded the alarm.

In an instant, all the warriors of the tribe immediately entered the fighting state.

However, the fighting methods of these people are obviously different from others. Almost all of them hold long canes, and on the canes, there is a special energy core inlaid, which is inseparable whether it is used for defense or fighting. it.

"It's this kind of energy fluctuation!"

Inside the anti-surveillance mecha, Aya laughed excitedly, not paying attention to the vigilance of the tribal people at all, and almost all of her attention was on the monitor in front of her, the data displayed by the detector, the energy weapons used by these people, There is a high probability that it is the power of the green lantern she is looking for.

That is.

This time she found the right person.

This seemingly ancient and backward tribe is very likely to have the power of the green lantern.

With that in mind.

Aya suddenly turned her eyes.

He looked directly at the female fighters rushing to the front, and asked with a smile: "Hi, I'm Aya, the chief butler under Mr. Bai Xiaofei's command. I didn't have any malicious intentions here this time. I just came here to find the power of the green lantern." ..."


It's fine if she doesn't speak.

With this opening, the people of the tribe suddenly became furious as if they had been poked against the scales.

"It really is the enemy!"

"Their purpose is to rob us of our power, and they must not be allowed to succeed!"

"Everyone, attack freely!"


Following the order of the leaders.

In an instant, all the warriors in the entire tribe started without hesitation.

Countless rays of light pierced the night sky in an instant, like bright fireworks, blasting violently at Aya's anti-surveillance mech and the sentinel hunters around him.

at first……

Aya didn't take these people's attacks seriously.

After all, whether it is her anti-surveillance mecha or the sentinel hunters she brought, they are the elite among the elite, far from being easily hurt by ordinary people. As a result, she was slapped in the face in the next second, although The anti-surveillance mecha didn't suffer any damage, but several of the surrounding sentinel hunters were directly pierced by the attacks of the tribesmen, and then they were beaten into sieves on the spot, completely GG!


Aya was stunned for a moment.

In the next second, the anti-surveillance mecha received the data information fed back by the dead sentinel hunter before his death—the enemy's attack was mixed with different degrees of space law power. Once it reached a certain limit, even if they were It is impossible for an elite sentinel hunter to withstand the cutting and impact of the power of space.

"The power of the law of space!?"

After reading the feedback information, Aya's eyes widened immediately, she was both surprised and happy, and muttered to herself: "Is this the attribute of the power of the green lamp? By the way, I remember that Mr. said once that the green lamp seems to be able to Let people carry out interstellar teleportation, the ability is far more powerful than the star blue stone of the purple lamp..."

"I didn't expect it to be so terrifying in terms of attack!"

"It seems to be handled with care."


Aya didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

So he immediately ordered that all combat units activate the space shielding technology to restrain the space attacks of these tribesmen to the greatest extent.


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