The Storm God

Chapter 3874 Suppress the tribe! (Please subscribe!)


The sentinel hunters who followed Aya were the best of the best.

They were unprepared at the beginning, and didn't know the abilities of the people in the tribe, so they suffered a bit of a disadvantage. Once they knew the ability attributes of the opponent, it was relatively easier to deal with them. After all, most of them were equipped with void engines. of.

Of course.

The void engine can't be opened casually.

It requires full authorization from Aya and Baicas, as well as energy supply, coupled with the support of the terrifying computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System, to be perfectly executed and achieve the desired effect. For example, it can be constructed immediately against the law of space. Create a super large void barrier.

Within the barrier, all the power of the law of space will be greatly restricted, thereby limiting the enemy's use of the power of space to the greatest extent.

To put it bluntly, it directly weakens the enemy's attack power.

for example.

Under normal circumstances, the enemy's attack and the power of space are not limited, and the damage effect of 10,000 can be achieved in one blow, and the required consumption is only about 100, and the energy consumption ratio is very prominent.

And now...

The result is quite different.

Under the suppression of the Void Barrier, the attack cost of the people of the tribe will become very huge, directly from the original 100 to 1000, a gap of nearly ten times, but the weapon effect is still not as good as the original 10000, maybe Only about 1000.

It is also a difference of 10 times.

When the two 10 times are superimposed, it is almost a hundred times the terrifying gap!


This is outrageous!

It doesn't make sense at all.

Anyway, the people in the tribe, after discovering these problems, became very shocked and unbelievable, completely unable to understand why this happened.

Only some smarter people faintly realized something.


They began to shift positions.

Obviously they want to escape the blockade and suppression of the Void Barrier, otherwise if they continue to fight, they must be the unlucky ones.

"Limit their speed!"

"At the same time increase the gravity, air density, and oxygen content in the barrier area..."

"Try not to hurt them!"


Aya commanded calmly.

She came here not to kill, but just to get the power of the blue lantern.

Therefore, an order was issued to all the soldiers under his command that unless necessary and unavoidable, they must not be harmed, especially those who killed the tribe, because no one knew what relationship they had with the power of the blue lantern.

If it messes up, the Black Lantern Legion will probably be cheap for nothing.


It's all about restraint.

And as the void engine in the sentinel hunter's body began to show its power, the rules of the local area were instantly rewritten. The poor people of these tribes, before they figured out what was going on, were all suppressed and lost their combat effectiveness.

Let alone fighting, even the most basic standing and even breathing became extremely difficult.

after all……

The rules here have all been rewritten.

Especially the vital oxygen, once breathing is restricted, coupled with the multiplication of gravity, etc., it is difficult for ordinary creatures to adapt quickly in a short period of time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the sentinel hunters began to appear one after another, easily controlling those who were uncomfortable in breathing and inconvenient to move, and in a blink of an eye they gained a huge one-sided advantage. struggling to support.

However, these people are too few.

Facing sentinel hunters whose numbers were many times larger than theirs, it would be a matter of time before they were suppressed.

Can't fight, can't escape, what else can they do?


Almost all the people in the tribe were captured.

Of course, it's not that they didn't escape, for example, those few more clever ones retreated to the edge of the void barrier when they saw that the situation was not good at first, and then under the cover of others, they opened the portal with force. , fled away.

As for where he went, it is unknown.

In short.

That doesn't matter.

The point is, Aya successfully occupied here.

And in this tribe, a large number of special walking sticks were found.

And after researching and analyzing the special spar on the hand stick, Aiya came to the conclusion that this thing is like the star blue stone of the purple lamp, which is completely different from other lamps quitting the special existence, and its connotative emotional spectrum Strength is also completely different from the other six.

Aya's first feeling when she came into contact with that power was compassion!

Whether it is the creatures in dire straits or the crazy and brutal enemies, there is inevitably a feeling of pity in their hearts.

It is not easy to show mercy to all living beings, and the stubbornness and obstinacy of the enemy...

Almost became the legendary Virgin Mary.


After a long while.

Under the influence of the power of the green lantern, Aya finally recovered.

Then he said with a wry smile: "It seems that you are right. This thing should be the power of Qingdeng's mercy that Mr. is looking for. Fortunately, I am an intelligent life, which is completely different from creatures. Otherwise, if I were an ordinary person, I'm afraid I would have been directly affected by it. Let these people go..."

She was full of emotion.

Xin said that it is indeed one of the seven great lantern rings, this power is really awesome.

Not to mention being able to manipulate the power of the law of space, it can actually make people become compassionate and compassionate, almost like a virgin. I'm afraid ordinary guys can't control it.


Aya looked at the captured Horde.

Asked: "Who is the leader of you?"


Everyone was silent for a while.

You look at each other, I look at yours, but no one is willing to speak.

To this.

Aya was not angry either.

Instead, he smiled and patiently explained to everyone: "Don't get me wrong, as I said before, we didn't have any malicious intentions here, just to find the legendary power of the blue lantern, to deal with the growing madness and The brutal Black Lantern Corps..."

She was very sincere.

He even played some information videos for everyone to prove his sincerity.

And through these, among the people in the tribe, there are really many people who have changed their views on Aya, but that's all. After all, their current identities are prisoners. Naturally, it is impossible for Aya's words to completely change Trust each other.

One of them seemed to be an elder, a person with considerable prestige in the tribe, first said: "Aiya, right? To be honest, our leader is not here. Before you came, our leader had already left... "

"As for the power of the blue lantern you are looking for, there is indeed nothing wrong with it. The power we use is the power of mercy of the blue lantern, but it seems a bit exaggerated for you to say that you want to use the power of the blue lantern to deal with the Black Lantern Legion. ?”

"Because we have also been attacked by the Black Lantern Legion before. Although we have the ability to teleport through space, these do not seem to have much effect on the Black Lantern Legion. Once the other party knows our ability characteristics, it will be targeted. Very easy..."


The implication is that there are some reasons not to believe in Aya.

After all, their own family knows their own affairs, and they definitely know better than outsiders what the power of the green lantern does.


After hearing this, Aya raised her eyebrows slightly.

Surprised: "Your leader has already left before we arrived? Could it be to deal with the Black Lantern Legion? Is your leader strong? As for your strength, it doesn't matter if you exaggerate or not." ..."

"The important thing is that as long as you find the power of the blue lantern, my husband will be able to gather the powers of the seven lanterns in one body, and thus understand the stronger power of the hidden seven lantern powers. There is no one of the most direct and effective weapons!"

"It won't do you any harm!"


A look of earnestness.

And these words immediately made the people of the tribe stunned on the spot: "Gather the power of the seven lamps together, and realize the stronger power hidden in the power of the seven lamps... Who are you? Why do you know such beautiful things?" Something about the power of the Lantern Ring?"

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes.


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