The Storm God

Chapter 3875 I am a young girl! (Please subscribe!)

"It doesn't matter who we are!"

Aya frowned and said: "The important thing is that we are not your enemies, that's enough. Since your leader is not here, then send someone who can represent the leader, some things can't let too many people Know……"

The voice just fell.

Under Aya's instruction, all those captured tribesmen were released.

When the other party saw Aya's behavior, he immediately believed it, and his face changed from anger and hostility to bewilderment and doubt. And several elders in the crowd, under the attention of the people of the tribe, walked in front of Aya one after another.

One of them was a very handsome alien woman with a blue complexion, who seemed to be the one with the highest status. She took the lead and stood out from the crowd.

She said: "I am Sester of the tribe. Besides the leader, I have the highest identity and status. If the leader is not here, you can tell me anything. Vote to decide..."

The implication is obvious.

I don't guarantee any decision, let me tell you about it first.


Aya didn't refuse either.

He agreed very simply, nodded, and took Sester aside.

The surrounding sentinel hunters immediately set up a special formation for it, isolating all detection, and the transmission of sound and news, ensuring that no outsiders will be able to detect any content.


at the same time.

Star Kruga, Sinestro's room.

While rubbing his forehead, the frowning Sinestro suddenly raised his head vigilantly, squinting his eyes and staring at something.


A space-time rift is being torn open at this very moment.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman walked out from the strange space.

Beside the woman, there is also a group of female guards.

All of them are of extraordinary strength.


Just for a moment.

Sinestro entered a fighting state.

Moreover, it is still in the double star state, that is, the combination of the yellow light and the green light. When the emotional power is surging, it is like a vast abyss, which is incalculable.

"So strong!"

Seeing Sinestro's state and his astonishing strength, the women's team was shocked immediately, and all of them showed surprise. At the same time, the brilliance in their eyes became brighter and brighter, just like a dying person suddenly seeing hope.


The other party's eyes did not escape Sinestro's observation.

But this kind of reaction made Sinestro even more puzzled and puzzled: "Who are these people? Why do you see me as if you saw the savior..."

He was quite sure.

I had never seen them before.

at the same time.

The strength of the opponent.

It also made Sinestro very strange, and it was definitely the first time I saw him.

But what surprised him even more was that although the opponent's power was unfamiliar, Sinestro felt a little similar.

as if...

The strength of both parties comes from the same family.


Think here.

Sinestro suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and thought to himself: "Could it be that their power is the green lamp of mercy, one of the seven lamp powers that Mr. has been looking for?"

next moment.

His eyes fell directly on the hands of the women's team...

But to Sinestro's disappointment, these women didn't wear any rings on their hands...


Sinestro was stunned for a moment.

"No ring!"

"Could it be whimsical? But the feeling they give me is obviously very..."

"Could it be the scepter in their hands?"


I am in doubt.

Sinestro suddenly remembered that Bai Xiaofei once said that the carrier of emotional power does not necessarily have to be a ring, and can be replaced with other shapes. The shape is just an appearance, what really matters is the core...

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei also showed Sinestro some other emotional equipment.

Such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, belts, jade pendants, etc., depending on factors such as workmanship and size, the limit of emotional power that different equipment can store and explode is also very different.

Basically a proportional relationship.


Sinestro wondered, could the scepters in the hands of these women in front of him be the other carrier that Mr. said?

If that's the case, it makes sense.


Are these people enemies? or friends?

"You are?"

Sinestro asked, frowning.

"I'm a young girl!"

The leader of the women's team bowed gracefully to Sinestro, and introduced himself: "The leader of the Green Lantern Tribe, this time he came to Keruga Star to find someone who can help us save the world. ..."

"Blue Lantern Tribe!"

Sinestro's eyes widened suddenly.

Straight to the point: "Could it be that the power you use is the mercy of the blue lamp in the emotional spectrum?"

His eyes were full of hope.


The young girl nodded.

Frowning slightly, he asked doubtfully, "Mr. Sinestro, do you know us?"

In her opinion.

The Qingdeng Tribe lives in isolation and hides deeply.

In this vast universe, not many people should have heard of it. Why does this Sinestro seem to know the existence of himself and others?

Could it be that there is something inside that we don't know about?

"have no idea!"

Unexpectedly, Sinestro shook his head.


Seeing the puzzled looks of Qingnu and others, Sinestro smiled slightly, and explained: "I have only heard of the power of Qingdeng's mercy, but I really don't know much about you. I also found out through Mr...."


He said this.

Qingnu and the others became even more puzzled.

Especially when Sinestro mentioned Mr., the attitude of infinite admiration and admiration on his face made the young girl even more shocked and puzzled.


You are the Lord of Star Kruga!

One of the well-known universe-level bigwigs, but he respects a Mr. What so much, and even blindly worships it...

what is happening?


Sinestro didn't care what Qingnv and the others reacted.

Continued: "Our husband's ability is amazing. Everything I have now is due to the credit of the husband, including the Kruga star. Even the Black Lantern Corps is under the control of the master. between……"

As soon as he talked about Bai Xiaofei's awesomeness, Sinestro seemed to start talking, and couldn't stop at all.

As for Qingnu and others, the more they listened, the more shocked they became.

to the end.

Everyone's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Almost everyone had the look of "there is such a great person in the world, but I never knew it". Even the young girl was shocked and sighed secretly: "If what Sinestro said is true, then this world will really be saved..."

at this time.


A communication came suddenly.

And the caller was none other than Aya.


Sinestro saw him, and suddenly stopped the promotion speechlessly, then with a move of divine sense, he connected to Aya's communication, and asked with divine sense: "What's the matter, Miss Aiya, I'm busy now, if not What……"

The words are not finished yet.

Aiya directly interrupted his speech, and asked, "Is Qingnv, the leader of the Qingdeng tribe, with you?"


"How do you know? Could it be that you are spying on me?"

"I'm so angry with you!"


When Sinestro heard this, he immediately became a little nervous, and quickly looked around for the monitoring equipment with his eyes, and launched a so-called threat to Aya sternly.


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