The Storm God

Chapter 3876 Speechless! (Please subscribe!)


Aya was speechless for a while when she heard the words.

Then he explained angrily: "I'm not interested in spying on you, it was told to me by Qingnv's tribe..."

"I see……"

After figuring out the ins and outs, Sinestro couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

What a coincidence.


Be someone else.

I'm afraid things won't go so smoothly.

After hanging up the communication, Sinestro looked at the young girl, and immediately became more eager, and asked at the same time, "Are you here to find Abin Sur?"


The young girl nodded.

And explained: "Our Qingdeng tribe was founded because of that adult. Although he did not appear again later, it has an extraordinary meaning for us..."

"Do you know where he is?"


Young girls are smart.

She knew about the relationship between Sinestro and Abin Sur, so she didn't ask why the other party knew her intention to come.

Instead, he went straight to the point and asked about the whereabouts of Abin Sur.

compared to others.


It's that gentleman.

Qingnv and the others obviously believed in Abin Sur even more.

This does not rule out the role of idols, but that is not important. The important thing, Sinestro can be sure that these people are friends rather than enemies.

"He is retreating!"

Sinestro didn't hide.

She told Qingnv directly about her brother-in-law, saying: "He is in a critical period of breakthrough and cannot be disturbed in any way, so he is allowed to enter Mr.'s small world..."

Although Abin Sur's strength and talent are not as good as Sinestro's, they are not far behind. After unremitting efforts, he has now been promoted to the level of the ultimate lamp.

Just one more step, you can reach the realm of infinitely close to Ion Man.


This kind of realm can not only be broken through by comprehension and accumulation, but also requires a certain opportunity and the integration of external forces.

And in this world.

There is only one ion man, that is, the one who fits with the ion shark.


It is impossible for others to become Ion Man.

Because the ion shark represents the power of will in this world, and it is a unique and special existence that cannot be replaced.

Want to become stronger, even surpass Ion Man.

Abin Sur could only find another way.


With the help of Bai Xiaofei's strength.

The emotional power of the new version of the green light ring comes almost entirely from Bai Xiaofei, whether it's will, fear, or something else.

Everything is related to Bai Xiaofei.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei became stronger.

The Lantern Man under his command is more powerful.

The two sides are proportional.


Want to break through the shackles.

Abin Sur can only enter Bai Xiaofei's small world, and use a certain degree of small world power to impact and break his own shackles.

Once successful.

At that time, Abin Sur will become a new version of Ion Man, his strength will be doubled, and the quality of high-end combat power under Bai Xiaofei's command will be greatly enhanced.


Abin Sur's luck was a bit off.

It has been so long since I entered Bai Xiaofei's small world, but I still can't find the key point, I am stuck in a certain position, and I haven't broken through for a long time.


Young girls will not be able to find Abin Sur.

Only a few confidants around Bai Xiaofei like Sinestro know about this.

But Sinestro never expected it.

The blue lantern, which claims to be the most difficult to find among the seven lanterns, was actually created by my uncle...

This is very unexpected.


Not to mention Sinestro, I am afraid that even if Abin Sur himself came, he would be shocked and surprised.

Because he himself didn't know that his act of kindness back then would yield such amazing results.

It can only be said that if you plant flowers deliberately, the flowers will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will make shade!

Think here.

Sinestro suddenly smiled.

He put down his vigilance and defenses, even removed the energy weapons on his body, and returned to his original appearance, saying: "Young girl, right? First of all, welcome to Star Kruga..."

"To be honest, we are also looking for you. The purpose is to gather the power of the seven lamps and awaken the hidden light of creation..."

"I wonder if you would like to join us?"


Sinestro explained for a long time.

In the end, very gentlemanly, he sent a cooperation invitation to Qingnu and others.


Qing Nu and the others were stunned when they heard the words.

Obviously, they didn't expect that things turned out like this. While shocked, they also couldn't believe it. Someone actually knew about the existence of him and others. How could this be possible?

But if you think about it carefully, it's not impossible.


Their green lantern power has certain prophecy ability, otherwise how can they know the key to deal with the Black Lantern Legion?

Perhaps when the light of creation fell asleep, some special knowledge and abilities remained in the body of the merciful converted octopus.

So much so that the leader of the Qingdeng Tribe also has a certain ability to predict, thus saving the universe from danger.


Proposal to join Star Kruga.

Qing Nu and the others did not immediately agree, but you looked at me and I looked at you, with blank eyes.

To this.

Sinestro wasn't angry either.

She smiled and said: "Young female leader, don't worry, the invitation I sent will be valid forever, you can consider it slowly..."

"Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, I just don't know if the civilized world ravaged by the Black Lantern Legion is in a hurry..."

"In short, the key to everything lies with you..."


Said this quietly.

It sounds like there is no problem, but the core is that the girl and the others were directly put on the stake and suffered a lot.

To make it clear is to look for Qingdeng's power of mercy, and not to sit idly by and deliberately play tricks on the other party.


Qing Nu and others sat on the wax directly.

At the beginning, they had compassion in their hearts, each of them was like the Virgin Mary, and they couldn't bear the suffering of other living beings.


Affected by the power of the green lantern, their personalities have also become very devout, charitable, how could they be indifferent.

Unfortunately, they don't know what to do yet.

Then, they could only stare at each other, and finally everyone looked at the leader, Qingnu, with an obvious meaning: "You are the leader, you have the final say!"


The young girl remained silent.

She frowned slightly, her eyes flickered, and she was obviously struggling and hesitating, wondering whether she should join Star Kruga.

And this time.

Sinestro didn't give up the chance either.

Immediately struck while the iron was hot, and said: "Chief Qingnv, how am I, Sinestro, you can go and ask..."

"Abin Sur is my elder brother-in-law. The reason why he can safely go to Mr.'s small world to seek a breakthrough is mainly because he is optimistic about my leadership ability. If it is someone else, he may not be able to afford it. This responsibility..."

"Keluga's current achievements are directly related to me. Isn't it worthy of your trust for a great person like me?"


Faced with Sinestro's rhetorical question, the young girl was speechless.


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