The Storm God

Chapter 3878 Take food from the tiger's mouth! (Please subscribe!)


Raflitz was taken aback.

Looking at Aya who suddenly appeared, he felt a little guilty, and secretly said: "Could this guy have been watching me all the time and can see my thoughts, otherwise how could he appear so timely..."

"Mr. Raffles..."

Aiya didn't care what he thought, after showing up, with a bright smile on his face, he said to Raflitz: "Have you had a good time playing in my mechanical field recently?"


Laflitz nodded with a smile, and said, "Very good, but after playing for a long time, it's inevitable that I feel a little monotonous..."

"Other than that, is there anything new?"

"I want to change to another..."


He forced a smile.

Trying to cover up his thoughts, but couldn't help the greed in his heart, wanting to get more benefits from Aya.

after all……

After all, Raflitz is also a guest here.

He didn't believe it, without Bai Xiaofei's permission, this intelligent life would dare to do something to him?

As the saying goes, feed the bold to death, and starve the timid to death.

Laflize clearly belongs to the former.


Unexpectedly, after hearing Raflitz's words, Aya smiled even brighter: "It's really a coincidence, to be honest, I came here this time just to invite Mr. Raflitz to come with me It's an interesting place..."


Upon hearing this.

Raflitz immediately became interested and asked, "Where is it? Are there many babies there? Are you lying to me?"

Greedy, yet vigilant.

"how could be!"

Aya shook her head and smiled, "Mr. Raflitz is a guest personally invited by Mr. Bai, how could I deceive you?"

"I also feel that the scenery in the mechanical field is too monotonous, and Mr. Raflitz may lose its freshness after playing for a long time, so I came here to take you to try some other styles..."

"If Raflitz isn't interested, just pretend I didn't say..."


The voice did not fall.

Laflitz immediately interjected: "No! I'm interested, very interested, tell me quickly, what is that place?"

"The Delta Twins of the Orion Galaxy!"

Seeing this, Aya happily gave the location and coordinates of the target, and showed him some information and materials related to it.


just part of it.

For example, this planet has been targeted by the Black Lantern Corps, and they are determined to obtain some of the materials...

Such information is chosen to conceal.


Aya's purpose is to have Laflize fight against the Black Lantern Legion, which can kill Laflize's time and thoughts, and also help strengthen the cohesion of cooperation between the two parties.

After all, having a common enemy is stronger than anything else.

As for the greedy Raflitz, although he faintly felt that Aya's sudden appearance might be something tricky...

But in the end, I couldn't bear the longing and curiosity in my heart, so I chose to go to Delta Gemini to find out.

The key point is that Aya has also equipped her with a space transmission channel very intimately, which can be reached in a blink of an eye.

How convenient!

If there is anything wrong, at worst, just come back immediately, and I won't suffer any disadvantages.


He found to his dismay that he had been tricked.

Because Raflitz had just entered the space channel, Aya closed it with his back foot, and what was waiting for him in Delta Gemini was not some magical treasure, but a large number of Black Lantern Legion!

"I rely on it!"

Raflitz panicked at the time.

He wants to escape.

But it's too late.

In front of the Black Lantern Legion, Laflize, the only living body, seemed to be a bright light in the dark night, so dazzling...

In particular, Laflitz also possesses the power of emotion, just like delicious meat delivered to the pack of wolves...

How can the Black Lantern Legion not eat it?

In just a split second, quite a number of black lantern fighters swarmed towards Laflize.

"Damn it!"

"Aiya, that stinky bitch, dare to plot against me. When I go back, let's see if I don't give her to..."

"Why don't you deal with the predicament in front of you first!"

"The ring spirit, give it to me!"


In order to protect himself, Laflitz immediately released a large number of orange ring spirits without hesitation.

have to say.

The Orange Lantern Ring Spirits are still very powerful, and they actually blocked the attacks of these Black Lantern members. Although the overall situation still looks a little bad, after all, there are too many enemies.

But in a short period of time, Laflize should not be in any danger.


In addition to the defensive battle, Laflitz did not forget to carefully observe the situation and direction of the battle on the scene.

He suddenly discovered that although the number of the Black Lantern Legion here is extremely large, not all fighters attacked him.

Most of them ignored him.

as if...

They have other tasks.

"Something's wrong!"

At this moment, Laflize quickly realized the abnormality.

Generally speaking, the Black Lantern Warrior has only one goal, and that is the power of emotion. Whether it is torturing relatives or assimilating and infecting enemies, it is all for this purpose.

As the sole agent of Orange Lantern, Laflitz's emotional power is astonishing.

According to common sense.

These Black Lantern fighters should swarm up, completely defeat them, and take away all their strength.


Only a small part rushed over.

However, most of the other Black Lantern fighters are still performing other tasks, which is very abnormal!

"Could it be..."

Raflitz, whose mind was spinning, quickly thought of a possibility: "Is there any treasure here that is more important than me in the eyes of the Black Lantern Legion?"

No wonder he thinks so.

after all.

The importance of emotional power to the Black Lantern fighters is self-evident, and an existence of his weight is actually only a small group of Black Lantern fighters to deal with...

There are generally two possibilities for this to happen:

One, Laflize is too disheveled, no need to use more power, just a small part, can completely solve it.

In the current situation, obviously not!

The only possibility is the second one - in this Delta Gemini, what existence is more important than Raflitz, so the Black Lantern Legion must reserve more power to deal with and solve it.

Think here.

Raflitz was immediately excited.

The depression and anger in his heart were replaced by excitement and excitement almost instantly, and greed took over even more, causing him to have an extremely crazy idea: "Baby must be mine!"


At this moment, facing the encirclement and suppression of the massive Black Lantern Legion, the greedy Laflize, not only was not afraid, but became more and more excited.

The eyes are full of greed and longing for unknown treasures.

at the same time……

His strength is also slowly increasing.

Under the nourishment of Raflitz's own greed, the power of the orange lamp unexpectedly doubled in power, overwhelming the large number of black lamp fighters around him for a while.


A terrifying energy shock swept across the audience.

When the Black Lantern Legion, which was blown away and its formation collapsed, recovered and wanted to encircle Laflitz again, they were surprised to find that Laflize had long since disappeared.


Raflitz had not escaped.

Instead, they directly abandoned these rubbish minions, and turned to the core area where the Black Lantern Legion's large troops were concentrated.

It's clear that they want to snatch food from the tiger's mouth!


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