The Storm God

Chapter 3879 Exit! (Please subscribe!)

small world.

Bai Xiaofei is practicing meditation.

Although the time in the outside world has not passed for a long time, for Bai Xiaofei, a long time has passed here.

There is no other reason, the flow of time is different.

This is the time slowing effect Bai Xiaofei imposed on himself, the purpose of course is to comprehend the power of greed in the shortest possible time.


He's almost there.

However, Bai Xiaofei's mood was not happy.

Because after continuous research and comprehension, he depressingly found that the power of greed is different from other emotional powers, and it cannot be mass-produced and created under normal circumstances.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei can't do it, but if he does, it will definitely cause turmoil and chaos.

after all.

That's greed.

The most special existence in desire symbolizes extreme selfishness and possession, a domineering mind that does not allow others to share with oneself.

Take Raflitz for example.

Is there only one orange light ring? Obviously not, but why is there only Laflize the Orange Lantern Warrior?

Is it because he is awesome and scary enough?

Obviously not.

The reason is that all the orange lights fought each other because of greed, and in the end only Laflize was left.

The same reason.

If Bai Xiaofei reproduced the power of greed, not to mention the number of qualified people, the final result would probably not be much different from the current orange light situation.

Because of greed, sharing is not allowed.

Some only occupy!


That is.

Once Bai Xiaofei reproduces the power of greed of Orange Lantern, even if there is no threat from the Black Lantern Legion, Orange Lantern and his own people will take the lead in killing each other.

It will even affect other color lamp legions.

after all.

Greed knows no bounds.

Anything it takes a fancy to will be occupied with practical actions. Raflitz is the best example.


Bai Xiaofei was very depressed at the moment.

After researching for a long time, the power of greed could not reproduce it, and created the corresponding orange light warrior...

Isn't this useless work?

Of course.

That's just for the big picture.

From Bai Xiaofei's standpoint and perspective, Bai Xiaofei is not without gain.

For example, he has thoroughly understood the essence of the power of greed, which has deepened his understanding of the power of the emotional spectrum.

at the same time.

Combined with the power of other lamp rings that he had comprehended before, Bai Xiaofei also felt the power of the light of creation more deeply from it.


The light of creation is like a mirage.

Even though Bai Xiaofei could feel its existence very clearly, he couldn't touch it anyway.

"Could it be..."

Bai Xiaofei frowned secretly and guessed: "Is it because the blue lantern's compassion power is missing?"

So far, Bai Xiaofei has studied and comprehended the mysteries of the emotional spectrum power of the six lantern rings, but only the power of compassion is missing.

Therefore, he believes that the only way to truly touch the mystery of the light of creation is to break through the compassionate power of the blue lantern.

The premise is to find it first.


So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sighing slightly.

next moment.

He stood up, lifted the time slowing effect on himself, and allowed the time flow to return to normal.


Bai Xiaofei is about to leave the customs.


outside world.

Koruga star.

Under the authorization of Sinestro, Qingnu and others of the Qinglan tribe obtained a territory of their own on Keluga.

Qingnu and others have complete autonomy and can do whatever they want here.


Make this place another Green Lantern Tribe.


There is no free lunch in the world.

While receiving these benefits, they will also undertake some obligations.

It's like sending the compassionate power of the green lantern in the cane to a special energy storage device on a regular basis.


Sinestro wanted to collect as much power of mercy as possible during Bai Xiaofei's retreat, so that after Bai Xiaofei left the seclusion, he could have enough power of mercy immediately.

To this.

Qing Nu and others also said that there is no problem.

However, they also have a condition, that is, to dispatch a group of people regularly to take them to the territory of the Black Lantern Legion to save the creatures ravaged by the Black Lantern Warriors.

after all……

The power of mercy also needs to be supplemented.

And any woman of the Blue Lantern Tribe is almost like a virgin. Now that the entire universe is being destroyed by the Black Lantern Legion, it is naturally impossible for them to stand idly by.

Even if they cannot save everyone, they must save all living beings within their ability.

This is not only fulfilling their beliefs, but also supplementing the compassionate power of Qing Deng, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"no problem!"

Sinestro agreed very readily.

Although the Black Lantern Legion is powerful now, and the combat power of Kruga Star is still incomparable, if it is only a small area of ​​local combat, it is still completely fine.

not to mention……

After the last incident.

The main task of the Black Lantern Corps now is basically to find the raw materials to create the Destroyer...

Expansion or something has gradually become less important.

Because for the territory, having a strong enough elite-level combat power is the kingly way of development.

Especially in the case of Bai Xiaofei and Darkseid joining forces.

that's all.

during the following days.

The warriors of the Blue Lantern tribe spared no effort to send a large amount of compassion to Sinestro's energy storage.

When their power is almost exhausted, Sinestro will personally lead the young girl and others to the territory of the Black Lantern Legion to save the creatures that were ravaged by the flames of war.

One is to collect the power of mercy, and the other is to add obstacles to the Black Lantern Legion.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In short.

Sinestro was in a very good mood.

And the other side.

Aya also had a smile on her face.

However, Raflitz, who had just returned from fighting against the endless Black Lantern Corps, was not happy at all.

"You tricked me!"

With anger and murderous intent in his eyes, Raflitz roared at the smiling Aya: "If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, even if you are Bai Xiaofei's housekeeper, I will never let you go!"


Aya didn't pay attention to Raflitz's threat at all, and said with a smile: "Mr. Raflitz, isn't this what you want?"

"It can not only dispatch lonely and boring, but also obtain considerable treasures, and can also deal with the Black Lantern Legion, adding bricks and tiles to our cooperation..."

"This kills three birds with one stone."


Speaking of which.

Aya paused slightly, and the smile on her face became even brighter: "Besides, didn't you come back safely?"

"How can you say that I cheated on you!"


Look like I'm clearly doing it for your own good, please don't be ignorant of good and evil.

Raflitz was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

He was about to say something.

at this time.


A special fluctuation was instantly sensed by the two of them.

follow closely.

After Aya and Raflitz looked at each other, they looked in a certain direction in unison.


A familiar figure stood proudly in the void.

It was Bai Xiaofei who had just left the customs!


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