The Storm God

Chapter 3880 God help me too! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. is out!"

Aya's face was full of surprise.

But Raflitz was shocked, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe it, and he didn't hide it.

He even whispered in his mouth: "This is... the greedy power of Orange Lantern... How is it possible, he actually..."


"This must be an illusion, the power of the orange light belongs to me..."

"Others can't have it!"


Obviously it was on Bai Xiaofei, Laflitz had already felt the power of greed, and was deeply shocked.

Aya didn't care what Raflitz was thinking.

After sensing Bai Xiaofei's exit, he immediately tore apart the space and appeared directly in front of Bai Xiaofei: "Sir..."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded at Aya.

The voice just fell.

Laflitz also appeared in front of him, and kept looking at Bai Xiaofei with an unbelievable look.

He kept murmuring in his mouth: "Impossible, impossible..."

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just smiled slightly.

"Raflitz, nothing is impossible, you know, I am a scientist, and my favorite thing is research..."

"You have also seen the power of the other lamp rings before, have you never thought about why I have them?"

"In the same way, give me a certain amount of time, I can understand the greedy power of the orange lamp, and I can reproduce it."

"As you can see now..."


The voice just fell.

Under the shocked eyes of Raflitz.

Suddenly, an orange light flashed on Bai Xiaofei's body, and in an instant, the terrifying power of greed erupted directly from Bai Xiaofei's body like a volcanic eruption.

Laflize's orange light also received a huge resonance and influence because of this, and almost rushed into Bai Xiaofei's arms without Laflize's control.

It was as if Bai Xiaofei was its master.

Raflitz was so jealous that he kept shouting: "Enough is enough! Put away your strength, I believe it!"


next moment.

The weather was calm, Bai Xiaofei put away his strength.

And the throbbing in Laflize's body, as well as the restlessness of the orange light, were completely subsided because of this, and Laflize couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.


This moment.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei with vigilance.

Because, in Laflize's view, Bai Xiaofei has already become his competitor, just like the other orange lights before.

Between the two, there must be death!

Only those who survived are the real agents and owners of the orange lights.


Bai Xiaofei saw through his thoughts at a glance.

Immediately smiled wryly, and sighed: "Laflitz, you don't have to look at me so vigilantly. To be honest, you, including the orange light, are not very important to me now..."


Raflitz obviously didn't believe it.

Bai Xiaofei could only continue to explain: "First of all, I have basically analyzed the mystery and essence of the power of greed, and I can reproduce it by myself. It doesn't matter at all if I have you and Orange Lantern, because I am the strongest orange lights!"


"The power of the orange light is different from other powers of the light ring. Once released, you will only get chaos and fighting. You must be very clear about this."

"So I will not release and use this power easily, that is to say, there will be no other orange light fighters except you."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the purpose of my asking you to study the power of the orange lantern is to deal with the Black Lantern Legion..."

"Now my goal has been achieved, and you understand the result."


Bai Xiaofei explained it in great detail.

Even though Laflize still had a lot of doubts in his heart, he couldn't help but relax his vigilance and chose to trust Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei is too strong.

If you really want to turn your face, you can kill yourself almost instantly.

Although Raflitz is greedy and crazy, he is not stupid at all. He doesn't think such a strong person will deceive himself.

That's totally unnecessary.

Just like a lion, it is impossible to deceive a rabbit. If you really want to eat the opponent, you can use extreme force.

Why bother?


Bai Xiaofei also mentioned the Black Lantern Corps.

Raflitz couldn't help frowning: "Although the Black Lantern Legion is huge in number, their combat effectiveness is just that. Even I can stand out from the endless army. With your strength, you still fear them?"

He was very puzzled by this.


Hearing this, whether Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth or not, Aya couldn't help but sneered, and said mockingly: "Raflitz, do you really think that all the members of the Black Lantern are as easy to deal with as those just now?"

"Is not it?"

Raflitz frowned and asked back.

In his opinion, the Black Lantern Legion fighters he faced just now were already very difficult to deal with. If he hadn't been strong enough and had Aya's space channel to help him at the critical moment, he might not be able to come back.

In the end, Aya told him that these are all scumbags and cannon fodder...

How can it be!


Regardless of his thoughts, Aya released a blockbuster, explaining: "Do you know why the Black Lantern Corps wanted to snatch the materials on the Delta Twin Stars?"

Raflitz shook his head blankly.

at first.

He thought that the Black Lantern Legion was looking for some important treasure, but when he managed to snatch it after all the hard work, he found out that it was actually some useless materials.

This made Raflitz very puzzled.

And now...

Through Aya's words, he suddenly realized that these materials seemed to involve something extraordinary.

The key points seem to be extremely important to the Black Lantern Corps.


He became interested.

And Aya was not polite to Raflitz, and immediately started giving him science: "To tell you the truth, those are one of the raw materials used by the Black Lantern Legion to create the ultimate demon-like Black Lantern Destroyer!"

"What is the ultimate monster?"

Hearing this messy name suddenly, Laflitz couldn't help but widen his eyes, full of doubts.

At this moment.

Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth: "That is a biological weapon with a very strong physical quality that was jointly developed by the Black Lantern Legion and Apocalypse, and was later used by the Black Lantern Legion as a body to inherit the power of the Black Death Emperor..."

"The Black Death Emperor used the bodies of these destroyers to create his own clone, and its strength is extremely terrifying."

"Compared to the Black Lantern Warrior you know, the gap between the two sides is like a firefly and a scorching sun. It is impossible to be the same."

"If the number of these avatars reaches a certain scale, even I may not be their opponent..."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused slightly, and then continued to explain: "It is also because of this that I have to cooperate with Apocalypse, and actively look for ways to defeat the enemy, and the power of orange lights is an indispensable part of it... ..."


He began to explain to Laflize the old enemy relationship between the Light of Creation and the Black Death Emperor, and Laflize was stunned and shocked.

at last.

Bai Xiaofei made a conclusion and said: "So, now we are grasshoppers on a boat. If the Black Lantern Legion is allowed to develop, neither I nor you will be able to escape the end..."

"Only by working together to find the light of creation can we wipe out the Black Death Emperor and his Black Lantern Legion."

"And now, the only thing left is the green light."


As a result, the voice just fell.

Aya smiled: "Sir, I forgot to tell you just now, in fact, we have found the blue lantern a few days ago..."


Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he heard the words, and then he was overjoyed: "The green lantern has been found? This is really God's help!"


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