The Storm God

Chapter 3881 Soft and compassionate! (Please subscribe!)

"Abin Sur?"

Soon, Bai Xiaofei learned about the Qingdeng Tribe from Aya, and couldn't help feeling deeply moved, and secretly said: "The inertial influence of this plot is really great..."

In the original book.

The Qingdeng Tribe was established because of Abin Sur. Unexpectedly, after experiencing the intrusion of himself and the Oneiroi Lord Murphys and others, these things have not been changed.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei can only say that the inertia of the world is really awesome.

Of course, those are not important. What he is most concerned about now is the power of mercy of the blue lamp. To be precise, it should be able to completely tear away the mysterious veil of the light of creation after gathering the power of the seven lamps.

Bai Xiaofei had a premonition that the power of the light of creation was very important to him, it was not only related to whether he could fight against the Black Lantern Legion...

It also involves his own promotion.

This is a very mysterious feeling without any logic, but Bai Xiaofei is very sure.

It was as if someone somewhere told him the most correct answer.

"Go to Kruga Star!"

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help it.

I'm about to leave immediately, go to Keruga star to find the young girl, to feel and study the compassionate power of the blue lantern.


At this time, Aya reminded: "At this moment, the people of Sinestro and the Green Lantern tribe are probably not on Kruga..."


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately puzzled: "Aren't you on Kruga? What did they do?"

Aya explained: "Naturally, I went to replenish the power of mercy. If the prediction is correct, Sinestro should take them to the territory of the Black Lantern Corps to save people..."


Bai Xiaofei immediately understood.

You know, the emotion of pity is very rare in the vast universe.

after all……

The strong are like a forest, and the weak are preyed on by the strong.


Feel sorry!

What it is?

The reason why there are so few blue lantern fighters is not only because they live in isolation, but also because there are very few people who have compassion.

Relatively speaking.

Mercy's reserve of power will also become very pitiful.

Sinestro asked the people of the Blue Lantern Tribe to store part of their power in the energy storage, and these fighters must recover.

And the best way is undoubtedly to save people.

Only when compassion breaks out under the devastation of life, can the corresponding emotional power be harvested.


Doing so is also very dangerous.

After all, the soldiers of the Black Lantern Legion are all undead puppets controlled by the power of the Black Death Emperor, and they don't know what mercy is.

If it is not done well, there will be casualties, and even increase the enemy's power.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a little worried.

There are few people in the Qingdeng tribe, and the power of mercy they can provide is very limited. If they are killed more...

That would be hard work.


Aya saw Bai Xiaofei's worry, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this operation is not only led by Sinestro himself, leading a large number of elite fighters, but also has a very high number of top sentinel hunters as assistance. If you don't run into a big guy like the incarnation of the Black Death Emperor, you'll be fine..."

"I hope so!"

Hearing Aya's words, Bai Xiaofei was slightly relieved.

After all, Sinestro's strength, as well as the ability of the top sentinel hunter, are still very impressive.

Even if it is an ordinary incarnation of the Black Death Emperor, it will definitely not be easy to take advantage of them.

not to mention……

The ability of Qing Deng is already good at interstellar teleportation.

Coupled with the ability assistance of Sinestro and others, even if you really encounter an invincible master, there is no problem in escaping.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped thinking about it.

The topic changed: "In this case, then send someone to bring the energy storage device of Kruga Star, I want to understand the mystery of it as soon as possible..."

It doesn't matter if the members of the Qingdeng tribe are not around.

The power of compassion in the energy storage can also allow Bai Xiaofei to conduct a certain degree of research and enlightenment.


Aya nodded.

A consciousness conveyed in the heart, and the intelligent program far away on the Kruga star immediately followed the order, dispatched a team of top sentries, and began to transport the energy storage to the mechanical field.


Except them.

Just to be sure, there are some ultimate lights along with it.

This kind of configuration is almost perfect.

not to mention.

They are still walking through the space channel.

Therefore, after a while, as the space shattered, a group of elite fighters came in front of Bai Xiaofei with the energy storage of Keruga Star.

Efficiency is called a high.

At this time, Laflize, who was the sole agent of Orange Lantern, had already been sent away by Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

The power of the blue lantern is considered a treasure.

Raflitz, who is greedy and crazy in his heart, will inevitably have a change in his heart, and the best way is to distract him.

So as not to cause any trouble.

As for after leaving, will Raflitz have any crooked thoughts?

This is unknown.

In short.

The current situation is very harmonious.

After Bai Xiaofei obtained the energy storage device that stored a large amount of compassion power, those elite fighters from Star Keluga returned to Star Keruga again.

Aya stared, with an expression of ready to listen to the instruction, which made Bai Xiaofei speechless and amused for a while.

"what do you mean?"


Aya smiled and said, "Sir, am I not used to it? In the past, when you got good things, you had to do retreat, so I'm waiting for you to explain the preparations..."

Good guy.

Bai Xiaofei called him a good guy, is he really that miserable?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true.

That's all!

Let's do it differently this time.

Otherwise, if he continues like this, what is the majesty of his boss?

The point is, when he got the energy storage device, Bai Xiaofei sensed it a little bit, and he was surprised to find that this power of compassion, compared to other powers of the emotional spectrum, was surprisingly easy to handle.

This feeling is like eating coarse grains that are used to pulling your throat, and suddenly replaced you with a piece of soft, glutinous and sweet cake.

In an instant, you can feel the essential change.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback at that moment.

what's the situation?

Why is this power of mercy so easy to adjust?

Is it because I have already realized the power of the other six emotional spectrums? Or some other reason?

never mind!

For whatever reason.

Overall, it's a good thing for me.

You don't need to retreat, you can quickly understand the mysteries in it, and by the way, you can pretend to be in front of Aya, and restore your boss' majesty a little bit.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

Looking at Aya who was teasing and smirking, she looked serious and said solemnly: "Nonsense! Am I that kind of person? It was because of some special reasons before, so I had to do that..."

"This time..."

"There is no need to retreat at all, and I will be able to thoroughly study its mysteries in just a day or two..."

"Are you disappointed?"


Aya was taken aback on the spot.


Don't retreat anymore?

Why didn't you play according to the routine this time, sir?

Is it really forced to install B?

never mind!

Why do you care so much.

Since the husband said that there is no need to retreat, why should I worry so much about it? This is also a good thing for me!

Think here.

Aya suddenly smiled brighter.

She nodded and said, "It's really a little bit, but it's good, it happens that I still have a lot of work to do, since my husband doesn't need to retreat, I will return all the important tasks that were entrusted to me before." Let the master do it himself..."


It doesn't matter how Bai Xiaofei reacts.

Just turn around and leave.


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