The Storm God

Chapter 3883 Massive invasion! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Aya was busy with her own business.

During the period of Bai Xiaofei's retreat, she was very busy, looking for someone, and dealing with all kinds of messy things. If it was someone else, she would have been exhausted and paralyzed.

In other words, Aya is an intelligent life, and can be distracted and multi-purpose, so she is competent.

But even so, it was physically and mentally exhausting.

it's good now.

Bai Xiaofei, the hands-off shopkeeper, finally opened for business, and Aya can finally do some things of her own.


Upgrade and transform your anti-surveillance mecha.

To know.

Aya is very motivated.

The key point is that Sinestro and others are striving to break through and reach the limit that they can surpass. As the leader in the mechanical field, she can't stand still, can she?


Before Aya sorted out her upgrade ideas, she suddenly received a message for help from Sinestro.


Aya was stunned for a moment.

Sinestro actually asked me for help? It shouldn't be.

You know, his own combat power is terrifying, plus the elite masters he brought with him, and the teleportation ability of the blue lantern warrior...

Even if you can't beat the enemy, it's okay to escape.

Why did you suddenly ask me for help?

Could it be...

What's the real trouble?

In addition to doubts.

Aya also quickly connected Sinesto's emergency call, and in the next moment, she knew the specific situation on Sinesto's side.

"I rely on it!"

"Dozens of masters in black robes will encircle and suppress you!"

"What a big handwriting!"


Aya was shocked.

She knew that the Black Lantern Legion had masters in black robes as their cards.

But she never expected that the Black Lantern Legion would have grown the number of black robes to such an extent in such a short period of time.

It simply does not give people a way to live.

Don't see you.

Even big bosses like Sinestro and a group of elite experts were besieged, so they couldn't leave easily.

Of course.

If Sinestro and the others really wanted to leave, the Black Lantern Corps would not be able to stop them. Isn't there someone from the Blue Lantern Tribe next to them?

In order to protect them, Sinestro and the others were directly tied up.

It can be said that the enemy must be saved!

"Hold on!"

"I'll gather my troops immediately and kill every single one of them!"

"Hold on!"


Aya was also a little anxious.

Not worried about Sinestro's safety, but Qingnu and others.

That's the green lantern that I found just now, don't be fooled by the Black Lantern Corps before Bai Xiaofei saw it.

If Aya and the others were to be in front of Bai Xiaofei like that, they would be ashamed.

After hanging up the communication.

Aiya didn't dare to neglect, and immediately started gathering people.

She didn't inform Bai Xiaofei of the matter. Although Bai Xiaofei didn't practice the power of green lantern this time, it didn't mean he could be disturbed.

not to mention……

Aiya also didn't want such a small matter to spoil Bai Xiaofei's mood.

She thinks she can handle it.


After gathering a group of capable younger brothers.

Aya then tore apart the space, and directly killed the past through the space coordinates given by Sinestro.


OA star.

The black hand hides behind the scenes, watching everything.

To be honest, he was a little uncertain about whether Apa's plan would succeed, after all, Bai Xiaofei was famous for his scheming.

In the previous few wars, the losers were all others.

It was never Bai Xiaofei.

this time.

Can I wait for others to succeed?

And just when Black Hand was feeling uneasy, he suddenly received a message from Apa on the battlefield——

Aya was hooked.

at the same time.

There is also a video material.

The content is the fierce battle scene between the two sides on the scene.

Aya drove the anti-surveillance mecha and led countless top sentinel hunters, and launched a desperate battle with the black-robed masters of the Black Lantern Legion.

There were casualties on both sides.

All kinds of corpses were scattered everywhere.

Of course.

Those that can be left behind are basically sentinel hunters, because the corpses of other living people will be used by the Black Lantern Legion.

Therefore, basically, if someone on Sinestro's side dies in battle, his companions will completely destroy his body, preventing the Black Lantern Legion from being infected and assimilated.

And the fighters of the Black Lantern Legion were wiped out by the power of the spectrum, and everything would return to ashes and return to death.

It also leaves no trace at all.

Closer to home.

The battle on the scene was very tragic.

Although the Black Lantern Legion had the upper hand at the beginning, with the addition of Aya's army of sentinel hunters led by Sike, the situation was almost one-sided.

There are only dozens of black-robed masters who can still compete with it.

other ordinary members...

Feel sorry.

There is no ability to resist at all, just like the harvested wheat, a large piece of it, proper cannon fodder!


Except for Aya, Sinestro and several other top bosses who were able to fight against the black-robed masters, the fate of the rest of them was rather pitiful.

Either being completely crushed, or completely hanged.


The people on Sinestro's side are more rational, knowing that their opponents are terrifying, and they don't blindly charge to kill them.

It was still Aya's mechanical army that fought against it.

Even if it is destroyed, at most it is just a loss of some materials, which is no big deal, but once it can severely injure the enemy, the gains will be great.

Even if you can't fight against the opponent, it is worthwhile to be able to delay the time.

In short.

All the plans are almost developing according to Apa's prediction. Seeing this scene, Black Hand couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Very good! If that's the case, let's start acting according to the plan!"

"This time..."

"Bai Xiaofei must be taught a painful lesson!"

"Disdains all costs!"


Follow his orders.

The black-robed army that had been waiting for a long time was dispatched in an instant.

The terrifying and deep black hole of death took shape almost in an instant, and its target was directed at the unsuspecting star Kruga.

follow closely.

The mighty masters in black robes filed in.

at the same time.

Kruga star detected the super-large interstellar transmission energy at the guard station, and immediately sounded the alarm without hesitation.

The ear-piercing alarm sound instantly resounded throughout the planet.


It's still too late.

Before the high-level people of Kruga star figured out what was going on, they saw in horror that around the planet of Kruga star, there were huge death black holes one after another.

If it's just these, it's nothing.

The most important thing is that the people who came out of it were not ordinary black lantern members, but all black-robed masters!

The densely packed scene, which was almost invisible at a glance, immediately made many people unable to help but feel hopeless.

Especially when Black Hand, the most powerful member of the Black Lantern Legion, stood out among countless black-robed masters, and when King's Landing appeared, Keruga star instantly ushered in the most terrifying darkness unprecedented in history!

the other side.

Sinestro, who was fighting fiercely with the Black Lantern Legion, trying to rescue the trapped young girl and others, and Aya, also soon received an alarm from Kruga.


"The Black Lantern Legion invaded Keluga Star in a large scale, and countless black-robed masters came to the city. Bastard, what is going on?"

"Ma Dan! We have been tricked!"


this moment.

They finally reacted.

I was fooled!


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