The Storm God

Chapter 3884 Don't pretend to be anyone! (Please subscribe!)

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

Aya's first reaction was that she was being tricked.

Then there is infinite anger.

How unreasonable!


Same goes for Sinestro.

You know, Keruga is his home planet, and even more everything to him, but now it is plotted by the Black Lantern Legion to invade on a large scale, and it is at stake...

Can he not be angry?


In the blink of an eye.

Sinestro entered the double-star state, with terrifying anger and power, directly sweeping everything around and destroying all invading enemies.

Even some of his own people were affected.

Simply did not cause casualties.


How angry Sinestro was at this moment, he almost ran away.

On the other hand, the dozens of black-robed masters from the Black Lantern Legion all showed sly smiles of success: "I just found out now, it's too late..."


One after another, the interstellar blockade was carried out.

To prevent Sinestro and the others from carrying out the star teleportation and rushing back to Keruga star in time, their task is to delay the time as much as possible.

It's really designed by them with intentional calculation and unintentional calculation.

Dozens of black robes join forces, the power is quite terrifying, even Sinestro and Aya cannot break through the blockade of death and darkness in a short time, and can only use the oldest method to break through.

Namely: fly.


That would be useless. By the time they fly to Star Kruga, God knows how long the invasion has been over.

With that in mind.

Aiya suddenly couldn't care less.

He directly informed Bai Cass who was in charge of everything through the Hongmeng Dark System of the current situation, and hoped that Bai Cass would convey the news to Bai Xiaofei.

In the hope that Bai Xiaofei can save the crisis of Keruga Star.

Baikas expressed his understanding.

next moment.

On Dust Star.

Bai Xiaofei, who was working hard to study the power of mercy, and already had some clues, saw that he could enter the state when he was fully loaded, and suddenly received a message from Bai Cass——

Star Kruga is in trouble!

Sinestro and Aya were counted, and the Black Lantern Legion invaded massively!

Please rescue quickly!


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback at that moment.

Sinestro and Aya were designed by someone?

The number of black robes of the Black Lantern Legion has broken through the thousand mark in one sentence, and launched a mighty and devastating invasion of Keruga?

I rely on!

I didn't know anything about such a big thing before?

What's going on?

"Damn it!"

Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself that this matter was not that simple.

But now that this was the case, it was no longer time to think about other things. He had to go to Keruga star as soon as possible.


Even if you go there at night, the consequences will be unimaginable!

With that in mind.

Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei tore apart the space almost immediately after learning of the crisis, and rushed to Star Kruga.

at the same time.

When tearing space, capturing coordinates.

Bai Xiaofei could also clearly feel that the space barrier near Kruga Star seemed to be artificially strengthened many times.

So much so that even for a boss of his level, it has become very difficult and strenuous to tear apart the space and teleport there.

It was as if the original chocolate wall had suddenly turned into a titanium alloy steel plate, Bai Xiaofei was considered awesome if he didn't break his head.

"Good guy!"

"Even taking this into consideration, it seems that the Black Lantern Corps is bound to win against Kruga this time..."

"However, this level is not difficult for me!"

"Open it for me!!!"


Bai Xiaofei was furious.

The terrifying power erupted in an instant, and the vast and abyssal power of the law of space, like countless tentacles and fists, directly hit the space barrier that had been strengthened by an unknown number of times.


Only a crisp sound of "哗啦" was heard.

As if the glass was shattered by someone, the space barrier was completely broken, followed by a space-time rift channel, which appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.


Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei stepped directly into the space passage, and at the same time he was fully armed, his strength was ready to go, and he was ready to go to war at any time.

after all.

Now I don't know the situation on the other side at all.

Perhaps as soon as he appeared, he would be confronted with countless Black Lantern Legion troops, even the strongest incarnation of the Black Death Emperor.

In this situation, even Bai Xiaofei must be extra careful.

The space channel is not long.

After all, the caster is Bai Xiaofei, with his attainment and level, naturally he will be able to reach Keluga soon.

But it may not be the case if it is someone else.

next moment.

The end of the space channel shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei took a step forward, and finally came to the land of Kruga Star, and what appeared in front of him was not some warm and hospitable original resident, but a black man who had sensed that he had already prepared for an ambush. Army of Lanterns.

The leader is obviously the black hand.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's appearance, Hei Shou was taken aback for a moment, obviously never expecting that this time he was waiting for such a big fish.

Following him is great joy.


This is a golden opportunity.

If Bai Xiaofei can be killed in one fell swoop, then the Mechanical Domain and the Lantern Heroes will be leaderless, and it will be much easier to deal with.


Without any hesitation.

The black hand immediately ordered that everyone take action to encircle and suppress Bai Xiaofei!


But Bai Xiaofei's attention was obviously not on these people.

His first thought after he appeared was to see if there was anything wrong with Keruga and whether there were many casualties...


Bai Xiaofei arrived just in time.

Although Star Keruga suffered a certain degree of damage, and some soldiers were bloody and casualties, it was still at an acceptable level.

It is estimated that the Black Lantern Legion has just arrived, otherwise there would have been a lot of people here, and the blood flowed like a river.

While he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, Bai Xiaofei also said that it was too dangerous, he finally caught up.

next moment.

Only then did he focus and concentrate on the Black Lantern Legion.

As far as the eye can see, there are soldiers of the Black Lantern Legion densely packed almost everywhere, including cannon fodder, masters, and strong men in black robes.


What made him fear and care the most was undoubtedly the most powerful black hand.

"Sure enough, it has become stronger again!"

Sensing the awesomeness of the Black Hand, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but secretly frowned, especially when he saw the thousands of strong men in black robes surrounding the Black Hand, that is, the many incarnations of the Black Death Emperor.

Even if he was as strong as Bai Xiaofei, he couldn't help but gasped. Such a scale and quantity are simply against the sky!


Outnumbered and outnumbered, we must not fight recklessly!

Must be outsmarted!


Realizing that the situation was not good for him, Bai Xiaofei immediately released his strongest space ability [Empty Void] without any hesitation, and directly swallowed the entire Keruga Star into his own small world. middle.

So as not to be affected by Chi Yu in the subsequent terrorist battle.


Black Hand was obviously shocked by Bai Xiaofei's move, his face was full of surprise and disbelief.

But then he laughed again.


"Is it a unique move of the space system? It's interesting. Anyway, although I feel a little regretful that I couldn't destroy Star Kruga, it's quite a good harvest to catch a big fish like you!"

"As long as I can kill you, no matter what counts, I will make money!"

"Are you ready to die?"


The black hand looks like he has the chance to win.

It's not that he is blindly confident, but in this situation, he really has a lot of capital, even in the face of Bai Xiaofei, a top boss, he has the advantage.

Who can't pretend it?


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