The Storm God

Chapter 3885 Huge! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly.

It is true that the current situation is not very good for him.

Although the black-robed powerhouse is almost like cannon fodder in front of Bai Xiaofei, but there are too many of them.

Thousands of them added up, the power is enough for Bai Xiaofei to drink a pot.

not to mention……

On the opposite side is the big black hand.

You know, his level of strength is far above Bai Xiaofei's.

Being outnumbered and outnumbered, Bai Xiaofei can be said to have the upper hand.


He's not out of luck either.

Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei would not know that there are tigers in the mountains, so he would prefer to travel to the mountains.

But Bai Xiaofei was a little hesitant about whether to expose his trump card immediately. In short, he wanted to challenge his limit.

as well as……

Against the current black hand, how far is he from it?

Perhaps, from these data and information, it is possible to infer the approximate strength of the Black Death Emperor, so as to prepare for the future war.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei grinned at the corner of his mouth immediately, and said with a smile, "You want to kill me? Hehe, I'm afraid you're still a little bit close, so stop talking nonsense and see the truth!"

"Void Barrier! Void Labyrinth!"

"Concept blockade!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei immediately released his unique move.

Facing thousands of incarnations of the Black Death Emperor, he must not dare to be careless and underestimate the enemy, so coming up is a unique skill.

Baikas mobilized the powerful computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System to provide Bai Xiaofei with unlimited firepower support, allowing him to rewrite the laws of time and space in a local area in an instant, and customize a new concept of law that crushes opponents in his own favor.


Time, space, gravity, direction...

Etc., etc.

Everything is given a brand new concept by Bai Xiaofei, the front may be the back, the left may be the right...

Gravitational surge!

The flow of time slows down, and the space stretches infinitely!

In short.

Everything you can imagine, even unimaginable, will be completely rewritten in an instant!

visible to the naked eye.

The thousands of incarnations of the Black Death Emperor who rushed up to Bai Xiaofei were immediately arrested, like a close-up scene in a movie that was slowed down.

Some people froze and moved forward slowly, as slow as a snail.

Some people, on the other hand, suddenly retreated.


Right and left.

The terrifying attack force directly hit the companion beside him.

Thousands of incarnations of the Black Death Emperor, the originally orderly and mighty army, was turned into a mess by Bai Xiaofei in an instant.

Only a few black robes with relatively high levels of strength were lucky enough to break through Bai Xiaofei's void barrier blockade.


At this time, they are almost at the end of their battles.

Bai Xiaofei didn't need to use special skills at all to deal with these guys, it was just a thought, the terrifying power of the six-color spectrum was like the turbulent waves of the raging ocean.

A huge wave hit it directly, and it was blasted to pieces.

What about the body of the ultimate destroyer? In front of big bosses like Bai Xiaofei, he is still like a doll, without any resistance.


There are also some exceptions.


Bai Xiaofei was surprised to find that after the wave of emotional spectrum power passed, there were still a few who survived the bombardment.

Although their bodies were tattered and obviously suffered heavy injuries, the terrifying evolutionary power of the Destroyer and the repairing effect of the power of the black lamp made them survive in the end.

Not only that.

They still seem to be evolving like crazy.

Visible to the naked eye, these surviving black robes are getting stronger and stronger, and their strength is becoming more and more terrifying.

"Something's wrong!"

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes.

The Primordial Eye, which can see through the essence of all things, sees through everything in an instant, and knows that the other party's current changes are entirely because of the black hand behind the scenes, the Black Death Emperor, who provides these incarnations with almost infinite power of darkness and death all the time.

It's like playing a remote control combat game.

As long as the character operated by the Black Death Emperor is not completely killed, he can always control it to recover, become stronger, and continue to fight.

The only solution is to kill him completely, or find a way to block the connection between the Black Death Emperor and these incarnations.

But Bai Xiaofei is also very clear.

Compared with the former, the latter is almost impossible.


The existence of the black hand is undoubtedly the strongest signal transmitter of the Black Death Emperor. Without eliminating this big guy, it is impossible to completely block the control and power transmission of the Black Death Emperor.

The former is obviously not so easy to do.

This is not.

Let's not talk about anything else.

The few survivors just now, not only did not die, but also evolved stronger because of it, which brought even greater pressure to Bai Xiaofei.

That is.

Either kill with one blow and completely kill the opponent, or if you can't die, the enemy will evolve and become stronger and stronger.

Simply outrageous.


The black hand on the opposite side didn't feel depressed because of Bai Xiaofei's majesty, but was full of confidence and sneered.

Especially when he saw several high-level avatars evolved and become stronger because of Bai Xiaofei's attack, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Bai Xiaofei, did you see it?"

"Even if it is you, it is impossible to completely eliminate these black robes. On the contrary, they will become stronger and stronger because of your attacks and injuries..."

"Now that you are surrounded by heavy siege and outnumbered, I want to see how you can fight me..."

"Keep running!"

The black hand showed a ferocious face.

At the same time, his hands were not idle, and with a wave of his big hand, the death scythe reappeared.

The terrifying power of death, engulfed in endless darkness and death in an instant, bombarded heavily on the void barrier that Bai Xiaofei built.

With just one blow, dense cracks appeared in the void barrier.


The strength of Black Hand is definitely not inferior to Bai Xiaofei.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for his attack to cause such terrible damage to Bai Xiaofei's void barrier, and it would be more likely to be reflected or even absorbed.


Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei's eyes couldn't help but sink slightly, and he thought to himself: "It's such a powerful attack, it can almost crush my void barrier with just one move. It seems that this guy's ability has increased a lot recently..."

"If you want to kill it without revealing some cards, I'm afraid it's impossible."


While the mind is spinning.

Bai Xiaofei didn't just sit still, the void barrier was cut into countless cracks by black hands, and coupled with the impact of thousands of black-robed masters trapped inside, it would be a matter of time before it shattered.


He had to find another way to stop the enemy.

Otherwise, even Bai Xiaofei would have to panic for a while once he was killed by so many masters.

Since he is determined to expose some hole cards to test the black hand's ability, then Bai Xiaofei will not hesitate any longer.

next moment.

I saw his eyes suddenly released endless brilliance, and his whole body was like blowing up balloons in an instant, growing against the wind.

Soon, Bai Xiaofei transformed into a terrifying cosmic giant, then raised his right foot, and stomped heavily towards the precarious and about to shatter void barrier.

This is clearly to give the enemy a devastating and terrifying blow while the enemy is not out of trouble!

And with Bai Xiaofei's current body shape, those thousands of masters in black robes are like ants...

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei's kick was not only powerful and heavy.

The key point is also added with the power of endless emotional spectrum. After all, the enemy is the Black Lantern Legion. You don't need to use some means to restrain the enemy, and you really can't kill them easily.

all in all.

This kick is terrifying to the extreme, if it is really taken care of, God knows how many stars and galaxies will be destroyed because of it.


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