The Storm God

Chapter 3886 Summon the dragon! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

"Unexpectedly, this guy has already comprehended the essence of the six kinds of emotional spectrum power. If he continues to let him grow, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"This time, we must kill it no matter what!"

"Death Shock!"


Looking at the gigantic, majestic and terrifying Bai Xiaofei, his black hands and eyes exuded a dark and deep light, and his gestures carried a vast and boundless power of death. Without any frills, he raised his hand and released the shock wave formed by the condensed power of death towards Bai Xiaofei blasted away.

The black hand unscrupulously exploded the power of the law of death, and the endless stars around seemed to feel something, and let out bursts of mourning, as if they were resisting its existence.

No matter what kind of life it is, it will instinctively resist death, and all wills will reject it.

This is true of living things, and planets are no exception.

But any planet with life, especially the existence of self-consciousness, does not like death.


When the black hand's death aura enveloped more and more areas, the will of the entire universe also fell into a certain state of depression.

And the death impact he erupted has even distorted the reality and the void, forming terrifying death vortexes one after another.

Before the impact hit Bai Xiaofei's feet, a large number of stars were affected by the death vortex and completely collapsed!

Not only that.

Their destruction seems to have also contributed to the power of the death impact.

When it finally rushed to Bai Xiaofei's feet, its power was obviously several times stronger than at the beginning.


The two forces did not give an inch, and finally collided viciously.

The shock wave transformed by the power of death, and the countless death vortexes derived from it, were directly crushed by Bai Xiaofei's foot!

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's big feet continued to step towards the void barrier below, determined to trample these disgusting guys to death.

But alas.

Although the black hand's death impact could not stop Bai Xiaofei, it did stop him after all.

And it was this hard work that bought the time to save the thousands of black-robed masters who were trapped in the void barrier.

Only a "click" sound was heard.

When Bai Xiaofei's big feet were about to hit the void barrier, the overwhelmed void barrier could not withstand the attacks of thousands of black-robed masters, and it completely collapsed.


A group of people did not dare to be negligent, and scattered like birds and beasts one after another, fleeing for their lives in a hurry.

And at this moment.


Bai Xiaofei's terrifying big foot finally landed.

Indistinctly, bursts of "puff puff puff" can be heard. Obviously, some black-robed masters were unlucky, or their movements were relatively slow. .

But these people are only a small part after all.

Most of them escaped at the critical moment. Although they were in a state of embarrassment or suffered a little injury, they finally recovered their lives.

Even some of them have evolved and become stronger because of this.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's big foot landed, the strength of his attack was exhausted.

The black hand immediately struck again, and the death scythe grew in the wind, and instantly became larger, like a scythe for harvesting wheat, directly cutting towards Bai Xiaofei's ankle.

Apparently, he wanted to take advantage of Bai Xiaofei's use of tricks and before his new energy was generated, to chop off his right foot and severely injure Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly.

I saw him snorting coldly, and from bottom to top with his right foot, a terrifying force suddenly burst out.

Black Hand's giant death scythe cut on Bai Xiaofei's ankle, as if it had been cut on a titanium alloy steel plate.

He intuitively felt a terrifying counter-shock force suddenly coming from his hand, and before he knew what was going on, his whole body was sent flying tens of thousands of kilometers away with the death scythe.


Black Hand Seriously showed obvious surprise. The strength Bai Xiaofei showed was beyond his imagination, and he couldn't help but think to himself: "So strong! He is indeed a guy who has played and played with the three major forces. He really has a few tricks!"

next moment.

With a shake of the shaken black hand, a black hole of death suddenly formed behind him, passing through with the help of the blown power.

He immediately returned to his previous command position.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei has also returned to his normal size, squinting his eyes at the moment, scanning the black-robed army on the opposite side, shaking his head secretly: "It's a pity, if that guy didn't stop him, he should have killed more than half of them just now..."

He counted them carefully.

The gigantic kick just now killed dozens of black robes. Such a result is far from satisfying Bai Xiaofei.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei's magical powers, as well as the Heavenly Remnant Foot imbued with six kinds of emotional spectrum power, consumed an astronomical amount of power.

In the end, only a few dozen black robes were killed, which felt like an anti-aircraft gun hitting mosquitoes.

It's really not happy.

And the key...

On Blackhand.

If he hadn't blocked it, Bai Xiaofei would have missed the best time to attack, and the result would have been more than that.

But it's useless to say anything now, it's too late.

The only thing Bai Xiaofei can do is to try his best to regain his position in the next battle, otherwise he will always be unable to make ends meet, and even if he wins in the end, he will still be at a loss.

With that in mind.

He couldn't help but have a thought: Should I invite Ilus out?

The strength of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus is still higher than that of Bai Xiaofei, if she is invited out to hold back this troublesome guy, Black Hand, then Bai Xiaofei will have absolute confidence that he can beat all the black-robed army.


Doing so also has certain disadvantages.

For example, if the hole cards are exposed too early, it will inevitably make Morpheus and Darkseid vigilant and defensive.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei's original intention at the beginning was to use the female tyrannosaurus Ilus to kill the other party, and now it is exposed like this, which is a bit of a pity.

Unless you can reap unimaginable returns.

Otherwise, it will be a loss no matter what.


Words not exposed.

With Bai Xiaofei's current strength, it is really difficult to deal with the Black Lantern Army.

That's all, the key is that Black Hand is not weaker than Bai Xiaofei at all, and he is extremely difficult to deal with!

The opponent's plan this time was to invade Keruga on a large scale. If Bai Xiaofei didn't happen to retreat, the opponent might have succeeded.

It is inevitable that similar things will happen again, Bai Xiaofei is determined to teach the Black Lantern Corps a painful lesson this time no matter what, so that the other party will know that he is definitely not easy to mess with.

To achieve this goal, Bai Xiaofei must expose some cards, and the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus is one of them.

As for whether it is worth it?

Feel sorry.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know either, so he was a little hesitant and hesitant.

But soon, he made a decision.


"What are you thinking about so much? Let's do it first. Anyway, now I have gathered the power of the seven lamps. Maybe I will be able to comprehend the light of creation soon. What if I expose the female tyrannosaurus dragon?"

"I have a lot of cards in my hole!"

"Damn it!"


After thinking through.

Bai Xiaofei didn't smudge at all, under the watchful eyes of Black Hand and thousands of black-robed troops, he smiled coldly, then raised his hand, and said loudly: "Little brats, get ready to meet your Grandma Long's wrath!"

"Come out, Chaos Dragon!"


Blooming with endless brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, a young girl with a small body and low breast volume, who looked very cute and cute, appeared directly in front of everyone.


Seeing this scene, the black hands were stunned.

I rely on!

What's the situation?

Who is she!


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