The Storm God

Chapter 3887 Bet competition! (Please subscribe!)

Although Black Hand doesn't know who Ilus is, he can really feel her power and terror.

in short.

This person's strength is probably not inferior to his own.

Unexpectedly, this guy Bai Xiaofei has been hiding such a terrible opponent. If he hadn't taken advantage today and forced Bai Xiaofei to be helpless, God knows how long he would be kept secret.

And when he thought that he might be cheated to death by Bai Xiaofei, Hei Shou's face immediately became extremely gloomy.

This guy……

It is too insidious!

No matter what, I have to kill him today, otherwise I don't know what will happen in the future.

Even if you can't kill him, try to force out his hole cards as much as possible.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles!

This moment.

Blackhand made a decision in his heart.

And on the other side...


After Ilus showed up, it was as if she had just woken up, and she looked a little cute, obviously not yet clear about the current situation.

She first tilted her head to look at Hei Shou and the thousands of black robes around her, and frowned slightly.


Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei.

His eyes were full of displeasure, obviously he was blaming Bai Xiaofei for dragging himself into such trouble.

"what happened?"

Illus asked angrily.

Even if she had already made up her mind to be a thug, she still felt the need to understand the specific situation before starting the fight.

Otherwise, I don't know how much strength I will use later.

What if it's just a small conflict?


Bai Xiaofei knew very well what the female tyrannosaurus Ilus meant, so he answered very simply and concisely. Just two words clarified the hostile relationship between them, and it was still an irreconcilable one.


Illus was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he nodded depressedly, indicating that he understood. Then asked again: "What do you want me to do?"

As a thug, he didn't just fight without a brain.

How to fight is a technical task, especially in a complex environment, such as at this moment.

Iluth can tell that Bai Xiaofei must have his own little plans, so it's better to ask first.

In order not to accidentally become addicted to the phone and ruin Bai Xiaofei's plan.

That's not beautiful.

after all……

The two are in a cooperative relationship.

Bai Xiaofei's success or failure, as well as gains and losses, are all related to the interests of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, even if there is some conflict between the two, they must be consistent with the outside world.


For Bai Xiaofei's rare call, Ilus gave someone the face and respect they deserved, which was completely a standard thug gesture.

"Just hold him back!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Iluth's kindness. Hearing this, he smiled slightly, pointed at the black hand opposite, and said, "Leave the rest to me, can it be done?"


Illus didn't answer right away.

Instead, following the direction Bai Xiaofei pointed out, he took a deep look at Black Hand, as if he was sizing up the opponent's strength.

After half an hour.

Then he frowned and replied: "It is indeed a tough nut to crack. I really don't know how you provoke these guys, but forget it, it's just a boarder of the power of death and darkness. It's a bit difficult, but it's just an incarnation, and it's not difficult for my aunt..."

The words are full of strong self-confidence and arrogance.

It's not that she is bragging, but as a chaotic dragon, she already has such a powerful capital.


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed when he heard that.

Hehe smiled and said: "In that case, then you don't have to be polite, just get started, I don't have extra effort to waste here..."

The power of the Seven Lanterns has been gathered, and the mystery of the Light of Creation is about to be obtained. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei will not put his mind on the Black Lantern Army.

Even if there is, that is the time to eliminate the opponent.


He decided to make a quick decision.

Even if you can't wipe out these guys, you have to make the other party suffer heavy losses, lest the other party really think that you are easy to bully.


The female tyrannosaurus Ilus is not a person of inkblots either.

Hearing this, she nodded, and said with a sneer, "My aunt doesn't like to waste time either. After cleaning up these guys, I have to go back to sleep for a beauty sleep..."

"Why don't we compare and see who gets rid of the opponent first? How about the crystallization of a thousand rules?"

She even had the heart to bet with Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei laughed.

He said fearlessly: "Just bet on the crystallization of a thousand rules, but if you lose, you are not allowed to play tricks!"

The implication is that I will win this competition.


Ilus snorted angrily and said: "My aunt is not that kind of person, but you, don't cry when you lose!"

To know.

Law crystals are not unusual.

It is a big boss, a crystallization of power formed by condensing one's own understanding of the law, which can help people understand the mystery of the law.

Incomparably precious.

What's more, with a thousand law crystals, even a boss like Bai Xiaofei couldn't produce so many in a short time.

It can be seen that this gamble is so big, whether it is Ilus or Bai Xiaofei, whoever loses will probably be in pain for a while.


In order to win, both sides will also use the strongest means to overcome the enemy.


The face of the black hand on the opposite side suddenly turned ugly.

He felt offended.

It's fine to be ignored, but the key point is that the other party is actually betting on himself and others, which is a bit too much.


next moment.

Before Bai Xiaofei and Ilus could make a move, he launched the attack first.

The death sickle waved, and the terrifying power of death turned into a substantial blade, sweeping away everything and coming invincibly.

The target is none other than the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus.

no way.

Who made her look down on Hei Shou? When Hei Shou was angry, who would he beat this little girl who had just appeared?

Bai Xiaofei?


In comparison, it is obvious that the black hand still thinks that this female Tyrannosaurus rex is better. Of course, attacking her was not just to vent her anger, but more to test the opponent's ability and strength.

after all.

The unknown is the most dreadful thing.

Hei Shou was full of doubts about this woman who appeared suddenly, and only by confronting her could he feel at ease.

The premise is that the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus will not completely crush him.


The black hand can only escape.

Although this attack seems ordinary, it actually contains most of the black hand's power.

The purpose is to try out the strength of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus as much as possible, so there is no fancy and powerful.

And the female tyrannosaurus Ilus also responded with a simple and unpretentious blow, spitting out a force of chaos from her mouth, and directly confronted Black Hand's death blade head-on.


Ilus also meant to test the black hand.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, the two of them almost connected with each other and reached an agreement tacitly.


Soon, the two forces collided.

An incomparably terrifying and violent explosion erupted, setting off a boundless impact wave, causing the surrounding starry sky to tremble and mourn.


Nothing else.

Because, the stars in the nearby star field had been completely destroyed by the attacks of Bai Xiaofei and Black Hand long before.

So this wave of attacks against the bombardment just burst into loneliness.


After some testing.

Black Hand and Ilus have already come to their own analysis and conclusion: "This person is by no means inferior to me, and he must deal with it well!"

And the other side.

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, turned into a god of war, and fought fiercely with an army of thousands of black-robed masters.

"Buddha's Palm!"

"Six Meridians Excalibur!"

"The roar of the dragon and the roar of the tiger!"

"Total Annihilation!"


Although Bai Xiaofei was alone, all kinds of killing moves emerged one after another, he was deeply trapped in the enemy army, like a hedgehog, he unleashed all kinds of astonishingly powerful methods, killing many black-robed masters in an instant.


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