The Storm God

Chapter 3888 Defeat the black lamp! (Please subscribe!)


The Black Lantern Legion has a large number of people, and the number of black-robed masters is also terrifying. The strength of the joint outbreak far exceeds that of a single soldier.


No no no!

Especially when they were facing a coward like Bai Xiaofei.

Therefore, there is no doubt that these black-robed masters are almost all tragic, but those who rushed faster, without exception, were blasted into scum by Bai Xiaofei, and those who died could not die anymore.

Some were shot into a sieve by the Six Meridians Excalibur, which focused on the power of the six emotional spectrums, and died tragically on the spot...

Some were directly patted into meat sauce by the Tathagata Palm wrapped in raging fire...

Or be shaken to death by the terrifying sound howl.

Or it was swept and cut by a simple and unpretentious spectral laser, cut in half, and then perished...

In short.

In front of Bai Xiaofei who was fully fired.

These black-robed masters who are definitely not weak have almost no room for a round, they will be injured if they are rubbed, and they will die if they are touched!

It's not that they are too rubbish, but that Bai Xiaofei is too strong.

The two sides are not of the same order of magnitude at all, not to mention that the power used by Bai Xiaofei is an enhanced combination of the six emotional spectrum powers of Sike Heileng.

Just ask.

How could they take advantage of Bai Xiaofei?

Of course.

Thousands of black-robed masters launched an attack together, and the power of the explosion without fear of death must not be underestimated.

Even Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to be careless.

But who let him have a plug-in.




"Dimension replacement!"


All kinds of world-shocking abilities come into play in turn, making Bai Xiaofei almost invincible, even if the black-robed army uses all their means, it is extremely difficult to hurt him in the slightest.

This is the combat power of top bosses.

Even if he is deeply surrounded by the enemy, as long as the enemy's strength does not exceed him too much, he can rely on his own ability to look down on him, and even turn his defense into an offense!


The current situation is almost the same.

Even from the very beginning, Bai Xiaofei had the absolute initiative and the upper hand. Without the restraint of the big boss, the black hand, he had no worries at all, and he could do whatever he wanted.

In a blink of an eye.

There were no less than a hundred masters in black robes, who were beheaded by him on the spot, like peerless fierce gods, unstoppable!

Want to evolve and become stronger?

Feel sorry!

Bai Xiaofei never gave them this chance!

In the past, it was restrained by black hands, so Bai Xiaofei couldn't concentrate on eliminating these disgusting things.


Black Hand was held back by the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei has no worries, coupled with the crushing of absolute strength, and the power of spectrum that restrains the black lamp...

That's really like a tiger entering the flock and sweeping away the wilderness.

Not for a moment.

The black-robed army was completely killed by Bai Xiaofei and turned into a mess.

They no longer rushed towards Bai Xiaofei in a foolish manner, shouting and killing, but learned to restrain themselves, and even retreat.

after all.

These guys are no fools.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei is so perverted, killing them is like cutting melons and vegetables, how could he foolishly go up and give away their heads.

To know.

The body of the black robe is not so easy to put together.

Moreover, the original power stored in these bodies by the Black Death Emperor is not unlimited. Whenever the body is destroyed, most of the original power will disappear with it.

This is also a huge loss for the Black Death Emperor.


If not absolutely necessary.

The black robes would never launch a suicidal charge, especially in the current situation, knowing that they were invincible, their first reaction was to run.

Although it's a bit embarrassing, it's better than being caught and killed by Bai Xiaofei, at least it can keep the original power in the body.

Otherwise, if he continues to lose like this, Hei Si Di will feel sorry for him to death.

Thousands of original powers.


It can't just be lost like this.


"Don't hit me, all of you, please get out of here!"

"Where there is life, there is hope!"

"Slip away!"


I don't know when.

In the black-robed army, someone suddenly raised his voice.

Immediately afterwards, these people were defeated like a mountain, turning around and running away one after another, regardless of their integrity and image.

One by one, they began to flee desperately.

more than this.

He actually controlled a large number of ordinary Black Lantern members and threw them in front of Bai Xiaofei like trash, just to buy himself some time to survive.



One after another, dead black holes appear.

The one who moved faster went directly through the black hole, successfully escaped from the scene, and recovered his life.

And some of the more unlucky ones failed to catch the last bus, and were directly hit by Bai Xiaofei's various killing moves, and died on the spot.

What's more, people have already passed through more than half of the death black hole, and in the end they were blown up by Bai Xiaofei along with the black hole.

It's a tragedy to die.

no way.

This is a completely unequal battle.

It's like a group of chickens besieging a vulture. This is not an attack, it's clearly a ration for others!

Seeing this scene, Black Hand's expression was not to mention ugly.

And the same.

He didn't take advantage of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, on the contrary, he was beaten and injured.

after all.

The body of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus is a Chaos Dragon.

Born to resist beatings, his natal supernatural powers are even more terrifying, and he is fully resistant to the death and darkness of the black lamp.

on the contrary.

Black Hand's ultimate move against Ilus is not that strong to resist, but if he is accidentally hit, he will have to spend a lot of power to expel and fight against it.

This makes it difficult for him to fully display his strength.

Coupled with the complete defeat of the battle on the other side, under the blow of the heart, it is even more difficult for the black hand to arouse the heart of fighting.

"Damn it!"

"Bai Xiaofei, don't be complacent. Although you won by chance this time, I will make you pay the price next time!"

"I swear by black hands!"


The anger and unwillingness in his heart finally turned into endless roars.

Seeing that the general situation is over, the black hands also know that there is no point in continuing to fight, and they may even have to get involved.


After leaving a harsh word, he summoned a death black hole and fled away.

To this.

The female Tyrannosaurus Ilus did not stop her.

Because she knew that it didn't make any sense at all, so what if it was stopped? She can't kill the other party!

Maybe adding Bai Xiaofei would do.


It is absolutely impossible to do it in a short time.

And over time, accidents are prone to occur, so instead of wasting time and energy and leaving such a big trouble that cannot be solved temporarily, it is better to let the other party leave.

It's a big deal, just wait until there is a way, and then make it up.

This moment.

What the female tyrannosaurus Ilus cares about is, who will win the bet between her and Bai Xiaofei?


That is the crystallization of a thousand laws.

"It's a draw!"

Bai Xiaofei also stopped attacking.

Seeing the desperately fleeing Black Lantern Legion and the eagerly looking eyes of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, he could only smile wryly and say, "The big deal is that I'll give you some other benefits, which can be regarded as the reward for this shot..."

Dragons are greedy.

Especially for treasures, there are thoughts beyond imagination. How could it be possible not to bleed a wave when summoning the Chaos Dragon Ilus this time?

Bai Xiaofei had already made preparations.


Law crystallization is avoided.

That thing is too expensive to be given to the female Tyrannosaurus casually, otherwise if her appetite is spoiled, what will happen in the future?

For the sake of the overall situation, Bai Xiaofei must manage it carefully.

Who made him feel ashamed.


The voice did not fall.

In Bai Xiaofei's hand, there was an extra orb exuding bright orange light, and he threw it to the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus.


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