The Storm God

Chapter 3889 Transfer Kruga Star! (Please subscribe!)

"What's this?"

Seeing the eyes of the mother-of-pearl Tyrannosaurus Ilus that Bai Xiaofei threw to him, he was pleasantly surprised, but full of doubts.

no way.

For shiny things, the Dragon Clan is so irresistible.

Although I don't know the origin of this bead, Iluth can feel that there is a very powerful and inexplicable power inside it.

This made her first feel that this thing is a treasure.


This guy Bai Xiaofei is very good at buckling.

How could it be so easy to give yourself such a treasure?

Could it be that there is fraud in it?

To this.

Illus was puzzled.


Bai Xiaofei naturally saw the disbelief and suspicion of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, and with a bright smile on his face, he explained: "It seems that you have misunderstood me, this is a baby that is very suitable for you..."

"If you don't want it, just give it back to me."


After speaking, I will take it as a gesture.


However, Ilus directly held the orange orb, turned back quickly, turned his face and glared at Bai Xiaofei like a calf, and said: "This is already mine, you don't want to take it away!"

The implication is to accept this gift from Bai Xiaofei.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very pleased.

Because, that orange light orb is a special treasure carefully crafted by him. Although the orb itself is not a treasure, the power of greed contained in it is extremely pure and powerful.

in short.

The orange light orb is equivalent to the total battery of the orange light.

As long as this bead is not destroyed, Bai Xiaofei can obtain a steady stream of greedy power to enhance his emotional power.

The most important thing is that this bead is a perfect match with the female tyrannosaurus Ilus. Is there any creature more greedy than the dragon?

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei couldn't think of it.

Just like Raflize, it is difficult to find a better person in the world than the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus to keep the Orange Light Orb (the total battery of the Orange Light).

And the greedy characteristics of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus itself can also provide it with a great energy input.

But because this power of greed comes from Bai Xiaofei, the influence on the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus is almost negligible.


This does not prevent the female tyrannosaurus Ilus from using the power in the orange light orb.

But in general.

Considering the terrifying strength of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, I am afraid no one will force her to use the power of the orange light orb.

That is to say, if there is no accident, the Orange Light Orb in the hands of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus is more of a collection than a special hole card.

Calculated in this way, Bai Xiaofei definitely took advantage of it.

Poor female tyrannosaurus Ilus, feeling very happy in her heart at this moment, thought to herself that Bai Xiaofei finally got the hang of it, and actually knew how to reward himself...

I don't know.

Someone's heart is very dark.

This orb is not only a reward, but also allows her to become a free nanny, tool person, housekeeper... and a series of roles.

Really. I was cheated, and I was so grateful.

"Any thing else?"

The female tyrannosaurus Ilus happily put away the orange orb, then glanced around, and said arrogantly: "If there is nothing wrong, then my aunt will go back to continue to understand the mysteries of the universe..."


Bai Xiaofei seemed to have expected that she would say this a long time ago. Hearing the words, he nodded lightly and said, "Go back, I will take care of the rest by myself. I will trouble you this time, thank you for your hard work!"

It's rare to say a polite word.


Although the female tyrannosaurus Ilus felt that something was wrong, she didn't think too much about it and said, "You still have a conscience..."

Then he disappeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.


Slightly sighed.

Bai Xiaofei looked around at the devastated starry sky around him, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I can't stay here..."

The development speed of the Black Lantern Corps exceeded Bai Xiaofei's expectations. In just a short time, thousands of black-robed masters have been created.

This is still under the joint suppression of Apocalypse and himself, if there is no obstruction, God knows how far the Black Lantern Corps will develop.

But even so, that was astonishing enough.

Just like this time.

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's many cards, and the help of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, it would be really difficult for Bai Xiaofei alone to fight against so many Black Lantern Army troops.

The key is that the black hand, the big boss, is far more powerful than Bai Xiaofei.

Coupled with the combined sniping of thousands of black-robed masters whose strength cannot be underestimated, even Bai Xiaofei would be hard-pressed to parry.

Even Bai Xiaofei is so dangerous, let alone others.

This time it was lucky.

Bai Xiaofei didn't retreat, and came in time to save Keruga, so the tragedy didn't happen, but what about next time?

What if the Black Lantern Corps turned their targets on smaller individuals.

Like Sinestro...

in this way.

Can it be rescued in time and the crisis resolved?

Bai Xiaofei wasn't sure.

The only thing he can do is to be careful and careful.

Just like Keruga Star, Bai Xiaofei has no intention of putting it back to its original position at this moment, because it is no longer safe here.

God knows if the Black Lantern Legion will make a comeback after Bai Xiaofei leaves.

To know.

Although the Black Lantern Legion was defeated this time.

But in fact, the real loss is not much. The number of masters in black robes was only killed by Bai Xiaofei about one-third.

The remaining terrifying amount is still very appalling.

Especially for the Kruga star.


Bai Xiaofei decided.

For the time being, Kruga is placed in the mechanical field, protected by Zhou Tian's star array and countless mechanical legions, so it is much safer than before. Bai Xiaofei still doesn't believe it, the Black Lantern Legion dares to directly kill the inside of the Mechanical Domain...

Unless the Black Death Emperor comes in person!

As for the cooperative civilization planets of other alliances, Bai Xiaofei has no time to look around, he can only remind them, but cannot protect everyone.

after all……

That amount is too much.

There is only one Bai Xiaofei, it is impossible to cover everything.

Moreover, it is impossible for the Black Lantern Legion to spend a huge amount of troops to launch crazy attacks on some small targets.

That is.

As long as some of the key planets are well protected.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to delay.

Tear the space directly, and return to the dust star in the mechanical field.

And at the same time.

the other side.

The battle between Sinestro and Aya is also over.

To be exact, at the moment Black Hand decided to retreat, the black robes here received the order to retreat, followed without any hesitation, and left simply.

It made Sinestro and Aya so depressed that they wanted to keep some black robes, but they were blocked by endless cannon fodder.

By the time they pulled out their hands, they were all gone.

This anger!


Compared to being angry, they were more worried about whether Star Kruga was in danger, so they contacted Bai Xiaofei immediately.

"Do not worry!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't talk nonsense, and directly told Sinestro the actual situation, saying: "Although there were some casualties and losses, they didn't fight. Fortunately, I dared to go in time. In addition, I plan to transfer the entire Keruga Star to the Mechanical Domain. You How do you feel?"

"Everything is up to the master!"

What can Sinestro say? The boss has made such a decision, as the younger brother, can he refuse?

What's more, the biggest beneficiary of Bai Xiaofei's doing this is Kruga.

He is even less likely to have objections.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he ordered: "The battle on your side is over, right? Come back quickly, I have some things to discuss with you."


Sinestro and Aya responded.


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