The Storm God

Chapter 3890 Ask for an explanation! (Please subscribe!)


Inside the Technology Development Bureau.

Darkseid, Oneiroi Morpheus, and some important high-level officials of Apocalypse are gathered together at this moment, staring blankly at the picture in the video.

And the protagonist in the video is not someone else.

It was Bai Xiaofei!


This was a few minutes ago.

When the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus was summoned by Bai Xiaofei, the protagonist's status was once changed to the former.

Dakseid's expression also instantly became complicated.

Until Ilus disappeared.


After a long time.

There was no sound in the room, and the silence was terrifying.


It was Dark Lord Darkseid who broke the silence.

He squinted his eyes, turned his head to look at Morpheus, God of Dreams, and asked, "Who is that person? With such terrifying power, don't tell me you don't know at all..."


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, felt so miserable.

Because Dakseid was right, the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus really knew the origin of the other party.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, never dreamed that this fearless female tyrannosaurus would become Bai Xiaofei's summoner...

To know.

The two sides are hostile.

Moreover, the strength of the female tyrannosaurus was obviously stronger than that of Bai Xiaofei. It was really hard for Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, to understand why Ilus was attached to Bai Xiaofei.


In his opinion.

The female tyrannosaurus Ilus is willing to be Bai Xiaofei's summoner, that is attachment and submission. If the latter is powerful and terrifying enough to crush the female tyrannosaurus, then that's all. In order to survive, everything is justifiable.


The fact is obviously not the case.

On the contrary, the strong side has become a vassal of the weak side...

This made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, unable to understand!

Could it be that Bai Xiaofei got hold of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, so she had to obey Bai Xiaofei's orders?

Thinking about it.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, could only think of this possibility.

But there are many loopholes in it, for example, the two are not from the same world at all, how could Bai Xiaofei catch the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus?

And the current situation does not allow Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to think wildly, he must give Darkseid an explanation.


Don't even think about messing around here in the future.

After all, the weight of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus is too heavy, enough to challenge Darkseid's big boss rule.

It is impossible for anyone to be indifferent to this.

"Mr. Darkseid..."

After pondering for a while, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, decided to tell the truth, and said, "That person, I do know something about her, but I have absolutely no clue why the other party came together with Bai Xiaofei..."

His tone was sincere.

Dakseid's eyes were fixed on Murphys, the God of Dreams, and after a long while, he believed the latter's words.

Then said: "Forget it. Let's talk about that person's background first, I want to know everything about her!"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, nodded.

Then began to introduce the identity and origin of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, as well as the level of strength and ability to Darkseid.

all in all.

That is definitely a super boss.

Not to mention Darkseid, even Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is afraid and takes it seriously, because he is really awesome!

after all.

That's a natural chaos dragon.

The natal supernatural powers are terrifying and amazing, even if you can't do it, and you explode desperately, you will definitely be able to pull your back.

not to mention……

The female tyrannosaurus Ilus was still in the reincarnation space, God knows how many cards and treasures the opponent has.

With such an existence, I dare not provoke it even more.

Don't you see, even the black hand with enhanced strength can't take advantage of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus?

For such a scary guy, he must not be easily provoked!


After listening.

Darkseid couldn't help but fell silent.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, but he was a little worried about whether he could withstand the terrifying power that would erupt from the combination of Bai Xiaofei and the female tyrannosaurus Ilus.

Although he also has Morpheus, the God of Dreams by his side, this guy is not a perfect body at all, at most he can be regarded as half of the same level.

After much calculation, Dakseid suddenly found that he seemed to be at a disadvantage, and if he fought recklessly, he would not have an advantage at all.

The most important thing is.

He had already received news of the Black Lantern Legion's large-scale invasion plan, but he did not inform his current partners.

That is, Bai Xiaofei and others.

If Bai Xiaofei found out about this, would he cause trouble for himself? How will I do it again...

With that in mind.

Dakseid couldn't help but be filled with regret.

If he had known that there was such a terrifying boss hiding beside Bai Xiaofei, he would never have played with these thoughts.

The result is fine now.

Things have happened, and it is too late to recover.

At this moment, Dakseid only hoped that Bai Xiaofei didn't know about this matter, or even if he knew, it was because everyone had a common enemy, and he made an exception.

Otherwise, it would be a deadlock, and the Black Lantern Legion would undoubtedly benefit in the end.


It's impossible to pretend this didn't happen.

As a speculator, Apocalypse would have to pay a certain price no matter what, otherwise Bai Xiaofei wouldn't be able to get over it.

Think here.

Darkseid couldn't help sighing.

He secretly said in his heart: "Well, for the sake of the overall situation, let's give him some sweetness first. After the threat of the Black Lantern Legion is resolved, I will find a way to double it back!"


He began to deliver orders.

The generals under his command began to carefully prepare the sincerity of apologizing to Bai Xiaofei.

And at the same time.

dust star.

After Bai Xiaofei came back.

Immediately, a certain area in the Mechanical Realm was emptied, in order to allow enough space for Koruga Star to settle in.

at the same time……

He also mobilized part of the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation and blessed it on Keluga Star to protect its safety to the greatest extent.

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei also dispatched a large number of intelligent robots to enter the Kruga star to fight the earthquake and provide disaster relief, repair the damage caused by the Black Lantern Corps, as well as the casualties.

And when these things were almost handled, Sinestro and Aya just hurried back.


As soon as the two came back, they apologized to Bai Xiaofei, saying that all this was their fault and they were willing to be punished.

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei bowed his hands, shook his head and said: "I can't blame you for this matter, the enemy is cunning, even if it is me, it is impossible not to be completely fooled, let alone you, just be more careful in the future."

"Besides, the loss this time is not serious. In comparison, the Black Lantern Legion has suffered a greater loss than us..."

"However, there are some problems that make me very concerned."


Bai Xiaofei did not pursue the responsibility of the two of them.

On the contrary, he talked about his own doubts, for example, Apocalypse did not respond at all to such a major military operation of the Black Lantern Corps...

This is very abnormal.

after all……

They are not blind.

Even if you didn't know about the actions of Sinestro and Aya at the beginning, but the Black Lantern Corps invaded Keluga, it's impossible for you to have such a big influence on Apocalypse without knowing it at all, right?

But in the end, the other party still didn't respond at all...

If there was nothing tricky about it, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed Bai Xiaofei.

The only explanation is that Apocalypse did it on purpose. That is to say, the opponent didn't know about the installation, and sat back and watched the Black Lantern Corps destroy Keluga Star, and even wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

And no matter which point, Bai Xiaofei couldn't bear it.

There must be an explanation!


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