The Storm God

Chapter 3891 Sincerity! (Please subscribe!)


Sinestro and Aya understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning, and said in astonishment: "Sir, you are suspicious of Apocalypse..."

"Not suspicious."

However, Bai Xiaofei said in an extremely positive tone: "Yes! Unless Darkseid is blind and foolish, it is impossible not to know the actions of the Black Lantern Corps. After all, they have also cooperated..."


Sinestro remained silent.

As long as he thinks about Tian Qixing's actions, his heart will be filled with infinite anger, but even more, he is still disappointed with himself.

They are also big guys.

Why can't I discover these by myself?

This shows that my practice is not enough, and I am still far from being a real boss!

And Aya's focus is obviously different from Sinestro's, she is very clear about Bai Xiaofei's personality.

Saying this is naturally not for complaining, but for a certain purpose.


"You mean, take this opportunity to seek benefits from Apocalypse?"

"Will they agree?"


It is indeed one of the strongest artificial intelligence.

It only took a moment to figure out Bai Xiaofei's calculations. Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly and said, "They will agree!"


Sinestro was a little stunned, and asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

In his opinion.

Although Apocalypse stood by and watched, it was not a big problem.

After all, although the cooperation between the two parties has begun, it has only just begun, and many previous conflicts have not yet been resolved.

Not to mention Darkseid, even if it was me.

Sinestro also had to admit that he would do the same. After all, the position was different, and the other party had no obligation to consider him.


What Bai Xiaofei meant was clearly not the case. Is there something in this that I haven't considered?

His eyes were full of doubts.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything.

He explained with a smile: "Sinestro, you have to know one thing, who is the biggest enemy of the entire universe right now?"

"Black Lantern Corps!"

Sinestro said without thinking.


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and continued: "The Black Lantern Legion represents death and darkness, and is an existence that any life rejects."

"In the face of this great enemy, theoretically speaking, all life must join hands to deal with the Black Lantern Legion."

"However, this is almost impossible, because human beings are very complicated animals. No matter how noble a person is, it is impossible to be completely selfless."

"Dakseid can't do it, and neither can I!"


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused for a moment, and then continued: "Because of this, when the Black Lantern Corps invaded Keluga on a large scale, Apocalypse chose to remain silent, because they have their own selfish motives."

"In the same way, after knowing this, we will also develop our own selfishness to a certain extent, such as secretly revenge and so on."

"Dakseid is a smart man. After realizing the strength of my side, for the sake of the overall situation, he will definitely show some sincerity as an apology for this incident."

"This is our chance!"


That's all for now.

Sinestro finally understood.

Although I didn't understand it very well, I roughly understood some of the calculations and key points, and I couldn't help but sigh: "The boss is indeed a boss, I'm still a little short after all..."

At this moment.

Aya suddenly said: "Sir, just now, I received a message from Apocalypse..."


Bai Xiaofei frowned, and said with a smile: "Did it come from Darkseid? It's really fast, tell me."


Aya nodded.

Then briefly stated Darkseid's information.

It probably means that Apocalypse did something wrong before, and now they are willing to make compensation, hoping that this matter can be exposed.

"Sure enough!"

Sinestro sighed secretly in his heart, Mr. is really awesome, Apocalypse's actions were all predicted clearly!


Bai Xiaofei became interested and said, "Aiya, send a message to Darkseid and ask him, what kind of compensation can he give? And tell them, my loss this time is not small, if I don't take If you show a certain amount of sincerity, we will not accept it!"

This is clearly to sit on the ground and raise the price.


Aya was excited.

Immediately sent Bai Xiaofei's words in detail.

After a while.

Darkseid replied: What do you want?


Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "It's done. With this sentence, the initiative is completely in our hands."



"Tell Darkseid, we don't want anything but the raw materials that create the Destroyer, the more the better!"


Aya faithfully carried out Bai Xiaofei's orders.

And Sinestro was a little puzzled, and asked: "Sir, Apocalypse has so many treasures, why don't we want some more useful materials, but these useless raw materials?"

"Is it to use them to create more Destroyers?"


He was very puzzled.

Although the Destroyer's physique and potential are huge, they don't seem to be so important compared to other treasures, right?

It’s understandable if you want some, but you want all of them…

Is it a bit of a waste?

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei also saw Sinestro's confusion, and explained with a smile after hearing this: "Sinestro, your thinking is still too simple."

"First of all, Dakseid's attitude is very important. Although he did say that he will pay compensation, it is also about saving face."

"Just such a small matter, you want someone's good baby, is it possible? If this matter gets out, what face will Apocalypse have?"

"But those raw materials are different."

"Do you know why?"


The last sentence is a test for Sinestro.

Sinestro was not an idiot either, after hearing what Bai Xiaofei said, he immediately used his brain and pondered.

And soon came to the answer, suddenly said: "Sir, I understand. Although the raw materials of the Destroyer are rare, they are not treasures in essence. We asked the Apocalypse for these, to a certain extent, it is enough Apocalypse's face..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and said again: "This is just one of them, and the Destroyer has a more important use for me, so we will not suffer from this deal no matter what. Tianqixing owes a favor, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone..."


Sinestro couldn't help giving Bai Xiaofei a thumbs-up, the admiration for Bai Xiaofei in his heart was like a surging river, and he almost flattered him on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei accepted Sinestro's praise with peace of mind, and said with a straight face: "However, this matter also reminded us that we can't always rely on others for everything, only ourselves are the most trustworthy, the Apocalypse Partners, as long as you can live with face, you must not put everything on top of it!"

"That's right!"

Sinestro wholeheartedly agrees.

If it weren't for this, the crisis on Star Kruga would not have erupted.

If you run into such a teammate, if you don't grow snacks in the future, you may be tricked by someone and help you count the money.

You have to be more careful and vigilant.

And this time.

Aya has also received an affirmative reply from Darkseid, the dark lord of Apocalypse: "Up to two hundred raw materials for the Destroyer!"

This is the limit of their compensation.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei said that Apocalypse is quite sincere, after all, it is not so easy to collect such things.

Even Bai Xiaofei only got more than a hundred copies.

Apocalypse took out 200 shares as compensation at once, which can be regarded as quite generous and powerful. Now that everyone is like this, it's not easy for me to make a fuss about it.


Bai Xiaofei nodded at Aya, who immediately understood, and replied directly to Tian Qixing: "Deal!"

The matter of the Kruga star has been revealed.


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