The Storm God

Chapter 3892 There! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

After the return, the black hand finally couldn't restrain the anger in his heart anymore, and erupted with terrifying power, directly destroying the room.

"grown ups……"

Poor Appa, just came back, and before he could figure out what happened, he was directly smashed into a disgraced face.

But he dared not complain.

after all……

The person who made the move was his own boss.

Apa could only endure the pain, but did not dare to recover, so he appeared in front of the black hand in such a mess.

Asked: "What happened?"


He still doesn't know about Black Hand's fiasco.

Asking this time is almost equivalent to sprinkling salt on Hei Hand's scar, but the strange thing is that Hei Hand did not get angry, but calmed down instead.

His face was livid, grinning and sneering: "Very good! Really good! Unexpectedly, things have come to this point, that guy Bai Xiaofei actually has a hole card, and he is such a terrifying master..."


Appa was dumbfounded.

what's the situation? What is it all about.

Bai Xiaofei is hiding his cards?


Did this operation fail again?


Why do I say again?

He was in a daze when Black Hand suddenly said, "That's right! We have failed again in this plan!"


Appa was stunned for a moment, unable to believe it.

The black hand smiled strangely, and explained: "The reason is that Bai Xiaofei always hides unfathomable cards..."

"After we arrived at Koruga Star, we just started to invade, Bai Xiaofei rushed over in time and directly took Koruga Star away..."

"At that time, I thought, if Kruga is gone, it will be gone, and it will be the same if Bai Xiaofei is caught, and the result is even better than the original plan..."

"How can you imagine that Bai Xiaofei actually hides a stronger and terrifying master, if not, Bai Xiaofei will die this time!"

"It's really hateful!"

"It was hard to calculate a wave, but because of this, the result fell short, and even lost a lot of masters for nothing..."

"It's a shame!"


The black hands became more and more angry.

The terrifying aura and unscrupulous eruption caused the entire OA star to crumble, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

Feeling the power and terror of the Black Hand, Apa was both shocked and envious. When will he have such terrifying power?

follow closely.

He became curious.

In this operation, Black Hand and thousands of black robes, such a terrifying military force, failed to kill Bai Xiaofei...

How awesome is the other party?


Who is that hidden master?

It's a pity that the black hand is too lazy to talk to Apa anymore, so he said casually, you can check it yourself...

Then it disappeared.

Apa didn't know exactly where he went or why he went there.

Helpless, he could only borrow the black lamp ring to access the combat records at that time. These contents were all recorded in the black robe present.


Appa knew everything.

While being shocked, he also broke out in a cold sweat.


This Bai Xiaofei was really scary.

If it weren't for being trapped in a tight siege this time and the situation was critical, God knows how long that terrifying summoner of his would have been hidden...

This is Mr. Black Hand.

If there were other people present, it would be unknown whether they would be able to come back alive!

Where did he get so many cards?


What is the current situation?

The number of masters in black robes has almost reached the limit, but in the end there is still nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei, how can this be done?

Mr. Black Hand will not give up on himself, right?

What should I do next?


Regardless of what Appa thinks.

the other side.


Dakseid's mood is also very unhappy.

It's not because Bai Xiaofei cheated him of two hundred copies of Destroyer raw materials, but because the opponent's strength has far surpassed Lian himself.


in the tripartite forces.

Apocalypse has become the weakest party.

This made Dakseid very depressed and extremely unwilling. After all, as the Dark Lord of Apocalypse, he was very conceited.

In the end, he became the weakest party in a daze.

How do you make him feel at ease?


We must find a way to change this situation.

Whether it's the Black Lantern Corps or Bai Xiaofei's side, at least my Apocalypse must occupy a high ground.

Otherwise, how will you mess around in the future?


How to do it?

The development of the Destroyer has reached a bottleneck, and Bai Xiaofei has taken away 200 copies of materials.

That is almost the highest level that Apocalypse can show now.

And, that alone won't do.

To know.

The horror of the strength of the top boss is quite terrifying.

Just like the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus that Bai Xiaofei summoned before, she alone is enough to support thousands of troops.

Unless the so-called thousands of troops are almost as powerful as the opponent, otherwise they are cannon fodder!

With that in mind.

Dakseid couldn't help having a realization in his heart.

He knew that if he wanted to change the status quo, it was impossible to rely on ordinary soldiers alone, and he had to use his brains on top combat power.

As for Apocalypse's current top combat power, besides himself, there are only his son Orion, and the Oneiroi Lord Murphys and others.

As Darkseid's own son, Orion is one of the strongest new gods in Apocalypse. Although his strength is high, there is always a gap between him and Bai Xiaofei and others, so let's not mention it for now.

As for the Oneiroi Lord Murphys?


This guy used to be awesome enough, but it's a pity that now he's in the middle of nowhere, and his strength is at most only about 60% of the original.

Calculated in this way, the top combat power of Apocalypse is really not enough, at least in front of Bai Xiaofei, it is not enough to fight at all.

As for the Black Lantern Corps...


If the strategy is used properly, it can be a battle in front of you.

The key depends on the outcome between the top combat forces.

in short.

Whoever survives to the end is the winner.

But all of this is based on the level that only Darkseid can see in the Black Lantern Legion.

Is this really the case?


Darkseid didn't believe it.

After all, the Black Lantern Legion has now almost ruled most of the universe. God knows how many more powerful black-robed troops will be developed and created as time goes by.

Its degree of threat is even far higher than that of Bai Xiaofei.

Although Bai Xiaofei is awesome, there are only a few masters in total, and the younger brothers under his command are mainly Lantern Man and Mechanical Legion.

Growth is almost calculable.


The same is true for Apocalypse.

Think here.

Darkseid couldn't help frowning, and secretly said: "What should I do to increase my own top combat power?"

"Use all resources to help Morpheus, the God of Dreams, recover his combat power? No, this person is an outsider after all, and he must have a different heart if he is not of my race..."

"But others lack enough potential and responsibility..."

"Do you really want me to go to the wall?"


last of the last.

He even pinned his hope on a taboo.

But immediately after, Darkseid rejected it again, because it was too terrifying.

Let alone himself, even his father, Yuga Khan, who made him extremely fearful and terrified, was imprisoned there.

If you go by yourself, if you don't succeed, wouldn't everything be closed?


Absolutely not!

Do not go there unless it is absolutely necessary!



A flash of inspiration flashed in Dakseid's mind, and he secretly said: "The horror there is beyond imagination, and almost no one can escape its imprisonment and suppression. What if it is used as a trap?"

With that in mind.

He couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.


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