The Storm God

Chapter 3893 Retreat again! (Please subscribe!)

Two days later.

dust star.

Bai Xiaofei prepared for two days, and finally sorted out the trivial matters of the outside world.


He's going to retreat again.

Although the power of mercy of the blue lantern is much simpler to study, the comprehension of the light of creation is indescribable.

Anyway, in the outside world where all kinds of trifles are entangled, Bai Xiaofei can't be careful and fully enter the state of comprehension.

So we can only retreat.


The recent situation is relatively stable.

On the Apocalypse side, there was no ink stain or delay, and the promised two hundred copies of the Destroyer's raw materials were sent over quickly.

And it was rare to send an apology.


The person who apologized was not a native of Apocalypse, but the representative outsider, the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Bai Xiaofei knew what his intention was.

in addition.

Apocalypse sent Morpheus, God of Dreams, to find out about Bai Xiaofei's situation.

Who let Morpheus, the god of dreams, know about the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus.

Others are not familiar with it.


It's useless for him to come.

Bai Xiaofei directly said that Ilus was practicing in seclusion, so he sent Morpheus, the God of Dreams, away.

To this.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was a hard worker, and he didn't know how to explain it to Dakseid when he went back.

You can't say that you came here for nothing, can you?


Apocalypse also brought a proposal——

Let's unite and form a wave of the Black Lantern Legion, lest the other party do all kinds of things unscrupulously.

This time the opponent has engaged in Kruga, and next time they may engage in Apocalypse, so it is not enough to be so defensive.

Must call back!


The main purpose is to test how many black-robed troops there are in the Black Lantern Legion, and to snatch some Destroyer raw materials by the way.

If it is really created by the Black Lantern Legion unscrupulously, regardless of whether it is the Apocalypse or Bai Xiaofei, it will be unlucky.


Bai Xiaofei didn't refuse.

He immediately gave an affirmative answer, but there was one condition: "But not now, but after half a month."


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was very puzzled by this.

It stands to reason that now is the best time to bravely defeat the Black Lantern Army, after all, the opponent has only suffered from Bai Xiaofei's hands.

When the other party is not ready, you can maximize the benefits, and wait until half a month later...


God knows what people will prepare for him.

Did you make a mistake!

He was puzzled.

Want a reasonable explanation.


Bai Xiaofei ignored him at all, and his attitude was very firm. If he could cooperate, he would cooperate, and if he couldn't, he would pull him down.

Very tough!


In desperation, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, could only compromise on this.

Then he went back to Apocalypse in despair.


His intuition told himself.

In the past half a month, Bai Xiaofei must have been doing something, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to miss this great opportunity and insist on waiting until it is not good for him.

It's not logical.

As for what it was, he had no idea.

no way.

There are too few clues to analyze at all.

What made Morpheus the Oneiroi even more strange and puzzling was that when he returned to Apocalypse and told Darkseid this, the Dark Lord actually nodded.

Then he said lightly: "Half a month?"

"Forget it!"

"Just during this time, I also have some things to be busy. Since Bai Xiaofei is not free, let's arrange the plan in half a month's time!"

"Is there anything else?"


That bland attitude made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, doubt whether the Darkseid in front of him was real or not?


The plan is what you come up with.

In the end, is this your attitude? Co-authoring is just me worrying about it!


There must be something tricky in this!

Whether it's Bai Xiaofei or Darkseid, nothing is quite right.

What the hell are they trying to do?


And no matter how incomprehensible the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is.

Dust Star here.

After explaining some things, Bai Xiaofei retreated again.

And this time.

Neither Sinestro nor Aya complained. Because they know that this retreat is of great importance.

Once Bai Xiaofei successfully understands the power of the seven lamps, especially the mystery of the power of the light of creation, the crisis of the Black Lantern Legion will no longer be a threat!

As for whether it can be completed within half a month?


Time adjustment to find out.

Besides, that's Bai Xiaofei, a super boss who is almost omnipotent, anyway, no matter what others think, Sinestro and Aya are full of absolute confidence in Bai Xiaofei.


As Bai Xiaofei's right-hand men, they couldn't be idle even when the boss was working hard to break through.

Sinestro got some advice from Bai Xiaofei.

In the days to come, we will try to let different Lantern Heroes merge in a double-star mode, and even a super-integrated combat mode of three-color Lantern Man or above.

The purpose, of course, is to restrain and eliminate the black lamp fighters more effectively, especially the black robe masters!

To know.

The strength of the black robe is beyond imagination.

Almost completely crushing the ordinary Lantern Man, and even the ordinary Ultimate Lantern Man, after all, that is one of the incarnations of the Black Death Emperor.

No matter how weak the original power obtained is, it is definitely not something that ordinary characters can easily resist.

But if the power of Lanterns of different colors can be integrated into one, or combined to fight, the result will be another matter.

after all.

The power of the fusion technique is also very powerful.

Dragon Ball's Strongest Warrior.

Of course.

All this is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

Because the combination is also strictly required, and the strength of the Lanterns also has a relationship of mutual restraint.

So in the end which kind of Lantern Man can be integrated, this is something to be particular about.

In short.

The task is daunting.

While Sinestro was under a lot of pressure, he was also full of expectations.

the other side.

Aya's task is also not light.

Bai Xiaofei handed over the 200 copies of raw materials for creating the destroyer obtained from Apocalypse to Aya.

Due to the influence of time factors, Bai Xiaofei couldn't use them to create more versions of the characteristic Destroyer, so Aya could only let Aya reproduce it based on the Destroyer Cell.

The purpose is to use these raw materials in the shortest possible time and make the best use of them to expand our own high-end combat power.

To know.

The strength of Sharu the Destroyer is also quite good.

Although it is not as good as Sinestro, it is not too far behind, almost comparable to the black robe of the Black Lantern Legion.

after all……

Their power sources all come from Bai Xiaofei.

As Bai Xiaofei's strength increases, Sharu the Destroyer's strength will also become stronger, and the potential can be said to be quite huge.


Due to resource constraints, the initial number was very small.

Now that he finally has 200 raw materials, Aya must of course expand the wave and try to turn it into a cavalry.

at the same time.

Aya did not forget to improve herself.

The last time she was cheated, made her realize her shortcomings, so this time, Aiya is determined to make up for it, and strive to improve her strength to a higher level.

She even set her sights on Apocalypse's mother box system, to be precise, the unified power possessed by the mother box.


Aiya is going to learn from a certain artificial intelligence boss next door—Ultron, even if there is no infinite gem, she still has to make a copy to make herself stronger.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't know about this.

After retreat.

He quickly entered the state.

The whole person seems to have entered a vast and special world, roaming in the power of mercy and the ocean of power of the other six emotional spectrums, looking for the light of creation that is hidden deep inside.


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