The Storm God

Chapter 3894 Fusion of seven lamps! (Please subscribe!)

What is the Light of Creation?

Bai Xiaofei thought about this question for a long time, but he still couldn't find an accurate answer, especially as the research on the power of emotion deepened, he became more and more confused.

Like now...

With the in-depth comprehension of the power of compassion, Bai Xiaofei became more confused. Is the source of emotional power really the light of creation?

No matter what other people think.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't think so, otherwise how would the spirit of existence explain it? You know, that thing is pretty selfish.

Even though he knew the cruelty of the black lantern, he remained indifferent.

Is this also the original intention of the Light of Creation?

If so.

At first...

Why did it create seven-color lantern beasts?

This is clearly contradictory!


Bai Xiaofei felt that there should be something in it that he didn't understand, as long as he could find out the mystery, he seemed to be able to comprehend the essence of the light of creation.

But unfortunately...

He worked hard for a long time, but there was still no clue.

Last resort.

Bai Xiaofei could only find another way.

At this moment, he thought of the spirit of existence again, which is the product of all the remaining power after the light of creation influenced and created the seven-color lantern beast.

Extremely selfish.

It seems to have been hidden from the beginning of its birth, no matter how the outside world changes and turmoil, it has always been indifferent.


What is the meaning of its existence?

Just as a display?

Obviously not!

after all.

It is the nemesis of black lights.

Does it exist for the purpose of being found by people one day to deal with the black lamp that ravages the entire universe?

Maybe yes.

So apart from this, Bai Xiaofei really couldn't think of any other role.

According to his limited knowledge of DC comics, the spirit of existence seems to have played some role during this period.

Anything else is useless.


Can I use these as a reference to deduce the essence of the spirit of existence and the light of creation in reverse?

"It doesn't matter, there are no other clues to use anyway, so just use this as a breakthrough to try!"

Bai Xiaofei did it when he thought of it.

And in my mind, the first thing I recall about the ability of the spirit of existence is the vast, unfathomable and terrifying life force!

And the incomparably abnormal resurrection ability.

in the comics.

Sinestro rushed to the Spirit of Being and became its host. He fought against the Black Death Emperor, and was split in two by him, but was restored by the spirit of existence.

It can be seen that the terrifying vitality of the spirit of existence makes it have an unimaginable recovery ability, even if it is split in half, it can be restored.

What's more, it can resurrect the long-dead Black Hand, thereby cutting off the medium through which the Black Death Emperor came to the world of the living. The resurrected Black Hand spits out a white lamp ring, removes the Black Death Emperor from this plane, and resurrects the original 12 people have died.

All of this undoubtedly proves that the spirit of existence has an extremely terrifying vitality, it is born to restrain the death and darkness of the black lamp, and it can resurrect the dead.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but start to think.

One's own strength can be regarded as entering the room. If one's own vitality is used as the foundation and energy source, supplemented by the power of the seven lamps, can it be compared to the vitality of the spirit of existence to a certain extent?

Even if there is a difference, it shouldn't be that big, right?

At least……


And there should be no need to worry about exhaustion in a short period of time. If this is true, then the rest is the ability to resurrect the dead.

If it is just an ordinary dead person, with his own ability, he can reverse the law of death, or fix the time within a certain range, and realize the reversal...

These can also be resurrected from the dead.

But obviously, this is fundamentally different from the resurrection of the spirit of existence, especially when it is blessed and suppressed by the ability of the black lamp, it is almost impossible to achieve...


How does the spirit of existence do it?

Is it just because of the ability to restrain the black lamp? Perhaps the answer to the question lies in the spirit of existence itself...

Unfortunately, the spirit of existence is too good at hiding.

so far.

The search force on Earth has no news yet.

It can be deduced from this that the spirit of existence is hidden on the earth, and it should be in a different dimensional space.

Otherwise, it is impossible not to discover it with one's own ability.

And if you want to find its location, you must decipher the mystery of the power of the seven lamps, just like knowing that there are treasures on the earth, but without the exact treasure coordinates.


The mystery of the seven lamps is still the only key to unlock this treasure.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning.

He found to his dismay that after going around, the problem almost returned to the original position, which was very distressing.


After this reverse reasoning and analysis, Bai Xiaofei didn't get nothing at all. He suddenly remembered that in the DC comics, there seemed to be a person who successfully mastered the emotions, and thus became the first person to rely on his own cultivation. And the white lamp was born.

That person's name is Kyle Renner.

This is amazing, and even became the host of the Green Lantern Beast for a while, transformed into Ion Man, saving the Green Lantern Corps from destruction.


None of that matters.

Bai Xiaofei is most concerned about Kyle's development after becoming Bai Deng. He vaguely remembers that because Kyle's ability is not given by the spirit of existence, he cannot display Bai Deng's true ability.

This made Bai Xiaofei think of a possibility.

That is to say, the spirit of existence may be the lamp beast of the white lamp. With its affirmative blessing, the power of the white lamp can be fully exerted.

Like other lantern rings, the fusion state of the lantern beast and the host.


It's just an ordinary Lantern Man state, although he can also use White Lantern's ability, but he can't fully exert its power.

If this is the case, then maybe I can also follow the example of Kyle Renner, first cultivate the power of the seven lamps to the extreme, and become a white lamp.

Afterwards, look for the spirit of existence, obtain its approval and blessing, and fully develop the power of the white lamp.


Even if he hasn't found the spirit of existence yet, Bai Xiaofei can still have stronger restraint and destructive power against the Black Lantern Legion.

Even more.

Bai Xiaofei, who has used countless methods and other abilities in the heavens and worlds, after becoming a white lamp, can make him go one step further, perhaps even stronger than Kyle Rayner.

After all, Bai Xiaofei has cheats on him.

With that in mind.

Someone couldn't hold it any longer.

He directly stopped exploring the light of creation, and began to try to deeply and thoroughly integrate the power of the seven lamps into one body.

First up is the Will of the Green Lantern and the Hope of the Blue Lantern...

Who makes the relationship between the two parties more harmonious? They complement each other and are the easiest to integrate. On the contrary, red lights and blue lights are in the same situation and are more difficult to deal with.

Closer to home.

Bai Xiaofei's research and comprehension of the power of the Seven Lanterns has reached a very deep level, otherwise he would not have created his own Lantern Group power.


His integration went very smoothly.

It didn't take long for Bai Xiaofei to successfully fuse several powers of the Lantern Ring together, and now only the last power of mercy is missing.

The mercy of the blue lantern is the most difficult to find among the seven lanterns, and it is also the most special existence.

When Bai Xiaofei tried to fuse it, because of his shallow understanding, he encountered unprecedented difficulties...

It even caused restlessness and confusion among the other six powers of the Lantern Ring for a while, but fortunately Bai Xiaofei used his own power to suppress it.


The process of fusion has formed a stalemate.

The power of mercy is like a stubborn naughty boy, no matter what Bai Xiaofei says, he just refuses to integrate into the harmonious family.

But he couldn't use his strength.

have no choice……

I can only be patient and grind hard at it bit by bit, hoping to influence it one day.

And time also slowly passed.


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