The Storm God

Chapter 3895 Ace Troops! (Please subscribe!)

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, 14 days have passed.

outside world.

Both Sinestro and Aya are very busy. However, their harvest is also not small.

The first is Lanternman's dual-lamp mode. With the unremitting efforts of Sinestro, it has finally been successfully launched, and there are still a lot of them.

These Lantern Warriors with double star mode directly became the main players against the Black Lantern Legion.

Because they themselves have the ability to kill the black lights alone.

Unlike other people, two-two cooperation is necessary to effectively fight against the black lights, and the combat is more flexible and powerful.

Although the number is a little less now, Sinestro believes that as time goes by, there will be more and more.

after all……

In addition to the double star mode.

There is also a stronger fusion mode with more than three rings.

The combat power of these people is more powerful and terrifying than the double star mode, just like the difference between a tiger and a cat.

Often, one person can challenge a group of black lights.

Even the black robe can't take advantage of the Three Lantern Ring fusion fighters, and the two sides are almost 50-50.

If it is a combination of the power of the Four Lantern Rings, then needless to say, the black robe is completely a younger brother in front of him.


No matter how hard Sinestro tried, he still couldn't achieve the level of fusion of the power of the five lamp rings...

Four is already the limit.


The number of successes is quite satisfactory, otherwise he would really feel sorry for the wasted resources.

Up to now.

The number of Lantern Warriors who have successfully and proficiently mastered the double-star mode is about a thousand, and the number of three-lantern ring fusions is 400.

As for the masters of the Four Lantern Rings, there are only less than seventy people.

All of this is thanks to Bai Xiaofei's experience and insights, as well as the generous supply of huge emotional energy...

Otherwise, relying on Sinestro alone, it is impossible to succeed.

The 1,500 or so Lanterns have undoubtedly become the ace troop of Kruga Star, and their combat power is far higher than that of the Ultimate Lantern.


This refers to the premise of effectively killing and eliminating the black lamp fighters.

If the enemy is changed to Apocalypse, or other types, then it is another matter.

After all, the ultimate lamp is a supreme existence close to the fusion of lamp beasts, and its combat power is also quite terrifying.

Only in the aspect of the opponent's black light, because of restraint, the effect is not very ideal, but in other aspects, it is still very good.


Sinestro made a brand-new combat arrangement for the Lanterns of Kruga, the ace force, responsible for fighting the main force of the Black Lantern Corps.

The rest of the ordinary Lanternmen, such as the ultimate lamp, are mainly responsible for defending the safety of Keruga and fighting against ordinary Black Lantern Corps fighters.

To know.

The horror of the Black Lantern Corps, apart from immortality and recovery ability, is the endless number.

It is impossible to completely deal with it by relying on an ace force alone.

The main role of their existence is to fight against the main force and masters of the black lanterns. The real rigid needs still depend on ordinary fighters.

As for these fighters, the army of Kruga Star is not a minority. Although the hundreds of thousands of Lanterns are not as large as the Black Lantern Legion, they are more elite.

Coupled with the support of a large number of sentinel hunters, the outcome is basically a 50-50 situation.

The key lies in the advantages and disadvantages of high-end combat power.

To this.

Sinestro is also full of confidence.

Judging from the current situation, apart from the main leaders such as Black Hand, Apa, and Scarface, the Black Lantern Legion consists of thousands of black robes.

This is the enemy's high-end combat power.

Change to before.

Sinestro may still find it a little troublesome, but with the birth of Lantern Man such as the double star mode, all problems are solved.

Fifteen hundred super fighters, against an army of black robes who don't know if there are thousands of them, and the rest of the masters fight against each other...

What else is there to worry about?

To know.

Except for Bai Xiaofei.

On their side, there is still a female Tyrannosaurus Ilus whose strength may still be higher than that of Bai Xiaofei.

Coupled with Darkseid and others on Apocalypse, Sinestro certainly has reasons for self-confidence.

And the other side.

Aya's recent harvest is also quite good.

She made the most of the two hundred raw materials used to create the Destroyer, and successfully cloned an army of Destroyer Cell.

Although the strength and level of these Destroyer Cells produced later are not as good as the original version developed by Bai Xiaofei himself, the overall combat power is also very amazing.


some of them.

Some new biological technologies and sub-biological engines were also experimentally added by Aya to improve and make up for its lack of strength.

In short.

The 200 brand new Destroyer Cells are different from the original Destroyer Cell created by Bai Xiaofei, and their overall strength is almost the same.

Compared with super fighters such as Sinestro's double-star mode, it is not much better, even worse.

after all.

Their origins are different.

Belonging to cheaters who are born with cheats, their strength cannot be judged by ordinary eyes.


It's Aya's anti-surveillance mecha.

In order to continue to become stronger, she even contacted Apocalypse and made a deal with Darkseid in private.

I don't know how Aya convinced Darkseid that the other party actually provided her with some development and design data about the mother box system.


These data are not the latest version.

After all, that is the core secret of Apocalypse, no matter how dazed Darkseid is, it is impossible to give such a housekeeping treasure to outsiders for nothing.

But for Aya, these are enough.

Because she has a certain amount of mother box-related research data on her side, the reason why Darkseid wants those is to make up for some of the shortcomings.

Even the incomplete data that castrated the most core secrets provided Aya with considerable help.


Aya has created six very special mother box systems.

Why six?

after all……

Her anti-surveillance mecha is driven by anti-matter energy, and it also incorporates Tegarman's special armor system, so two completely different special versions are required.

The three mother box systems are a set, which can be integrated into one to form a unified force. Six, that is, two sets.

The six mother boxes developed and designed by Aiya are very different from the original mother boxes.


She was designed and developed based on Marvel's six infinite gems, so her abilities are fundamentally different from the original.


The unified power formed by the combination of the three mother boxes is also very different from the original version. The same thing is that this power is very powerful.

In particular, Aya also designed it into two diametrically opposed versions, the pros and cons, and the power that erupts from the fusion of each other is far from being as simple as 1+1 equals 2.

It was almost a nuclear fusion chain reaction that had never been seen before.

Aya tried it briefly.

When the anti-surveillance mecha is inlaid and fused with six mother box systems with two sets of positive and negative sets, and when it uses its unified power and its own power, the terrifying combat power it explodes is completely beyond expectations.

Just a simple casual attack is enough to easily destroy tens of thousands of stars. If it explodes with all its strength, what is the upper limit? Even the creator, Aya, doesn't know how terrifying it is.

Aya conservatively estimated that if she fought against the danger of the anti-surveillance mech being scrapped and broke out with all her strength, she would at least be able to toughen a wave of top bosses like Bai Xiaofei.

As for how long you can last, and whether you can win in the end...

Then I don't know.

In short.

Aya was very pleased with her design.

Although the current version is still somewhat unstable, and she cannot fight with all her strength as she pleases, but she believes that these problems will be resolved in the future.


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