The Storm God

Chapter 3896 Darkside is injured! (Please subscribe!)


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, looked depressed.

Because of some problems, he wanted to discuss with Darkseid to see how to solve them. After all, the recent expansion of the Black Lantern Corps was too rapid.

If you don't want to find a way to restrict it, the consequences will be disastrous.


But he couldn't see Darkseid.

Moreover, this is not the first time, but several times.

Every time, I met a confidant of Darkseid, and the reason given was that Darkseid was not there.

"Not here?"

Morpheus, God of Dreams, was very puzzled.

At such a critical moment, Darkseid is not on Apocalypse, where can he go? What did you do again?

This is illogical.

Darkseid must have something to hide from himself? Otherwise, why did he leave without saying goodbye and let a confidant prevaricate himself?

What on earth is he trying to do?

To this.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, was puzzled.

I couldn't help feeling bitter in my heart, and said to myself: "Sure enough, an outsider is an outsider. No matter how hard I try, I still can't enter the inner circle..."

Just when he sighed depressedly and was about to go back to his residence, recuperate, recover his strength, and stop thinking about those messy things.


There was a burst of exclamation from the main hall of Apocalypse.


"What's going on? Why did those confidant generals of Dakseid suddenly panic?"

"Could it be that the Black Lantern Legion is coming?"

"It shouldn't be!"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was bewildered.

In addition to doubts.

He also hurriedly rushed over to the source of the panic.


He knew the answer.

When Morpheus, the God of Dreams, rushed out of the hall, the first thing he saw was Dakseid surrounded by all the generals.

It's just that Dakseid is very embarrassed now, and his whole body is covered with wounds. The wound is still filled with a thick and intractable dark power of death, like a tarsal maggot, organizing the recovery and healing of the wound.

Darkseid's breath was also very weak.


He must have been through a battle before.

Let's not talk about the victory or defeat for the time being. Based on the analysis of the current situation, it is definitely a crazy and tragic battle.

Otherwise, a boss as strong as Darkseid would not be in such a mess, and even return to Apocalypse with a heavy body injury.

And it is almost unnecessary to think about what can cause such trauma to Darkseid, it is obviously the work of the Black Lantern Corps.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was puzzled.

Black Hand, the big boss of the Black Lantern Legion, seems to be about the same strength as Darkseid. How could he beat Darkseid like this?

Could it be that the more bullies the less?

Not right!

You know, Darkseid has also mastered the mother box system, even if he can't beat it, there is no problem in escaping.

Unless there was something holding him back, he would have no time to escape and could only fight passively.

So the question is, who can restrain Darkseid and cause serious damage to him?

this moment.

Not only Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but also Darkseid's confidants are full of doubts and puzzles.

But at this time, they didn't dare to ask too much. The first priority was to quickly send Darkseid to the treatment room to help him recover.


Apocalypse's treatment room is very advanced.

In particular, Darkseid's personal treatment dormancy cabin has condensed the most powerful technology of Apocalypse, and the ability to cooperate with the mother box system is extremely powerful.

Dakseid's injuries were serious.

Moreover, it also possessed a terrifying power of dark death, tangled like tarsal maggots, hindering the recovery of the injury.

But these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that the power in Dakseid's body was almost exhausted, so that after returning to Apocalypse, he fell into a coma.


The treatment plan given by the confidant generals is to give priority to helping Darkseid recover the lost strength.

Because of the dark power of death entangled in Darkseid's wound, they were powerless at all.

It's not that they are incompetent, it's mainly that these powers are too high-level.

Only the existence of the same level can get rid of it.

Not even Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


If it was the Oneiroi Lord at his peak, there might still be hope, but now he only has 60% of his original strength...

It was very helpless.

Therefore, everything can only depend on Darkseid himself.


Apocalypse's technology is still very powerful.

They seemed to have expected that something similar might happen to Darkseid, so they were prepared and dealt with it very calmly.

With the operation of the treatment equipment, Dakseid's strength began to recover very quickly, and the speed was astonishing.

According to this situation, it can be restored in about ten hours.

And as the strength in Dakseid's body continued to recover and increase, his own recovery ability also began to show its power.

The most obvious effect is that the dark death power deep in Darkseid's wound can no longer hurt Darkseid any further.

There was even an obvious phenomenon of rejection.

Like a lone army going deep, the enemy who is being rapidly reinforced is being surrounded and forced to retreat, with heavy casualties.


After hours of struggling.

The dark power of death in Darkseid's wound was finally wiped out, and after a while, it completely recovered.

And this time.

With a slight groan, Dakseid also woke up.

"grown ups……"

All the confidants were overjoyed.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was no exception. He followed the crowd and looked at Darkseid curiously, waiting for the answer to the question.


After Darkseid opened his eyes.

First he looked around in confusion, and then he frowned.


He already understood the current situation, and he was lying in Apocalypse's personal treatment cabin, receiving treatment and recovery.

Feeling his current situation, Dakseid only felt a burst of weakness and weakness, which was completely different from the previous full state.

"grown ups……"

At this time, a general who seemed to be a healer explained to him: "Your injury has just recovered, and your strength has not fully recovered, so you feel weak and weak. This condition will disappear soon. In a few hours, you'll be fully recovered..."


Darkseid remained silent.

He looked directly at Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord in the crowd.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, looked at him without hesitation, and asked directly: "Mr. Darkseid, is it convenient to explain the specific situation now? I want to know, who hurt you like this?"


He already had a vague answer in his mind, but he didn't know the specific process and reason.

The main purpose of asking at this moment is to find out what exactly Darkseid is doing and why the battle broke out with the Black Lantern Legion.

These are all related to Apocalypse's future combat layout.

Not only Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but even Darkseid's confidants are very curious at the moment.

What is going on in all this?


They were not as straightforward as Morpheus, the God of Dreams, who asked them on the spot. After all, Dakseid is their master, and there are some things that are not easy to open their mouths.

It's just an outsider, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, so don't worry about these things. But whether Dakseid said it or not is another matter.


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