The Storm God

Chapter 3897 True darkness! (Please subscribe!)


Dakseid was silent for a moment upon hearing this.

He frowned, as if he was hesitating, but in the end, he sighed slightly, and said, "Forget it, the matter has come to this point, there is nothing to hide..."


Darkseid began to describe what happened to him.

It turned out that these days, when he left Apocalypse, he went to an extremely special place——

The edge of the universe, the wall of origin!

Darkseid's strength has reached a bottleneck, and it is almost impossible to improve in a short period of time.


He just wanted to go to the wall of origin to see if there was any way.

In addition, there are some other considerations.


The latter he did not say.

It's just that after Darkseid arrived there, he accidentally ran into the black hand of the Black Lantern Legion.

When the enemies of the two sides meet, there is no need to say much, just open it directly.

at first.

The two were evenly matched, and it was inseparable.

After all, their strength is between equals, and it is impossible to defeat their opponents without certain external factors, such as time or means.


Just when the two sides were fighting.

A terrifying force of dark death erupted abruptly from the wall of origin, and attacked Black Hand inside and out, catching Darkseid by surprise.

Poor Darkseid never dreamed that the Black Lantern Legion would have an accomplice at the Wall of Origin...

The originally evenly matched battle broke the balance in an instant because of this powerful external force.

Darkseid is clearly at a disadvantage.

As a last resort, he could only retreat hastily, otherwise he might end up here.

But the black hand is not forgiving.

Chasing all the way, it seems that he is determined to keep Darkseid here.


Darkseid tried hard to injure, and finally successfully opened the explosion channel, and escaped. However, he also exhausted his strength and almost couldn't come back.

After that, he returned to Apocalypse.


After listening to Darkseid's description.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphy's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in shock, "The wall of origin? What is that place? The edge of the universe?"

He couldn't believe it.

To know.

The universe has almost no edge, because it is always in a state of expansion and growth, and ordinary people simply cannot touch its edge.

Even if they are bigwigs with extraordinary strength and realm, their understanding of the universe is quite profound, and it is impossible to touch the essence and limit of all universes.

After all, the universe and the universe are different.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, never expected that the universe of this world still has a clearly visible edge.

And there, there stands a wall beyond imagination.

"The Wall of Origin?"

"Could it be that everything in this universe comes from it?"

"But why on the fringes?"

"This unscientific!"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was more curious than shocked.

Especially in light of the current situation, at a critical moment, Darkseid ran to the Wall of Origin to seek a breakthrough...

This is even more problematic.

he decided.

There must be deeper mysteries in the Wall of Origin, but Dakseid didn't say it, but chose to conceal it.

Otherwise, the black hand of the Black Lantern Legion would not be there.


What happened to the terrifying dark power of death that suddenly appeared on the wall of origin, which is exactly the same as the power of the black hand?

The water in this world is really deep!

He was full of emotion.

And at this time.

Darkseid paused for a moment, then spoke again.

He explained: "Although the wall of origin is called origin, in fact, in my understanding, it is a wall of protection and confinement."

"As long as the strength reaches a certain level, it will touch its existence, and then want to break through its blockage and shackles, but the final result, without exception, is stuck on it..."

Speaking of which.

Darkseid couldn't help thinking of his father.

The powerful existence that made him extremely fearful and afraid was originally imprisoned in order to explore the mysteries outside the wall, and became one of the countless sculptures on the wall of origin.

Recall the scene of the war at that time.

Dakseid has some doubts that the powerful power that is exactly the same as the black death power of the black hand may be the black death emperor himself.

That is.

The Black Death Emperor may be the person outside the wall.

Or a top boss like his father, who was sealed by the wall of origin, but not completely sealed to death, so that his own power can be vented through the wall of origin to a certain extent.

And Black Hand, the strongest leader of the Black Lantern Legion, the strongest body of the Black Death Emperor, went to the Wall of Origin, probably to help the Black Death Emperor lift the seal, or help the Black Death Emperor pass through the Wall of Origin, and truly come to this place. world.

Either way, the result is likely to be extremely bad.

after all……

The goal of the Black Death Emperor.

It is to return all the universes to chaos and darkness, to wipe out all life, and to make the universe completely annihilated.

For this alone, he is the enemy of all living beings!

With that in mind.

Dakseid's frown suddenly deepened.

He glanced around, surrounded by Morpheus and others who were shocked and at a loss because of the information such as the Wall of Origin, and asked in a deep voice: "Is there any movement on Bai Xiaofei's side recently?"

this moment.

Darkseid suddenly had an idea.

Find Bai Xiaofei to cooperate!


Things had reached a dire point where he couldn't face it alone.

If they don't cooperate with Bai Xiaofei to deal with the Black Lantern Legion together and stop the other party's crazy expansion, God knows what terrible things will happen.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, reacted the fastest.

Hearing this, he immediately replied: "According to the information we have received, Bai Xiaofei seems to have retreated and is currently comprehending the power of the seven lamps..."


"Sinestro, Aya and the others under his command have indeed never been idle. They have been training and experimenting in full swing recently. It seems that they have a new plan for the Black Lantern Corps..."

"Mr. Darkseid, you mean...?"

"Want to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei?"


Speaking of which.

The eyes of Morpheus, God of Dreams, were full of surprise and disbelief.

You know, this is the first time he heard Darkseid say that he wants to take the initiative to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei.

And looking at Dakseid's appearance, he is still sincere.

Not like before.

It was entirely out of desperation.

Even if there is a truce on the surface and a cooperation is reached, there will be some careful thinking behind the scenes to guard against the other party or something.

This time, it seems completely different.

Could it be...

Is it because of the dark power of the wall of origin?

Could it be the Black Death Emperor!

With that in mind.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't help shaking his body, and said in his heart: "If this is true, even Darkseid is so afraid and fearful, how terrifying is the other party?"


Darkseid nodded slightly.

He didn't hide his intentions, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "If my guess is correct, the current situation has reached an extremely dangerous and terrible situation, and we must unite all forces to stop and fight against the Black Lantern Legion ..."


"In the face of real darkness and death, no one can escape!"

"Go and contact Bai Xiaofei..."


The last sentence.

Naturally, it was what Dakseid said to his confidant.


A general responded.

Then he immediately turned around and contacted the mechanical field.


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