The Storm God

Chapter 3898 Wait! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Sinestro and Aya were sitting together, discussing something.


A communication rings.


Aiya raised her eyebrows in surprise, and said, "It's a call from Apocalypse? Why did they suddenly think of contacting us?"

Now this time is quite special.

Tomorrow is the last day of Bai Xiaofei's retreat. Whether he can find out the mystery of the power of the seven lamps is up to him.


Such a juncture.

Apocalypse called unexpectedly?

This is very sudden.

Aya and Sinestro couldn't help but make some reasonable associations.

"I'm Aya, what's the matter?"


Surprised to be surprised.

The phone should be answered, after all, Apocalypse is also Bai Xiaofei's partner now.

In case someone calls, is there something important to say. It seems bad not to pick up, and it may also delay the fighter.

After a while.

Apocalypse hung up the communication.

"what happened?"

Seeing Aya's solemn expression on the spot, Sinestro was full of curiosity and asked, "What did they say?"


Aya opened her mouth.

But he didn't know what to say. After being silent for a while, he organized his language to explain: "It said that Darkseid was injured, and the person who injured him was the black hand of the Black Lantern Legion..."

"Black hand?"

Sinestro was startled when he heard the words, and didn't dare to say anything: "Although his strength is very strong, he should be on par with Darkseid, right?"

"Could it be that some special method was used?"


Aya stared at him speechlessly.

Unhappily said: "Hey, wait until I finish speaking before expressing your opinion? It's very clear there, besides the black hand, there is another powerful and terrifying force..."

"If the prediction is correct, the person who joined hands with Black Hand to severely damage Darkseid should be the Black Death Emperor himself!"


After hearing this, Sinestro was even more shocked.

"The Black Death Emperor himself?"

"Didn't Mr. Bai say that the Black Death Emperor was blocked from the wall and couldn't come down easily? Didn't something happen during this period that we don't know?"

"its not right!"

"If it's really the Black Death Emperor himself, plus Black Hand, the two join forces, no matter how strong Darkseid is, it's impossible to escape, right?"

"Are they hiding something else?"


Sinestro's instincts are sharp.


Aya is not stupid either.

After comprehensively analyzing the information given by the other party, I immediately found something wrong, such as why Darkseid met a black hand?

And the guy who is suspected of being the Black Death Emperor himself?

What the hell is he doing?


If you can't figure it out, you don't want to.

Aya directly turned the question to the other side, and said: "The meaning of Apocalypse's call this time is that he wants to cooperate more closely with me..."

"Although I don't know what happened there, so that Darkseid was severely injured by the black hand and another force..."

"But I can feel their determination and sincerity in this cooperation. It seems that the development of the Black Lantern Corps has once again exceeded our expectations..."

"What do you think about this?"


Aya asked.

Sinestro narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "How else can we look at it, of course we have to look at it seriously. The only advantage for us now is that we have a certain initiative, and we can forcefully demand that Apocalypse give us certain information, or even It's an exchange of resources..."


"Whether we want to cooperate closely with Apocalypse or not, neither of us can decide. Let's talk about everything after the husband is out of customs."

"Perhaps the master will go out of customs and achieve great success. At that time, we will not need the assistance of Apocalypse at all, and we will be able to destroy the Black Lantern Legion by ourselves."

"No matter how anxious you are, don't be in a hurry for a day or two, right?"


His meaning is very simple.


Let's wait for Bai Xiaofei to leave the customs.

After all, both he and Aya are younger brothers. Although they have certain decision-making power, Apocalypse is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

What if the other party has any bad intentions?

They don't take risks.

To know.

Apocalypse is not without lessons learned.

How long has it just passed? There were no signs, and Sinestro and Aya suddenly believed in Apocalypse...

How can it be!


Drag to drag, wait to wait.

During these two days, it is impossible for Sinestro and Aya to do nothing and just wait so stupidly.

What they meant was to send some people out to find out the news first.

Whether it is the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern Legion, both hands must be grasped, and neither one can be let go.

at the same time.

Whether it's Kruga or Dust, you have to be prepared. Whether it's cooperation with Apocalypse or a sudden war, you must take all preparations.

And these are nothing to Aya and Sinestro.

after all.

Their work has long been done.

Now you only need to give an order, and the rest of the younger brothers will naturally help them get it done.



Darkseid finally fully recovered.

Although the power consumed in the body has not yet returned to its peak, it is still close to ten, about 90% of the level in its heyday.

"Has there been any reply from Sanddust Star?"

The first thing Darkseid did after leaving the treatment room was to ask about the cooperation between Tian Qixing and Bai Xiaofei.


The confidant replied: "Aiya's reply is to maintain the status quo for now. As for whether to carry out in-depth cooperation, we have to wait until Bai Xiaofei leaves the customs tomorrow..."


Dakseid raised his eyebrows, and immediately grasped the focus of the question: "Bai Xiaofei will be able to leave the level tomorrow?"


The confidant said: "Aiya's explanation is that Bai Xiaofei's retreat cycle plan is 15 days, and tomorrow is the last day."

"I see……"

Darkseid nodded slightly.

Bai Xiaofei possesses the core device of space-time travel, through which he comprehends and masters the power of time, and has far more control over time than ordinary people.

Since he plans to retreat for 15 days, if there is no accident, he will return to exit tomorrow. At that time, he does not know whether he can crack the mystery of the power of the seven lamps.

If he succeeds, to what extent will his strength rise?

How would it be compared to yourself?

With that in mind.

Dakseid couldn't help feeling depressed for a while.

Although Bai Xiaofei's physical strength is not as good as his own, but with some other factors and abilities, he can fight on par with him.

If he finds out the mystery of the power of the seven lamps again, I am afraid that Bai Xiaofei will be able to judge the gap between him and me.

At that time, with the addition of the opponent's strange tricks and means, I am afraid that even if he is himself, he will not be Bai Xiaofei's opponent.

That's it.

Apocalypse has really become the weakest of the three parties.

First, the black hands of the Black Lantern Legion, and then Bai Xiaofei, each of them ushered in breakthroughs and improvements, but he was the only one who stayed where he was, without any improvement...

This is really ironic.

Think back then.

Among the three forces.

Obviously I am the strongest, but as a result, the feng shui turns, turning and turning, turning myself into the weakest...

I'm really not reconciled!


"I can't just sit here and wait for death. I have to find a way to improve myself, otherwise, under the attack of the two major forces, how will I, Apocalypse, get along in the future?"

"The Wall of Origin, we must go again!"


The more I think about it, the more aggrieved I become.

In the end, Darkseid couldn't take it anymore.

Then, he rarely called the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, and gathered some of the top combat forces to leave Apocalypse, and headed straight for the wall of origin.


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