The Storm God

Chapter 3899 Exit! (Please subscribe!)

"It's almost twelve o'clock!"

On this day, Sinestro and Aya waited anxiously in the room, fidgeting and walking back and forth.


Today is the last day of Bai Xiaofei's retreat.


It is the last hour of the last day of retreat.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was about to leave the customs, as the two most important ministers under Bai Xiaofei's command, they were naturally extremely nervous and apprehensive.

He hoped that Bai Xiaofei would make a breakthrough, but he was also afraid that his wish would fail.

after all.

The current situation in the universe is quite bad.

According to the recent exploration report, the black-robed army of the Black Lantern Legion did not know what kind of medicine they took, but they made great progress one by one, and went one step further.

Even those relatively ordinary Black Lantern fighters seem to have grown up overnight, and their strength level is completely promoted to the level of a college student from a primary school student.

In the countless star fields in the vast universe, after just a few confrontations, the Lantern Man Legion and the Mechanical Legion suffered heavy losses.

In contrast to the Black Lantern Corps, casualties and losses were minimal.

This is outrageous!

some moment.

Aya and Sinestro immediately understood why Darkseid of Apocalypse was so anxious to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei.

Because the current Black Lantern Legion has already made a qualitative leap.


They know too late.

By the time you realize it, the damage has already been done.

The two could only pinch their noses and forcefully swallowed the lesson this time, but they still couldn't figure out why the Black Lantern Legion became so terrifying in such a short period of time?

If only one or two suddenly became stronger, it would be easy to explain, but the entire legion, up and down, all broke through and improved together...

This is a bit unbelievable.

It's not so outrageous even if it's a dream, okay?

To this.

Aiya also called to inquire about Apocalypse.

But unfortunately, the answer was that Darkseid had already left Apocalypse, and those younger brothers didn't know the specific situation.

"I really believe you ghosts!"

Of course Aya didn't believe what the other party said.

But so what?

People just make it clear and don't tell you, what can you do?

not to mention……

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was about to leave the customs soon.

In desperation, Aya and Sinestro could only suppress these doubts and depressions in their hearts.

Then he waited for Bai Xiaofei to leave the customs.

well known.

Waiting, at least tortures people's hearts.

Especially when people have things hidden in their hearts, the longer they wait, the more they feel that the time has passed.

And now.

Sinestro and Aya, that's it.

It's only ten minutes away, but to them, it seems that there are still more than ten years...


With the support of their tenacious will, the two finally survived.

next moment.

The time finally came to the morning.

The 15 days have finally completely passed, which also means that Bai Xiaofei's retreat and enlightenment is finally over.

The two couldn't help standing upright at the same time, and put on the best mental state, ready to welcome Bai Xiaofei's exit.


A minute passed.

five minutes……

ten minutes……

half an hour...

Bai Xiaofei's figure did not appear for a long time.

Sinestro and Aya, the two of them stood there blankly as if they were stones, their expressions were so miserable.

"what's the situation?"

"The retreat time is obviously over, why hasn't Mr. appeared yet? Could something unexpected happen?"

"How long are we going to keep this attitude?"


Sinestro is alive.

Unlike Aya, she is an intelligent life, and her body is also made of special alloy materials. Let alone standing here for a few hours, even for centuries, she will not feel tired.

The point is this is so stupid.

Even when no one else was around, Sinestro felt extremely shy.

I can't wait to end this miserable state as soon as possible.


As everyone knows.

Aya was also very depressed.

"It shouldn't be!"

"With Mr.'s ability, how could he make a mistake? Even if the retreat failed, he should come out and tell us first, and explain something..."

"What does it mean that there is no reaction at all?"


In addition to doubts.

She couldn't help contacting Bai Cass secretly.

The same master of the Hongmeng Dark System came to learn some clues about Bai Xiaofei.


At this moment, even Bai Cass didn't know about Bai Xiaofei's situation. The answer he gave was that just before 0 o'clock, everything about Bai Xiaofei was suddenly disconnected from the Hongmeng Dark System.

It's like the computer suddenly lost power and disconnected from the network.

Completely lost contact.


Hearing Baicas's answer, Aya was even more confused.

Even the Hongmeng dark system can't contact Mr.? What's happening here? Is it possible that Mr. Shut up and shut himself down?

Although this assumption is outrageous, it is the only reasonable explanation that Aya can think of so far.


However, Sinestro suddenly said: "There is another possibility, that is, Mr. has successfully detected the power of the seven lamps and entered a brand new level far beyond our understanding..."


Aya blinked her eyes when she heard the words, and agreed: "The seven lamps come from the light of creation, and the light of creation is an extraordinary existence at the beginning of the universe. If you comprehend and master that power, it is indeed true. It is possible to enter a more mysterious level..."

"Although the Hongmeng Dark System is powerful, it has never been free from the shackles of the universe. It is only natural that we cannot contact you..."

"If that's the case, then let's continue to wait!"


I heard Aya say to continue to wait.

Sinestro's face turned bitter immediately, and the corners of his eyes twitched and he said, "I'm fine with waiting, but can we change our positions?"


Aiya glanced at the two people's current posture, was silent for two seconds, and then said dryly: "You can do whatever you want..."

after all.

No one knows when Bai Xiaofei will leave the customs.

They can't stay like this forever, can they? It would be fine if Bai Xiaofei got out of customs earlier, in case he continues to comprehend for another ten or eight years...

Aya is fine, but Sinestro is completely useless.


Hear what Aya said.

Sinestone heaved a long sigh of relief.

The whole person softened in an instant, and then Ge You lay paralyzed on the sofa in the room, which was called a relaxation.

As if he had just come out of the prison, he felt that life was so beautiful, even lying down was so comfortable.

Aya seemed calmer.

After all, it is a mechanical body made of special structural materials, she only slightly moved her aching arms and bone tissue...

The result is at this moment.


Suddenly, a bright white light flashed in the room.

next moment.

Under Sinestro's stunned eyes and Aya's stunned gaze, a figure that was both familiar to them and somewhat strange to them appeared directly in front of them.

This person is Bai Xiaofei.


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei's image and state are very different from before. His whole body is bathed in an incomparably holy light, like a fairy Buddha, giving people a sense of aloofness and majesty.

As for Sinestro and Aya, who were bathed in the holy light, their first impression was that they were extremely comfortable.

The cells in the body, like eating ginseng fruit, are so excited that they are about to fly.

this moment.

The two felt that their lives seemed to have been sublimated like never before, and even their souls had been completely washed.

Among them, the one with the deepest feeling is undoubtedly Sinestro.

after all.

He has the power of the double lantern ring.

Its body even hosts the Lantern Beast Parallax Monster, so it reacts most violently and sensitively to the holy light released by Bai Xiaofei.

Far worse than Aya who only has the power of green light as the core drive.

The first thought in Sinestro and Aya's mind at this time was: "Successful! Mister has successfully detected the power of the seven lamps and comprehended the power of the light of creation!"


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