The Storm God

Chapter 3900 Half-step white light! (Please subscribe!)

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei has obviously changed.

And the most notable feature is undoubtedly that special energy pattern, which is almost the same as that of Color Lantern Man.

The only difference is the level difference.

If the general Lantern Man's energy operation mode effect is 1, then Bai Xiaofei's may be 100, or even 1000, with 10000...

In short.

this moment.

Whether it's Sinestro or Aya, they all feel the vast and terrifying power of the Lantern Man from Bai Xiaofei's body.

And the power of this Lantern Man is completely different from the power of the Seven Lanterns.

It was a force that had never been seen before.





The possibilities seemed endless.

Just like the light in the universe, although it is just a simple word, the content, even the meaning, contained in it is extremely large and complex.

In a short period of time, words cannot describe it at all.


That's right.


And at this moment.

I saw Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and with a grin from the corner of his mouth, all the strange phenomena on his body disappeared completely.

The familiar Bai Xiaofei from before has returned.


Even so.

Sinestro and Aya could also sense from Bai Xiaofei that there seemed to be something different about their boss.

But what is the specific difference, they can't tell at all.

no way.

There is a big difference between the realm levels of each other.

Just like children who can't understand advanced knowledge such as calculus, Sinestro and Aya also can't understand Bai Xiaofei's current level.

The only thing they were sure of was that Bai Xiaofei succeeded.


It's impossible to be so awesome.

In fact, they guessed right.

Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly, and explained: "I have indeed successfully explored the power of the seven lamps, but I haven't fully comprehended the power of the light of creation..."

After cultivating the power of the seven lamps to the extreme.

Bai Xiaofei finally understood some issues that he had neglected before, that is, the light of creation, which influenced and stimulated the creation of the power of the seven lamps, but the power of the seven lamps does not mean the complete light of creation.

Just like sunlight, it can be divided into seven colors of the rainbow, but in fact it contains more elements and substances besides this, which is a reason.


When Bai Xiaofei cultivated the power of the seven lamps to the extreme and tried to fuse them into one, he found to his dismay that it was impossible for him to succeed.

Even if a successful breakthrough is promoted to another new level, it is not the expected state of the light of creation.

That is, the perfect White Lantern.

at best……

It can only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

Because Bai Xiaofei currently still lacks the most critical factor of blind power - the spirit of existence.

Compared with the power of the seven lamps, the spirit of existence is undoubtedly stronger. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the core of many forces.

Even if Bai Xiaofei gathered all of them and cultivated the power of the seven lamps to the extreme, he still couldn't match the spirit of existence.

after all.

There is an essential difference between the two parties.

Just like no matter how many eggs, duck eggs, ostrich eggs, etc. are all added up, it is impossible to match the hardness of momentum.

If he wanted to become a real White Lantern Man, and even go one step further, to discover the mystery of the Light of Creation, Bai Xiaofei had to obtain the Spirit of Existence.


Even so, the benefits Bai Xiaofei gained were enormous.

First of all, the power of the seven lamps in his body has been completely integrated into one, and the level of strength has risen to a higher level.

Especially in terms of dealing with the black lamp, the current Bai Xiaofei's restraint and destruction effect on it is simply not the same.

for example.

Take the last invasion of the Black Lantern Corps as an example.


Bai Xiaofei wants to defeat the opponent, he can only summon the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus. But now, there is no need for this at all, Bai Xiaofei alone can completely crush, even sweep the Black Lantern Army with an absolute advantage.

The key is that Bai Xiaofei's newly comprehended power has almost reached the extreme in restraining the black lamp.

Even if you don't make any moves, just facing the black lamp can directly affect and suppress the black lamp's strength.

Once shot.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, the black lamp has a very strong combat power, and if he can display 30% to 40% of it, then he is already burning incense.


The premise is that the opponent's level of strength does not surpass Bai Xiaofei by much.

Otherwise, the effect will be greatly reduced.

For example.

The Black Death Emperor came in person.

With Bai Xiaofei's current half-baked white light state, it is obvious that he is unable to force the opponent's full body of dark death power.


After Bai Xiaofei left the customs.

The first thing on my mind is to find the spirit of existence, and then use its power to make up for my own shortcomings, so as to complete the complete transformation of the white lamp.

And it is worth mentioning that.

After successfully merging the power of the Seven Lanterns and being promoted half a step to the White Lantern, Bai Xiaofei could faintly sense the breath of the spirit of existence.

Just like quantum entanglement.

after all……

The power of the seven lamps has an inseparable relationship with it. In the separated state, the power of the seven lamps cannot sense the breath of the spirit of existence. After fusion, a qualitative change occurs, which further strengthens the induction between the two parties.

However, before Bai Xiaofei could say what he meant, Aiya took the first step and said something about Apocalypse's desire for further cooperation.


Hearing the words, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and said in astonishment: "As strong as Darkseid was severely injured by the black hand? Is the black hand so powerful now?"

Aya shook her head and said, "I don't know if it's awesome or not, but the expansion and changes of the Black Lantern Legion are indeed a bit unbelievable..."


She also reported the information she had investigated to Bai Xiaofei.

This time, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning even tighter, and said in a deep voice: "First, Darkseid was severely injured, and then the Black Lantern Legion's collective strengthening and upgrading, all of these seem to be related to the sudden emergence of dark power ?”

His instincts are sharp.

He immediately grasped the crux of the problem, and also thought of another possibility: "Could it be the Black Death Emperor?"

And when it comes to the Black Death Emperor, one has to talk about the Wall of Origin.


The Black Death Emperor was blocked by the wall.

Without the assistance of a powerful enough force, it would be impossible for the Black Death Emperor to break through the barrier of the origin wall and descend into this world.

Combined with Darkseid being severely injured, and the fact that the Black Lantern Legion had assembled to strengthen and upgrade, Bai Xiaofei quickly came to a conclusion:

Darkseid went to the Wall of Origin.

And there, he encountered the black hand who also rushed to the wall of origin.

So the two sides fought.


The power of the Black Death Emperor suddenly increased for some reason, so that it materialized and came together with the black hand, and then severely damaged Darkseid.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Hand and the Black Lantern Legion collectively strengthened and upgraded...

With that in mind.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's strong mentality, his expression changed a little at this moment. He said with a sullen face, "The problem is far worse than I imagined..."

"Otherwise, with Dakseid's character, it would be impossible for him to ask for further cooperation with us so abnormally..."

"It seems that we really need to have a good talk with him..."


Bai Xiaofei finally made a decision.

The spirit of existence must be sought, but the current problem must not be ignored, and it is even more important than the former.

after all……

The specific situation of the enemy is related to the overall combat layout.

Only by knowing yourself and knowing yourself can you be invincible in a hundred battles.

Blindly messing around is bad!


Bai Xiaofei ordered: "Contact Apocalypse immediately, and tell me that I want to avoid talking with Darkseid, the sooner the better!"


Aya made contact.

As for Bai Xiaofei, he projected the division of his mind into his own small world, and ordered some younger brothers to follow several special coordinates to find the whereabouts of the spirit of existence.


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