The Storm God

Chapter 3901 Resonance! (Please subscribe!)


Soon, Aya reported back to Bai Xiaofei: "Apocalypse said that Darkseid has gone out for something, and he is not currently in Apocalypse..."

"Not here?"

Bai Xiaofei became curious: "The Black Lantern Legion has strengthened so much now, Darkseid is not on Apocalypse to find a countermeasure, but went out again, what is the so-called?"

His intuition told himself that there must be something tricky in it.

"have no idea."

Aya replied: "Regarding this matter, Apocalypse's attitude is very firm, no matter how you ask, you won't say anything..."

"Then when will he come back?"

Bai Xiaofei nodded, expressing his understanding.

If it were me, if there were any secret matters to deal with, I would naturally not tell the people below.

The point is, Dakseid just said that he wanted to cooperate deeply with him, but he ran out on the back...

Isn't this too frankly insincere?


Aya relayed: "Apocalypse said that if there is no accident, Darkseid will return tomorrow, and he will come to Dust Star in person to discuss further cooperation with us."


Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt dull.

Originally, I wanted to ask Darkseid something about the Wall of Origin, but now it seems impossible.


Bai Xiaofei instructs Aya and Sinestro to pack up the recent events and send them to him.

As for himself, he directly entered the small world.

The time flow rate of the small world is different from that of the outside world. Of course, this thing can be adjusted at will according to Bai Xiaofei's wishes...

For the rapid development of the earth and to find the spirit of existence as soon as possible, Bai Xiaofei can adjust the time flow in the small world much faster than the outside world.


Although the time outside is very short, for the earth in the small world, it has passed for a long time.

And today.

Some of the younger brothers under Bai Xiaofei's command encountered a problem when they went to a certain coordinate to find the spirit of existence as instructed.

They encountered a barrier they had never seen before.

These younger brothers exhausted their strength and means, but they were still unable to break through, not even the slightest effect.

The mission is interrupted by this.

It just so happened that Bai Xiaofei from the outside world had nothing to do with him, so after knowing this, he came over curiously, wanting to find out.

His intuition told himself that this unprecedented barrier might be related to the spirit of existence he was looking for.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei came to a special space zone.

As far as the eye can see, there are a group of subordinates wearing superhero costumes of different shapes, followed by an invisible barrier that pierces the sky and completely blocks the way forward.

Although the barrier is invisible, it exudes a substantial aura of power, so it can be easily perceived by people.


Perception is also limited to this side of the barrier.

As for what happened inside the barrier, no one could perceive it at all, including Bai Xiaofei who just arrived.


Sensing the awesomeness of the barrier, Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled.

If we say that before coming here, Bai Xiaofei only suspected that this place might be the hiding place of the spirit of existence.

So now, he is almost certain.

after all……

This barrier is not simple.

Even Bai Xiaofei's perception can be isolated, which shows that the level of strength of its creator is definitely not inferior to him.

As for the characters with such abilities, apart from Dakseid and others, there is only the spirit of existence.

"You all go back!"

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand and ordered.

Although the strength of these younger brothers is good, their level is too low. In front of a big guy like Bai Xiaofei, some of them can't even be considered cannon fodder.

For the next thing, they are not very useful, but will become a burden instead, so Bai Xiaofei can only send these younger brothers away.


The rewards that should be given will not be small.

After all, people don't have credit, but also hard work. As the boss, you can't let the younger brothers under your command work for nothing.


The younger brothers are very discerning.

Hearing this, without any hesitation, they agreed, and they all passed through the space channel that Bai Xiaofei opened casually, and returned to the normal space dimension of the earth.

According to Bai Xiaofei's will, the Lord God No. 1 there had already counted the credit for these younger brothers and prepared corresponding rewards.

And no matter how excited those younger brothers were, they finally saw the legendary Bai Xiaofei...


Bai Xiaofei wasn't too polite.

After all the younger brothers left, they immediately began to try to break through the obstacles of the barrier, but they were rejected on the spot.

"Is it that strong?"

Seeing that his own power was completely swallowed and absorbed, but there was no effect at all, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly surprised, but he was even more excited in his heart.

"very good!"

"Since conventional means of strength don't work, I'll try the power of the white lamp I just obtained..."

"See if it's as I guessed."


Bai Xiaofei licked his lips.

The next moment, he turned into a half-step white lamp again, bathed in endless holy light, like a fairy, Buddha and saint, slowly stretched out his hand, and passed a wave of white lamp power into the barrier.


Just for a moment.

The barrier erupted with an unprecedented violent reaction.

Just like hot boiling water being poured onto the ice, Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that the barrier in front of him was melted!


Just a small part.

The scope is limited to the small area that Bai Xiaofei's power of white lamp enters and affects.


The rest of the barrier has not changed in any way.

"It really works!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed when he saw this, and secretly said: "It seems that I guessed it right. This barrier should be used by the spirit of existence to prevent others from finding him. its dissolution..."

Although his white lamp power is impure and only half-level, it is of the same clan as the spirit of existence.

Even if the quality is not as good as the other party, but in terms of quantity, Bai Xiaofei is completely worthy. Seeing that the power of the white lamp can melt the barrier in front of him, there is no reason to hesitate, let's do it!

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei no longer kept it.

The power of the white lamp on his body suddenly exploded, and the vast power, like the Yangtze River, gushed out from Bai Xiaofei's body crazily in an instant, and poured it all into the barrier barrier.

And the barrier barrier in front of him also quickly changed from invisible to a solid state visible to the naked eye, like a thick ice wall, being rapidly melted by Bai Xiaofei's "hot" power.

Not long.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, a big hole was melted by "roasting", allowing one person to enter and exit freely.

Through this gap in the barrier, Bai Xiaofei also saw something inside the barrier, which seemed to be a white space.

As far as I can see, there is no such thing as length, width, height, up, down, left, and right, and some only have endless white...

It's like being in a chaotic universe constructed entirely of white.

at the same time.

An unusually terrifying and powerful force, which made Bai Xiaofei feel very familiar, but also had a bit of strange power, rushing toward his face.

"This feeling……"

Bai Xiaofei was startled, and he said with great surprise in his heart: "It's him! It's unmistakable! This special aura that strongly resonates with the power of the white lamp in my body is definitely the spirit of existence I'm looking for!"


Without any hesitation or hesitation, Bai Xiaofei rushed in directly, stepping into this special pure white space.


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