The Storm God

Chapter 3902 Cowardly cowards! (Please subscribe!)


As soon as Bai Xiaofei entered, he lost the power to melt the barrier barrier, and it closed instantly again.

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei also felt that his own power seemed to have lost its connection with the outside world at this moment.

To know.

Most of his law powers are directly linked to various elements or essences in the universe.


After arriving at this pure white space, it was completely blocked.

This is outrageous!


Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, but soon recovered his normal expression, and secretly said: "It seems that the spirit of existence has a great influence on this place, just like my own small world, when outsiders enter, they will be greatly suppressed... "

"Fortunately, in addition to the general power of law, I am also proficient in space, time, darkness, death, life... and other law powers. At the same time, I have also cultivated the power of the seven lamps, and I have also comprehended part of the essence of the white lamp. "

"So for me, although the impact here is also there, it is not very big. If it is someone else, it may be like a lamb to be slaughtered."

"It seems that the spirit of existence is very careful!"


While thinking and analyzing in my heart.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei was not idle, relying on his intuition, flying in this pure white space, and soon came to a special position.

Floating above here is a huge sphere emitting endless white light. Like a little sun, it shines on the entire space world.


You can still see a trace of a human figure revealed inside, there is no doubt that hiding in it is the spirit of existence that Bai Xiaofei has been looking for.

"What a strong vitality!"

After Bai Xiaofei landed, the first thing he marveled at was the terrifying life force contained in this huge ball of light.

Even he, in front of the other party, was somewhat overshadowed.

If Bai Xiaofei's vitality is compared to the vast ocean, then the other party is the vast starry universe...

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei also felt an unprecedented special power aura from this sphere, this aura has a fatal attraction to Bai Xiaofei, like a pervert seeing a peerless beauty, Bai Xiaofei almost couldn't hold back, and rushed towards her .

"That power is..."

Bai Xiaofei was surprised and happy in his heart, and secretly analyzed: "If the prediction is correct, this should be the key power that I lack. As long as I can capture and absorb it, I will definitely be able to comprehend the complete power of the white lamp. It even breaks through the essence of the light of creation!"

"Who are you?"

But at this moment, a cold and indifferent voice suddenly came. It seems that the spirit of existence is asking about Bai Xiaofei's origin.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei had already found him and came to him, no matter how big-hearted he was, he couldn't remain indifferent, especially Bai Xiaofei was so powerful.

Even the spirit of existence vaguely felt the threat.

So he asked.

"My name is Bai Xiaofei."

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, introduced himself briefly, and then went straight to the point, saying: "Now the universe is facing the threat of darkness and death. I need your help, so I am here."


The spirit of existence was silent for a while.

Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry and waited patiently. He believed that with the ability of the spirit of existence, he must know what happened in the outside world.

It's the same even if Bai Xiaofei protects the earth in a special dimension, after all, the spirit of existence is too powerful.

Almost nothing can stop him.


The other party doesn't care.

Whether you are willing to help or not is another matter.

As the oldest "lantern beast", the spirit of existence is not as pure as other lantern beasts such as the ion shark, which is very selfish.

It is not that simple to make it take the initiative to fight against the Black Death Emperor.

in short.

The spirit of existence is not a good thing.

In the comics, it ignores the death of countless lives and remains indifferent. If it hadn't been forced to panic in the end, it would not even want to fight the Black Death Emperor.

Selfish and cowardly, a typical counselor.


Bai Xiaofei had already made preparations.

And the spirit of existence did not disappoint Bai Xiaofei, after a brief silence, he directly gave a negative answer:

"You go!"

"This is a test of fate, a battle destined for you, nothing to do with me, and I am not the opponent of the Black Death Emperor, please leave now..."

"I'm going to continue to sleep."


Bai Xiaofei sneered.

Then he stared at the huge floating ball of light with the eyes of caring for mentally handicapped children, and said mockingly: "Really? Why do I think you want mantis, cicada and oriole to follow? Don't you really think I'm a three-year-old child? "


The spirit of existence was silent again.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about its reaction, and continued to sneer: "And don't fool me with words like destiny, I don't believe in this, no war is predestined..."

"Spirit of Existence, now I will give you a chance, either cooperate with me honestly to deal with the Black Lantern Legion; or don't blame me for being rude, and use force to force you to cooperate with me..."

"Two choices, one minute, the countdown begins!"


The attitude is called a tough one.



Hearing the words, the spirit of existence was furious: "How dare you threaten me?"

At the same time as the roar, the vast and terrifying power suddenly burst out from the ball of light in an instant.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei felt unprecedented pressure.

It was as if the power of the whole world had been crushed on him, causing his body to almost bend...

But that's all.


Bai Xiaofei sneered, his eyes widened, and terrifying power shot up into the sky, directly blowing away the pressure of the spirit of existence with an incomparably domineering posture.

It even turned around for a while, pressing on the light ball of the spirit of existence.


Bai Xiaofei's voice became more and more cold and domineering: "So what if I threaten you? The spirit of existence? The white lantern beast? You, who should bring hope to the universe, are huddled here and lingering. You are a coward, what right do you have to be here?" Playing tricks in front of Lao Tzu?!"


The aura of existence almost exploded on the spot.

Surprised and angry, but also full of fear and fear towards Bai Xiaofei's power, he gritted his teeth and said, "My existence is already a gift to this world, and you are not a suitable candidate!"

Good guy.

The implication is that I have a great background, how can I be qualified to show off? Even if I really want to make a move, that person is definitely not you!

Obviously you are the one who is not qualified!


Bai Xiaofei was full of disdain.

Staring at the figure in the huge ball of light with unkind eyes, he said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Spirit of existence, you have to figure out one thing now. I'm not discussing with you. There are less than 10 seconds left for the one-minute countdown..."

"When the time comes, if you still haven't made a choice, then don't blame me for being rude to you..."

"Believe me!"

"You will definitely have an experience of a lifetime..."

"There are still 5 seconds left..."

"4 seconds..."

"3 seconds……"


Say the last.

Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk nonsense with it.

Start the countdown immediately.


Haha, it's okay.

What Lao Tzu is best at is convincing people with virtue, but this so-called virtue is not moral character, but martial virtue.

Abbreviation, beat until you give in!


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