The Storm God

Chapter 3903 Suction! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei's threat made the spirit of existence extremely unhappy.

Although he is a little jealous of Bai Xiaofei's strength, but now he has been forced to this point, and the spirit of existence can't control so much.

Fuck him!

Otherwise, all that awaits him is slavery.

Even if the final result is still a failure, at least he has stood up and fought. If he is really frightened by the other party's few words, then he is not the spirit of existence.

"You want me to surrender and gain my power? That also depends on whether you have the strength, I don't believe you can do anything to me!"


The voice did not fall.

The huge ball of light that the spirit of existence was living in released an extremely special power, completely protecting itself.

It's like applying a stronger protective shield to the photosphere.

Under Bai Xiaofei's perception, he found that the energy breath of the light ball seemed to be completely isolated.

And the most obvious result is that this special dimensional space began to quickly turn black...

This is because the power of the spirit of existence is gradually disappearing.

Just like the sun in the solar system is gradually extinguishing, all the planets in the entire galaxy will be greeted with endless darkness.


It is worth mentioning that.

Although the "light source" disappeared, the basic power to maintain this dimensional space was not affected.

It's just that the pure white world around him turned into endless darkness almost in the blink of an eye.

And the only light is the spirit of existence.

The difference from before is that the light of this light source is no longer diffused, but turned into restrained.

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei even felt that the power in his body was being swallowed and absorbed by the light ball of the spirit of existence.

It was as if it was a special white black hole, frantically and greedily devouring and absorbing the power of the color lamp in Bai Xiaofei's body.


This is the ghost of the spirit of existence.

He knew that Bai Xiaofei's strength was too strong, so he wanted to use this method to weaken Bai Xiaofei's strength.

after all……

Whether it is the power of the seven lamps or the power of the half-step white lamp after fusion, they are all inseparable from the spirit of existence.

Even has a certain subordination relationship.

And judging from the fact that the spirit of existence can easily seize and absorb the power of the color lamp in Bai Xiaofei's body, this guy's power may still be on the master's side.

This made Bai Xiaofei very depressed and unhappy.


"I have finally cultivated the ultimate power of the seven lamps, and half a step of the power of the white lamp, you f*cking coward, want to steal it without doing anything?"

"Do you really think you can dream unscrupulously when it's dark?"

"Go away, Lao Tzu!"


Just a moment.

Bai Xiaofei felt that the power of the color lamp in his body was stolen, swallowed and absorbed about one-tenth of it by the spirit of existence.

He was furious.

next moment.


The power of darkness and death directly confronting the spirit of existence erupted from Bai Xiaofei's body.

The stealing behavior of the spirit of existence stopped abruptly, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

He yelled in horror: "The power of darkness and death!?"

"who are you?"

"Why do you have such a terrifying power of dark death on your body, and you are also compatible with the power of the seven lamps..."

"This is almost impossible!"


Listening to his voice and not being with him, he was obviously terrified.

When Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he just smiled coldly, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with the spirit of existence, after all, he had already said what he needed to say.

Since the other party has chosen to resist and attack, the only thing Bai Xiaofei can do now is to follow the other party's wishes and convince others with virtue!


Where the heart moves.

The ultimate power of darkness and death, in Bai Xiaofei's hands, immediately materialized into a knife and a sword.

follow closely……

The magic skill of the sword broke out in Bai Xiaofei's hands after a long absence.

"One knife is absolutely empty!"

"Hundred swords have no end!"

"A thousand knives are endless!"

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

"Sword Art Online!"


At that moment.

Bai Xiaofei is like a friar practicing sword hard, holding a sword embodied by the power of darkness and death, wrapped in infinite sword soul and sword intent, and launched all kinds of unimaginable things to the light ball where the spirit of existence resides. attack.

I have to say that the spirit of existence is still very awesome.

The protection it puts on the light sphere is very abnormal and powerful. Even if Bai Xiaofei used the targeted power of dark death, and also used a unique skill like Sword Art Online, he still couldn't break through its protection.


Can't even make the slightest crack in it.

Obviously, Bai Xiaofei's attainment of the power of darkness and death is far inferior to the spirit of existence, otherwise it would not be so inferior.

It's like a kindergarten kid, with an AK in his hand, it's impossible to beat an unarmed soldier king for a reason.

The so-called restraint depends not only on whether the attributes of each other are opposed or not, but also on the degree of attainment of both parties.

for example.

It is said that water can overcome fire, and generally speaking, it is almost like this.

But if the momentum of the fire is too high, and the level of the water is relatively low, then the effect is another matter.

Find out about the sauna.

the same way.

The current Bai Xiaofei is like this.

Although his dark power of death cannot be said to be low, it depends on who it is.

Perhaps to ordinary people, Bai Xiaofei's kind is considered awesome. But in front of the opposing ultimate giant, the Spirit of Existence, that might be at the level of a kindergarten kid.


Even with the addition of Bai Xiaofei's unique skill power, he still couldn't overcome the protection of the spirit of existence on the light sphere.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped attacking.

Because he knew that this was completely meaningless, and if he continued, it would be just a waste of time.

It may also be seen as a joke by the spirit of existence.

Instead of that, it's better for Ling to recruit him. Although this special space of the spirit of existence has sealed a huge part of Bai Xiaofei's power moves, some supernatural powers and secret techniques are not included.

Just like the Eye of Primordial Mist, the three-eyed pupil...

Etc., etc.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei has many methods.

The key is that Bai Xiaofei is not willing to use it, after all, there are some supernatural powers and secret methods, and there is a price to use them.

If you can't get your money back, you'll be at a loss.

Think twice.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei didn't use those expensive supernatural powers and secret techniques, but decided to use the spirit of existence to the end.

next moment.

He put away the power of dark death.

Then he slowly placed his palm on the light sphere that the spirit of existence resided in. Because it was not an attack, when he touched it, it did not cause any rebound.


Seeing this, the spirit of existence was a little dazed.

What's the situation?


But immediately after, he realized something was wrong.

At this moment, an unimaginable suction suddenly appeared on Bai Xiaofei's palm, like a black hole, and began to slowly absorb the protective power of the light ball.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's voice also sounded slowly: "Spirit of existence, don't think that you are the only one who can absorb other people's power, and Lao Tzu can do the same trick. Next, let's compare whether it is you who are awesome, or Lao Tzu's kung fu. Stronger!"

The voice did not fall.

The spirit of existence clearly felt that the suction force in Bai Xiaofei's hand was instantly strengthened several times.

A large amount of power, like a river whose embankment has burst, poured back into Bai Xiaofei's body madly.

It suddenly paled in horror.

not good!


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