The Storm God

Chapter 3904 Rain from the sky! (Please subscribe!)

The spirit of existence obviously didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei would also absorb his own power, and the speed was so terrifying.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the protective shield will be completely sucked dry and fall apart.

At that time.

I have no protection measures at all.


He absolutely does not allow this to happen.

Thus, the spirit of existence made a rare move, and for the first time in his life, he attacked directly on Bai Xiaofei's body.

But alas.

Although the power of the spirit of existence is powerful, it has a great flaw in its essence. It may be a good opponent against the black lamp.

But to deal with a boss like Bai Xiaofei...

Feel sorry!

It's just too far away.

The attack of the Spirit of Existence, thunderous and rainy, just caused waves of ripples on Bai Xiaofei's body.

Immediately afterwards, he was completely absorbed by Bai Xiaofei's Heaven Swallowing Demon Art.

after all.

The power of the spirit of existence has the same output as the power of the white lamp in Bai Xiaofei's body, which greatly reduces the difficulty of swallowing, absorbing and refining Bai Xiaofei.

To put it bluntly.

Its attack just now was not so much an attack as it was a gift from the enemy, which is more accurate.


"It's so cool, this power is indeed more pure and powerful than what I realized, but the amount is too small..."

"Spirit of Existence, don't be shy, come again!"

"It doesn't matter how hard it is!"


Bai Xiaofei cheered excitedly.

And the spirit of existence, seeing that his attack not only had no effect, but also benefited Bai Xiaofei, immediately became even angrier.

But helpless.


It can only use the most stupid way.

you suck me?


I still suck on you!

See who can suck who, I don't believe you can be better than me!

It also started to work hard, devouring and absorbing frantically, following Bai Xiaofei's hand touching the light ball, and then devouring and absorbing the power in Bai Xiaofei's body.

To be precise, it is the power of colored lights in Bai Xiaofei's body.

after all.

The spirit of existence has limited power.

It can only absorb the power of colored lamps, other powers, it's not that it doesn't want to absorb, but it's powerless at all.

One is that you can’t suck it in, and you can’t digest it even if you suck it hard. Instead of wasting that time and energy, it’s better to concentrate on absorbing the power of the color lamp.

To know.

This special dimensional space is equipped with the power of law laid down by the spirit of existence. When the power of the color lamp in Bai Xiaofei's body is missing to a certain extent, he will be squeezed out because of the loss of the support of the power of the white lamp.

By the time.

Even if Bai Xiaofei reabsorbed the power of other colored lamps from the outside world and recovered his own power of white lamps, he would never be able to find the spirit of existence.

Because at that time, it had already fled away and was no longer here.

It is no exaggeration to say that the abacus of the spirit of existence is really loud. But unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei is not a vegetarian.

Although the power of the white lamp in Bai Xiaofei's body is not as powerful as the pure existence of the spirit, but in terms of quantity, it is extremely huge.

after all……

These powers are all cultivated by Bai Xiaofei himself.

They originate from the power of the seven lamps, and the various emotions of the power of the seven lamps all come from Bai Xiaofei, as well as other things and fetters.

However, Bai Xiaofei has quite a lot of ties.

As a result, the emotional power that Bai Xiaofei can produce by himself is extremely terrifying and astonishing.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for him to create all the color lamp legions that are entirely his own.

Especially Bai Xiaofei himself is a super boss.

After cultivating the power of the seven lamps to the extreme and merging them into a half-step white lamp, Bai Xiaofei's strength has also been improved to a certain extent.

Even in this special dimensional space, the spirit of existence uses special rules to suppress and seal some of Bai Xiaofei's abilities, but it is definitely not something that it can easily bully.

in short.

Want to rely on absorbing the power of the color lamp in Bai Xiaofei's body, so that Bai Xiaofei will be excluded from the world because of the lack of power of the white lamp?

That's almost impossible.

Even if it is possible, it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

on the contrary.

The speed at which Bai Xiaofei refines and absorbs the power of the light sphere shield that devours the spirit of existence is still far faster than the spirit of existence.

I'm afraid that the opponent has already been sucked dry by Bai Xiaofei's protective cover before being pushed out by Bai Xiaofei, and completely exposed.

Some people may ask, the vitality of the spirit of existence is so terrifying, will it explode Bai Xiaofei?


Then you are thinking too much.

Don't forget, Bai Xiaofei has his own small world. Even if the power he devours and absorbs exceeds the limit he can bear, he can still transfer it to the small world for storage without anyone noticing, or directly use Lose.

To know.

Just in Bai Xiaofei's small world, the energy consumption on the deity's planet is an extremely terrifying astronomical figure.

This is not only because of the special civilization system of the deity planet, but also because Bai Xiaofei's deity is also in it, evolving and improving all the time...

The energy consumed during this period has gone to sea.

If there weren't good corpses and evil bodies doing all kinds of things outside to make extra money, and relying on the supply of the small world itself, sooner or later it would be empty.

Now that there is the Spirit of Existence, the almost unlimited energy giant, of course Bai Xiaofei would not be polite to him, and directly opened up "Eat!"

And the power swallowed and absorbed by him, except for a part of it is used to store, against the back-absorption of the spirit of existence.

Most of them were sent to the deity planet in the small world.


It was absorbed by Bai Xiaofei's real body.

Because these powers have an extremely obvious effect and help on the growth and evolution of the deity.

Just like the calcium, iron, zinc and other substances needed during the growth of a teenager, the power of the spirit of existence is definitely the concentrated essence of these substances, and it has an inestimable and huge effect on the evolution and growth of Bai Xiaofei himself.

Not only that.

People who cultivated in the Martial Arts Tower, Tongtian Tower, Trial Tower and other various cultivation and improvement departments and facilities of the deity planet also gained huge benefits more or less because of the sudden influx of these forces.

Like Wonder Woman.

Like Bai Lei and Arthur...

Another example...

Abin Sur, who is in the critical stage of breakthrough, seems to have suddenly opened up because of the influx of the power of the spirit of existence.

The bottleneck that had troubled Abin Sur for a long time and was unable to break through was like a thin layer of glass, which was easily shattered immediately.

And there are many, many similar examples!


Because of the different cultivation systems and qualifications, the benefits obtained by each person are more or less different.

Among the many beneficiaries, for no reason, Abin Sur is definitely the most significant and rapid one.

after all.

The power of the lantern ring he holds and cultivates originally originated from the light of creation, and now it is helped by the power of the spirit of existence.

Can you hurry up!

Although other people are not as obvious and fast as Abin Sur, they must not be underestimated, just like the seven lantern beasts that were born under the influence of the light of creation.

No one can say who is more powerful.

Because almost everyone has a different cultivation system, growth potential and aptitude, as well as comprehension, and the degree of fit...

These various factors also more or less affect the buff effect of the spirit of existence.

One thing that is certain is that Bai Xiaofei's unintentional move this time can be said to have greatly benefited all the creatures on the deity planet.

The power of the spirit of existence poured in like rain from the sky, and it was unknown how many seeds of the strong were bred. Some of them germinated earlier, such as Abin Sur, and some of them belonged to the type of thick accumulation...


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