The Storm God

Chapter 3905 Perfect body! (Please subscribe!)

that's all.

In the small world dimension space of the spirit of existence.

Bai Xiaofei devoured and absorbed each other, coming and going, not giving an inch, the degree of madness and intensity became more exaggerated than it appeared on the surface.

Often the spirit of existence has just sucked away a sliver of Bai Xiaofei's strength, and the latter will double the amount of power it swallows back, and then the spirit of existence will absorb it back again.

Like two entangled quanta, it will continue like this almost endlessly, at least it will not end in a short time.

after all……

Whether it is the spirit of existence or Bai Xiaofei.

The strength and vitality of both parties belong to the almost infinite type, the only difference is that the way and speed of their respective devouring and absorbing have certain heights and strengths.

The devouring and absorbing of the spirit of existence is fast, strong in suction, far more ferocious than Bai Xiaofei.


The disadvantages are also very obvious.

That is, the target is very specific, it can only absorb the power of the Lantern Ring in Bai Xiaofei's body, but cannot absorb other powers.

Interlaced like a mountain...

on the contrary.

Bai Xiaofei's Heaven Swallowing Demon Art is invincible in applicability, no matter what type of power, if you accept it as it is ordered, there is nothing you cannot "eat".

But the disadvantages are also very prominent.

Because of the lack of the key part of the corresponding power, even if Bai Xiaofei's absorption speed is not weak, it is very rare to be able to digest and absorb it and truly make it his own power.

in short.

It's just that the conversion rate is too low.

For example, Bai Xiaofei devoured and absorbed 10,000 points of the power of the white lamp from the spirit of existence, but he could actually refine and absorb it on the spot, turning it into his own power of the lamp ring, which may be less than one-tenth of it.

This is of course not because of the exercises, but because of Bai Xiaofei's comprehension of the power of the white lamp, which lacks the most critical part.

after all.

He is just a half-step white light now.

Fortunately, the power of color lamp in Bai Xiaofei's body is extremely huge, so even if the conversion rate is relatively low, it can still allow Bai Xiaofei to persist for a long time.

Not only that.

From a holistic and long-term perspective.

It's still Bai Xiaofei who is more popular, because those powers that have not been transformed are not just wasted in vain.

Instead, they were all transported by Bai Xiaofei to the deity planet in his own small world, allowing the deity and the creatures on the planet to enjoy it.

In contrast to the spirit of existence.

In addition to absorbing some not very pure white lamp power from Bai Xiaofei, making up for his own losses a little.

He didn't gain anything.


It may also be impossible to make ends meet.

Even if its power reserve is extremely terrifying and huge, almost unlimited, it cannot withstand Bai Xiaofei's ferocious devouring and absorbing.

In particular, the protective shield that the spirit of existence is attached to the light sphere is not very powerful. Under Bai Xiaofei's frantic devouring and absorption, it has gradually become unable to hold on.

This makes the spirit of existence very anxious and worried.

The function of the body light sphere is to protect the spirit of existence from outside harm and infection. Once the defense is broken, the spirit of existence will be completely exposed in front of Bai Xiaofei.

If this is the case, then it has no choice but to admit defeat and surrender besides fighting Bai Xiaofei to the end.


You say run away?

Don't tease big brother, except for this small world dimension, the outside is completely Bai Xiaofei's territory.

Where can it go?

It is even no exaggeration to say that if the spirit of existence goes out, it is death.

It's like a big fat sheep suddenly ran to the door of a tiger and a lion. Do you think the latter will eat it?

The spirit of existence can't even deal with Bai Xiaofei's evil body, so how can it be the opponent of Bai Xiaofei himself?

In front of the deity, the spirit of existence is a complete tonic, it's okay if you don't go out, once you show up...


As a result, everyone understands.

Don't say anything about the overall plan, those are all nonsense.

If there is really a great supplement that can make the deity grow and evolve quickly, Bai Xiaofei will definitely swallow it without hesitation.

after all.

Strength is king.

If the deity succeeds in evolutionary breakthrough, coupled with the evil body and the assistance of the good corpse, is it possible that he will not be able to deal with a Black Lantern Legion?

Are you kidding me?

Closer to home.

The spirit of being is no fool either.

After a period of stalemate with Bai Xiaofei, it found out bitterly that it seemed to have no choice at all.


The consequence is not necessarily that you win.

The ending will only be worse if he loses, even if he wins by luck, this guy named Bai Xiaofei may not have other means to continue to deal with him...

You can't please the left and right, so why not stick to it!

With that in mind.

It can't help but feel a little regretful.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have agreed to him back then, wouldn't I just use my own strength to deal with the Black Death Emperor.

Just give it to him.

after all……

Confronting the Black Death Emperor and stopping the other party's conspiracy is also my destined destiny. Although the person in front of me may not be the one I want to wait for, does it matter?

As long as the Black Death Emperor can be eliminated, it will be fine.

What are you doing like that?

this moment.

The spirit of existence resides in the light ball, and the white light is flickering. It is conceivable how intense its emotions and inner fluctuations are.

"what on earth do you want?"

It finally compromised and broke the silence first.

A smug smile appeared on Bai Xiaofei's face, and he grinned and said: "It's very simple, you have become the source of the power of the White Lantern, and I will use your power to deal with the Black Lantern Legion. You are free..."


These are superficially open words.

In fact, apart from this, Bai Xiaofei also has some small calculations of his own, such as taking this opportunity to study the essence of the power of the white lamp in depth, to see if he can penetrate the mystery of the light of creation...

Once Bai Xiaofei succeeds in penetrating the mysteries within, then the spirit of existence will become a dispensable existence for him.

Just like other lantern beasts.

so what?


Relying on my own strength, Lao Tzu can also reproduce the corresponding lantern ring and legion, what a troublesome lantern beast!


The same goes for white lights.

Even without the spirit of existence, Bai Xiaofei can still use his own power to create his own White Lantern Corps.

Even, Bai Xiaofei can create his own Black Lantern Legion, after all, he already has an army of immortal dead under his command.

At that time, it is undoubtedly the most suitable for Dragon Emperor Shi Huang to act as the leader of the Black Lantern Legion and command countless Black Lantern fighters.

The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the more excited he became.

And at this time.

After a brief silence, the spirit of existence finally spoke again: "Okay! Deal! I hope you keep your word..."

The words fell.

It actually slowly stopped absorbing power.

Similarly, Bai Xiaofei did not continue to devour the power of the spirit of existence, but with a smile on his face, quietly waiting for the authorization of the spirit of existence.

next moment.

A bright white light shot directly from the ball of light.

The target was clearly between Bai Xiaofei's eyebrows.


Bai Xiaofei didn't hide.

Letting that ray of light sink into his eyebrows, sea of ​​consciousness, and even his soul, he then felt that he seemed to have obtained some kind of special authority.

The most obvious feeling is that his half-step white lamp, because of this authority, has undergone earth-shaking qualitative changes in an instant.

that feeling...

It's like Cell, the biochemical warrior in Dragon Ball, who devoured No. 17 and No. 18 and completely turned into a perfect body.

Bai Xiaofei's white lamp power was finally completed at this moment.

at the same time.

With the completion of the advancement of the power of the white lamp, Bai Xiaofei's vitality has also increased exponentially...

Even the essence of life has advanced a little to a higher level.


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