The Storm God

Chapter 3906 The whole army attacks! (Please subscribe!)

outside world.

Star OA, Black Hand felt very satisfied looking at the seven newly created special ultimate black lamp demon destroyers in front of him.


Their power is second only to Black Hand.

The reason why these seven Destroyers have such strength is because of the gift of the Black Death Emperor, allowing them to obtain more support from the original power.


This is also related to their own quality.

And among these people, most of them are Dallol's former companions, such as the little demon, the fifth child, the man with a loud voice...

The reason why they were chosen as the body of the power of the Black Death Emperor is entirely because these people have a higher upper limit of potential.

after all.

They come from the space of reincarnation.

Although everyone's cultivation system is different, the future potential is extremely huge.

The reason why the old fifth and others were weak before was because they did not have enough resources to cultivate. Now that they have obtained the original power of the Black Death Emperor, it is natural that the tide will rise and all boats will rise.

In addition, their bodies are also integrated with the evolutionary genes of the Destroyer, which can be said to be like a tiger with wings added, and their strength is like a rocket, and they are quickly promoted.

Black Hand appointed these seven people as the seven generals of the Black Lantern Legion, responsible for commanding the seven Destroyer armies and the regular Black Lantern Legion fighter army under his command.


Black Hand felt that his strength had already been accumulated enough.

Even in the face of a boss like Bai Xiaofei, he has absolute confidence and can completely abuse the opponent.


He didn't hesitate.

Directly ordered to let all the Black Lantern Legion under his command come in and attack.

The target is not only the area ruled by Bai Xiaofei, but also plans to attack Darkseid's area ruled by Apocalypse at the same time.


As the current guardian of the Black Lantern Corps, Apa is very conscientious, especially after seeing the increasingly terrifying and powerful power of the Black Hand, some of the small thoughts in the past have completely disappeared.

Became an out-and-out diehard Black Lantern.

Not only that.

He used his technology and ability, as well as his unique political vision, to advise the mafia and worked out a series of attack plans.

And their first blow was the outermost ruling area of ​​Apocalypse, and it was still far away from the mechanical field of Dust Star.

This was done, of course, to prevent Tianqixing, or Bai Xiaofei's side, and to eliminate the interference of reinforcements in time.

It turns out.

Appa's combat command ability is quite good.

Apocalypse was stunned at the time.


This is not only because of strategic issues, but also because of the strength of the Black Lantern Corps, which is no longer what it used to be.

The outermost guards of Apocalypse are no match for the massive Black Lantern Legion.

Almost instantly killed.


There's no after that.

The entire star field was completely occupied by the Black Lantern Legion, turning it into a field of darkness and death.

at the same time.

It also added a lot of new fighters to the Black Lantern Legion, as well as a huge emotional power, making the Black Hand even stronger.

After Tian Qixing got the news, he immediately became nervous.

But the bitter thing is that at this time, their dark lord Darkseid is not here, and he also took away the high-end combat power he was looking at.

For example, Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

It's very bad.

Can't defend against it.

Planning is useless.

Ordinary people give away their heads when they go.

Without any choice.

Apocalypse could only send a distress message to Aya and Sinestro on the mechanical side, but they didn't know that at that time, they were also invaded by the Black Lantern Legion.


Compared to what happened to Apocalypse.

The situation of Aiya and others is relatively good. After all, their strength and core personnel are basically arranged in the mechanical field.

Therefore, the Black Lantern Legion shifted their targets to those lesser members of the alliance, obviously wanting to attack the enemy and save them.

To this.

Aiya and the others were also helpless.

After all, he is his ally, so he can't just ignore death, right?

Even if they knew it was the enemy's trick, they could only grit their teeth and go out to save people.


Wave after wave.

Soon, a large number of masters in the mechanical field were almost all dispersed.

It wasn't until this time that Aya and Sinestro realized that the Black Lantern Legion was trying to divide their combat forces and then defeat them one by one!


It was too late for them to realize.

When the two wanted to send a message to remind the rescued members in the past to be extremely careful, they found sadly that the communication seemed to be blocked.


Something must have happened over there.

Otherwise, why didn't Apocalypse receive any interference when it sent a message from Aya and others?

"Damn it!"

Sinestro was so angry that he punched the table, and the equipment on it almost collapsed. He roared: "This must be Apa's conspiracy, and only his insidious villain would do it!"


Aya nodded in agreement.

He said in his mouth: "But the key question now is, what should we do to break the situation? Apocalypse seems to have also been attacked by the Black Lantern Legion. Do you think this is a coincidence?"


Sinestro said with a serious face: "I believe that it is a deliberate position of the Black Lantern Corps. The purpose is to catch us by surprise, but the speed of the opponent's war is too fast, right?"


Aya was silent.

Because she knows very well that now is not the time to investigate the cause, but what to do to stop the invasion of the Black Lantern Legion.

It is only the outer area now, and it may take a while to reach the inner circle. They must prepare for defense in advance, otherwise they will be killed by the Black Lantern Legion for a surprise attack, which will be troublesome.

Although she didn't open her mouth, Aya's thinking and orders were proceeding invisible and fast.

And the entire mechanical field, also under Aya's control, quickly entered a state of combat readiness.

The first is the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, with full direct power, resolutely not letting go of any opportunity for the enemy to embed.


All planets in the mechanical field are completely blocked, real-name detection, patrolling, and sweeping. If a trace of dark death power is found, it will be destroyed at all costs.

at last……

It is to quickly transfer those scientific researchers who have no resistance and combat capabilities, so as not to be infected and assimilated by the black light, and increase the difficulty of confrontation by Aya and others.

And these people are mainly from the Kruga star.

after all.

Koruga isn't like Dust Star.

All members are mechanical life forms, and they have no fear of infection and assimilation by the Black Lantern Legion.

As the leader of Star Kruga, Sinestro's prestige is still very strong, and everyone will cooperate unconditionally with one order.

No matter what happens, no one can find any objections.

that's all.

After a busy day.

In the mechanical field, almost all hidden dangers have finally been resolved, and the remaining people are either mechanical life forms or the super powerful Lantern Man.

Even if the Black Lantern Legion really came in, if they wanted to infect and assimilate the people here, the difficulty would definitely be hell.

But in other respects, it's worse.


those alliance members.

Although Aya and others lost contact with the team they sent, they were able to receive messages from the victimized planet.

And these messages, without exception, are very tragic and horrible, and they are all purgatory-like scenarios.

Including planets in the area ruled by Apocalypse.

As for the very few, they have not yet been invaded by the Black Lantern Legion, but according to the analysis of this situation, it is estimated that it will be a matter of time.


Is there anyone who can stop the Black Lantern Corps.

With that in mind.

Aya and Sinestro couldn't help but immediately thought of Bai Xiaofei, and secretly said: "Mr. has been away for several days, and I don't know how the comprehension of the power of the white lamp is progressing?"


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