The Storm God

Chapter 3907 Create life! (Please subscribe!)

small world.

In a different dimension space.


Bai Xiaofei transformed into a dazzling and holy White Lantern Man, surging endless terrifying life force and powerful force, gushing out like a volcanic eruption, which cannot be stopped.

This is because Bai Xiaofei's full body power of the white lamp has just been obtained, and he has not fully and thoroughly mastered it, so it is inevitable that he will not be able to catch it.

Fortunately, apart from the spirit of existence, there are no other outsiders here, so there is no need to worry about affecting others.


The space world that lost its light and became chaotic and dark has regained its brightness because of this.

However, the world after restoration of light is very different from before. It is no longer pure white, but has become a richer and more colorful form.

There are mountains and water, flowers and trees...

It's like a real small world, except that there are no living things, the rest is almost everything.

that feeling.

It's like a painter who was suddenly regarded as a master painter on a blank sheet of paper, and the painting becomes like the Garden of Eden.

Magical and gorgeous.


Seeing this scene, the spirit of existence was stunned.


In addition to changing his world into a mess because of Bai Xiaofei, he is even more amazed at Bai Xiaofei's comprehension ability, terrifying potential, and this abnormal influence ability that can easily rewrite the rules of other people's small worlds.

"how did you do it?"

It couldn't help but asked in a daze.

Although the spirit of existence doesn't like changing scenes very much, the "painting" created by Bai Xiaofei makes it not very repulsive.


Also faintly like it.

This may be because it also contains inexplicable powers that can make it think deeply, and even evolve and become stronger.

In short.

The spirit of existence felt a glimmer of hope for promotion.

This is far better than staying in the ball of light all the time, passively waiting for detachment, it feels much better.


When Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he immediately smiled and said, "Why? Do you want to learn? Yes! I'll teach you..."


The spirit of existence obviously has never heard of Master Xing.

So it froze.

In its opinion, such a problem may involve some huge secrets, and it is generally not easy to speak to people.


Bai Xiaofei showed such indifference, which surprised and surprised it, as if what it just asked was a question of how much 1+1 equals.

Isn't this too random?


It's unbelievable.


Bai Xiaofei nodded affirmatively, and said: "I, Bai Xiaofei, always keep what I say. If you don't believe me, I'll pass on the relevant experience and insights to you..."

Finished speaking.

A radiant brilliance suddenly floated out from between Bai Xiaofei's eyebrows.

Then think of the spirit of existence and fly away.


The spirit of existence hesitated at first.

I was afraid that Bai Xiaofei would take this opportunity to hurt himself, but after thinking about it carefully, the other party had already obtained his authorization and part of his power, so there was no reason to hurt him at all.

So he let down his vigilance.

next moment.

That group of brilliance successfully entered the light sphere that the spirit of existence resided in, and was then swallowed and absorbed by it...

After a while.

The spirit of existence finally moved.

He said with emotion: "So that's the case, I can't think of the mystery, it's even simpler than I expected..."


Bai Xiaofei remained silent on the surface.

But he curled his lips in his heart and said: "Nonsense! The same experience and comprehension, it's also worth it. You are a creation-level boss, so you naturally feel easy and simple. As long as you learn the method, you can instantly comprehend and master it..."

"But if it's someone else, such as a master like Sinestro, that's another matter."

"After all, everything still depends on strength and realm..."


And this time.

After the spirit of existence learned the tricks and methods, it began to try to change some rules and ecological changes in the small world.

more even...

It even wants to use its infinite power to create living creatures.

That is to create a new life form.

But in the end it failed.


The spirit of existence was very puzzled by this: "What's going on? I obviously followed your experience and perception, why did it fail?"


Bai Xiaofei was sweating profusely.

I was completely speechless for this guy whose actual hands-on ability was almost at the top of MAX, and said bluntly: "Please! Is life so easy to create? You really think you are God!"

"What's the meaning?"

The spirit of existence obviously didn't understand what Bai Xiaofei meant.

Helpless, Bai Xiaofei could only continue to explain: "The emergence and birth of any thing is extremely difficult and arduous, especially the creation of life..."

"It's like making an invention. It may be an inconspicuous little thing. At the beginning of its creation, it will cost countless people's efforts, financial resources, material resources, etc..."

"However, if it is a copycat, it is not a matter of too many minutes. If you want to create life, do you have a blueprint in your mind?"


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's question, the spirit of existence subconsciously replied: "No, I just want to create some life to embellish this brand new small world, otherwise it would be too boring..."

Bai Xiaofei suddenly sweated profusely.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he asked with a wry smile: "Okay, then let me ask you again, do you have any subjective awareness and mentality before modifying certain rules and changes in this world?"


The spirit of existence was taken aback again.

After being silent for a few seconds, Wei Wei replied: "There should be some, I think it might be better, so I did it..."

"That's it!"

Bai Xiaofei reached the center of gravity, and said: "In the same way, if you want to create life, if you don't have a certain idea in your mind, how can you create it? Even if you don't plan to completely innovate, if you want to copy it, you must at least have a reference object, right? "

"Just as God created human beings according to some of his own characteristics, you can also add some existing life characteristics to the life you want to create, and create a second creation based on this..."

"If in the future, your ability is enough, you have your own understanding and life blueprint, and then you can make a complete original."

"However, there is one thing I want to remind you that any living body has its own will and thinking, and is not bound by the interference and influence of anyone's will. You created them, and they may be grateful to you, but it does not rule out some some special cases..."


"Some human beings want to study the origin of life and the power of God, and even replace it, and control the ability to create life and determine the fate of others..."

"Are you ready for these?"


Facing Bai Xiaofei's inquiry, the spirit of existence was completely stunned.

It simply wants to do these things, but it has never thought about the consequences of doing so.

Asked by Bai Xiaofei at this moment, the spirit of existence was stunned.


All living beings have a heart that advocates freedom.

If they knew that they were living in a small man-made world, how could they be content with it?

Some extreme people will definitely try their best to break through the restrictions by any means and rush outside to have a look.

What should I do then?


Or refuse?

The former will inevitably expose its own existence, which the spirit of existence does not want to see, and the latter will undoubtedly go against the living body created by itself...

Thinking of the conflicts and even fights that might occur during this period, the spirit of existence couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

very scary!

Forget it, or not to create life!

It's good to be alone, the outside world is full of chaos and tragedy, I don't want to make my world like that!


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