The Storm God

Chapter 3908 Create a white lamp! (Please subscribe!)


The spirit of existence did not make a sound.

Instead, he stopped what he was doing, obviously completely giving up his intention to create life.

after all……

It's not a very responsible new person.

On the contrary, the spirit of existence is still very selfish, relying on a selfish person to manage a large number of beings...


This in itself is a joke.

Before, the spirit of existence had never thought about similar issues at all, but now that Bai Xiaofei pointed it out, he completely lost the thought.


It starts changing the subject.

"What now?"

"You have become a white lamp, and you are far more powerful and terrifying than I imagined. What should I do next?"

"Go out with you to deal with the Black Death Emperor?"


This question is critical.

To be honest, the spirit of existence doesn't want to go out. Although Bai Xiaofei is very strong now, the Black Death Emperor is undoubtedly even more terrifying.

There is no absolute certainty of victory, and it always feels that its own small world is safer.

If possible, it really doesn't want to go out.

To this.

It doesn't have any pretense.

His tone of voice clearly expressed his attitude.

"Need not!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, obviously he had already guessed the mind of the spirit of existence, he said indifferently: "The Black Death Emperor may not come out yet, with my strength, I should be able to handle it for a while, so you just need to stay here Stay well and contribute your strength..."

"When it's really a last resort, I will come to you. I don't need to teach you what to do at that time, right?"


He looked at the spirit of existence seriously.

And the latter replied without any hesitation, "Understood! Combine the two into one and become the ultimate white lamp."

"rest assured!"

"I won't drop your chain when the time comes..."


After speaking.

A closed door suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The implication is that everything that needs to be said has been said, should you also leave? I will continue to sleep...

"Hehe..." Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, turned around and left without saying anything.

Although the time here is not long, the flow of time in the outside world is different from here.


Bai Xiaofei is still more worried about the external situation.

Otherwise, even if the spirit of existence drives him away, Bai Xiaofei won't leave easily, so why don't we talk about it with more wool.

How is it like now...

Bai Xiaofei himself became a white light.

In the future, if he wants other Lantern Heroes to be promoted to become White Lanterns, all efforts must be made by Bai Xiaofei himself.

Thinking about it, I feel a bit at a loss.


It doesn't mean that the spirit of existence doesn't pay at all.

In Bai Xiaofei's small world, it is equivalent to the total battery of the white light, providing Bai Xiaofei with follow-up energy supply and authority affirmation to a certain extent.

Like a hands-off shopkeeper.

Under normal circumstances, Bai Xiaofei basically has the final say. Only when encountering an invincible and powerful enemy, Bai Xiaofei will use the power of the spirit of existence to merge with it and become the ultimate white lamp.

But judging from the current situation, it is not necessary to do that in a short time, and Bai Xiaofei himself does not want to.


This fusion is special.

While Bai Xiaofei is borrowing the power of the spirit of existence, the other party will also know some of his own power mysteries, even memories.

Just ask.

Who is willing to do so?

If it is not a last resort, Bai Xiaofei will definitely not fuse with the spirit of existence, so let it quietly act as the main energy battery and it will be OK.

The rest of Bai Xiaofei will figure out a solution by himself.


dust star.

Bai Xiaofei had just appeared in the outside world with a powerful and terrifying spiritual power, and he keenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere of Sanddust Star.

The normally thriving and lively atmosphere has become very dull and depressing.

It can be seen almost everywhere that a large number of mechanical life forms are transporting various war supplies, even weapon materials.

It seemed like the rhythm of a war that was about to break out.

"what happened?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment: "Could it be that the Black Lantern Legion came over while I was dealing with the Spirit of Existence?"

next moment.

He directly locked the positions of Aya and Sinestro, then tore apart the space and teleported over.


In the combat command room.

Aya and Sinestro were discussing countermeasures, and suddenly felt keenly that the space in the command room was a little unstable.

When the two of them were made to look towards a certain place, a space crack channel and Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared almost at the same time.


The two were overjoyed immediately.

The haze in the eyes, such as cloudy and sunny, lit up instantly.


Seeing that Aya and Sinestro were fine, Bai Xiaofei felt a little nervous, and immediately relaxed a lot.

At least the current situation doesn't look so bad. Otherwise, these two generals would have gone to the battlefield long ago.

"Tell me what's going on!"

Bai Xiaofei was also not polite to the two of them, after he showed up, he sat directly on the main seat, straight to the point, and went straight to the point.

Aya nodded, without saying a word of nonsense, and began to report everything that happened recently to Bai Xiaofei.

Finally concluded: "The situation is like this now, the Black Lantern Legion is powerful, not only the Apocalypse has suffered, but the alliance forces under our command have also suffered great invasion and losses..."

"Because of the protection of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, our mechanical field has not been too strongly invaded by the Black Lantern Legion, but I think this is deliberately done by the other party..."

"After all, the current Black Lantern Legion is no longer what it used to be..."


While reporting.

Aiya also played some data clips to Bai Xiaofei.

The above clearly shows how terrifying the Black Lantern Legion is now, and ordinary Black Lantern fighters are nothing more than the key is those black-robed masters...

One by one is comparable to the top-level powerhouse masters of the major forces.

It's outrageous!


Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning when he saw it, and thought to himself: "My good fellow, have all these black robes eaten up gold? They've become so fierce!"


He asked about the situation of Apocalypse.

Sinestro replied: "The situation over there is worse than ours, because at the critical moment, Darkseid didn't know how to do it, and he left Apocalypse with a large number of experts..."


Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he heard it.

Take someone away?


What did they do? With Darkseid's ability, he shouldn't make such a stupid mistake...

Is there another conspiracy?

a moment.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know why, but suddenly remembered the Wall of Origin. Then he asked Sinestro: "Then are they back now?"

"not yet!"

Sinestro shook his head and said, "Just now, the high-level leaders of Apocalypse sent us a message for help..."


Bai Xiaofei was even more surprised immediately.

I was delayed because of the matter of taming the spirit of existence, why did Darkseid take people away?

Even more mysterious than me.


I have to find a way to understand this matter, otherwise I will not feel at ease. Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei immediately told Aiya: "Reply to Apocalypse now, saying that we will send people over to support immediately, and let them prepare for internal and external cooperation!"


Aya went to work.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes fell on Sinestro, squinting his eyes and said: "Sinestro, I think your strength has reached a bottleneck, why don't you take advantage of this to make a breakthrough..."

The voice did not fall.


A ball of bright holy white light suddenly flew out from Bai Xiaofei's fingers, and quickly sank into the stupefied Sinestro's body.

"This is……?!"

Sinestro's eyes widened suddenly, full of surprise. At the same time, the emotional power in his body was rapidly transforming, and in just a few seconds, he completely transformed into a brand new White Lantern Man.


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